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From: Samuel Tardieu <>
Subject: Re: Release of GNADE 1.5.2
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 09:16:40 +0100
Date: 2004-03-17T09:16:40+01:00	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: c38pk5$4v6$

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Erdmann <> writes:

Michael> Dear all the GNU Ada Database Development Environment Version
Michael> 15.2. is now available for download at


Michael> This release contains mainly error corrections. Pls. refere
Michael> to the attached release note.

Here is the release note in plain text:

                 GNat Ada 95 Database Environment - (GNADE)
                               Version 1.5.2
                              Editor M.Erdmann

    The objective of the [1]GNADE project is to provide various packages
   which are allowing Ada 95 applications to access relational data base
                        procducts, mainly SQL RDBMS.


   [3]Legal Stuff
   [8]New Features
   [9]Supported ODBC / Database Products
   [10]Supported native bindings
   [11]Supported Platforms & Compilers
   [12]Other components
   [14]Fixed Problems
   [15]Known Problems
   [18]Installation on linux
   [19]Installation on Windows


   This release provides the first time a common build procedure for
   windows and *unix systems. Additionaly the use of the GPS system of has been taken into account, which means for each component a
   gps project files has been created.

   Features of the Release:
     * An extensive thin Ada 95 binding to the ODBC interfaces.
     * ISO/92 compliant embedded SQL translator which is able to process
       Ada 95 packages and files containing only one procedure. The
       translator creates Ada 95 source files working on top the of the
       ODBC interface.
     * Installation support for some commonly known data base products
       (see below).
     * Documentation in HTML, Postscript and PDF format.
     * Native Ada 95 bindings for MySQL, PostgreSQL and the Oracle call
     * GNU specific include clause which allows to access the ODBC
       handles via embedded SQL. This allows to mix embedded SQL and low
       level ODBC programing in a single source (see chapter in
     * DECLARE TABLE construct may be used to generate parts of the
       schema files (-schema option).
     * Support of embedded SQL based on the ISO/92 standard.
     * Support of MySQL with MS ODBC Drivers on Windows 95
     * Unicode support on the ODBC interface.
     * The connection clause has been extended by the ON clause in order
       to intercept typical connection errors and to define a reaction on
       ESQL level as shown below: CONNECT [ ON
     * A new GNADE implemenation defined data types as VARCHAR and
       VARBINARY. For details please refere to the documentation and the
       example attachment.gpq in samples/esql.
     * The esql translator contains a small scale variable substituation
       which makes gnatprep not nessesary for simple substitution jobs.
     * The experimental Ada Database Connectivity (ADBC) - API. The idea
       of this interface is to provide a binding which makes application
       relativly independant of the unterlying data base. The interface
       is highly experimental (refer to
     * A set of command line tools including import/export tools (see
     * Experimental SQLite Bindings

   This release of the GNADE project is intended for building with GNAT
   (the GNU Ada compiler) on the platforms Linux, Solaris and Windows

                                  Legal Stuff

License and Copyright

   The [21]GNU Public License (GPL) applies with the following extension
   to all components of this release

     As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
     GNADE Ada units, or you link GNADE Ada units or libraries with
     other files to produce an executable, these units or libraries do
     not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the
     GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
     invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
     covered by the GNU Public License.

   The documentation has been put under the Free GNU Documentation


   The authors and copyright holders of the GNADE project are:

   Jürgen Pfeifer 
   Michael Erdmann
   Sune Falck   
   Julio Cano    
   Dimitry Anisimikov     
   François Fabien    
   Stephen Leake   
   Denis Chalon   
   Bon Lam  


   Special regards to the following persons which have contributed to the

   Pascal Obry
   James Hopper
   Vasile V. Alaiba
   Andreas Almroth


   Bug Reports [22] M.Erdmann
   GNADE Discussions
   Project Page [24]
   [25] M.Erdmann
   Dev. Coordination Michael Erdmann

                                 New Features


   Feature Req,      Short Description       Version        Status
   540161       Exception in statements      1.3     complete
   552327       Support of gnat 3.14         1.3.3   complete
   563921       Explicit Database Connection 1.3.4b  complete
   590779       Preprocessor invokation      1.3.7   complete
   591707       pkg-config support           1.3.7a  complete (see Notes)
   688243       Support of OS/X              1.4.2   complete

   Note 1- If okg-config is found on a system, the systemwide
   installation script will install the package descriptor in the path
   which is given in the file etc/

   site_pkgconfig_path=<your path>

   If nothing is given /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig is assumed.

                     Supported ODBC and Database Products

   Even the GNADE project except for the native data base bindings is
   expected to work with all ODBC compliant data base products. The
   following products are known to work with GNADE assuming, that you are
   using the correct driver manager.

   Component Description Version OS Distribution/Source of the release
   PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Database 7.0.3
   7.2 Linux - Redhat 7.0
   Linux - SuSe 7.0 Solaris
   Linux - Debian 2.2, 3.0
   Windows NT/2000
   Mimer Mimer SQL RDBMS 8.2(.4G) Solaris Linux Windows NT
   Linux Windows XP
   MySQL MySQL Database MyODBC 3.23.22
   2.50.36-1 Linux
   2.50.36 Windows 2000
   3.51.02 Windows 98
   MS SQL Server 7.0 Windows 2000 Microsoft
   SQL Server 2000 Windows 2000 Microsoft
   Oracle Lite 8i Windows 95 Oracle
   SQLite SQLite emb. Database 2.8.2-1 Linux

   The GNADE project installation procedure provides for theses product
   test data bases. If your data base is not listed below, the GNADE
   project will be very likely usable but the test data base has to be
   installed manually.

   The following Driver Managerare known to work with this and/or
   previous releases:

   Component     Description     Version Operating System     Comments
   unixODBC  ODBC Driver Manager 2.2.3   Linux  
                                 2.0.5   Solaris 8
                                 2.1.1-7 Linux Debian
   MS ODBC   ODBC Driver Manager 3.5.10  Windows 95, 98   Microsoft

   The iODBC 3.04 implementation on Solaris seems to have a problem with
   the handling of cursor states. It should not be used.

                           Supported native bindings


          Database Product     Version            Comments
          PostgreSQL       7.03             Thin binding
          MySQL            4                Thick binding
          Oracle OCI       8i lite          Oracle Call Interface
          SQLite           2.8.2 and higher

                               Other Components

   Beside of the ODBC and the native bindings, the project provides add
   on components as:
     * ADBC- Ada Database Connectivitiy
     * Contributed tools


   The ADBC interface is a highly experimental package which works on top
   of PostgreSQL and MySQL. Since the interface is completly unstable it
   is not recommentded to use this interface in application at the
   current point in time. Since the interest in the Ada community was
   quite low it is questionable whether the development of this interface
   will be continued.

   Contributed Tools

   Tools are not part of this release. Constributed code is released as
   separate packages since they do not depend on a certain version of the
   GNADE environment.
     * gsql - A SQL client

                        Supported Platforms / Compilers

     Compiler Version                Operating Systems
     GNAT     3.13p   Linux, Windows
     GNAT     3.14p   Linux (Debian, Redhat, SuSe), Solaris 8, Windows
     GNAT     3.15p  
     GNAT     3.15a   Win98


   This section contain an overview of known, fixed problems and
   restrictions (limitations). Please report all errors via the error
   report system at the source forge project page.

Fixed Problems

   Problems reported earlier then 1.2.0 are listed in the release note


   Bug Ref. Fixed in Short Description Comments
   477766 1.2.0 longblob not correctly handled gnu-db-mysql.adb,
   538349 1.3.1 SELECT sum(valeur) incorrect translated esql_parser.adb
   533949 1.3.1 Firsttime installation with MimerSQL failes
   538350 1.3.1 Null value not handled correctly esql_parser.adb
   540160 1.3.1 Wrong cursor state in case of failed que
   540163 1.3.1 Debug granularity esql_parser.adb
   543343 1.3.2 Case sensitve cursors esql_parser.adb
   552325 1.3.3 configure fails on Solaris 2.8,
   553343 1.3.3 odbc demo raises Need_Data exception demo.gpq
   554383 1.3.3 odbc demo does not return any value odbc bindings
   554929 1.3.3 esql moves 'pragma Source_Reference' esql-translator
   557135 1.3.4 make install fails (invalid option -C) A resoable
   desfault will be assumed.
   555169 1.3.4 segmentation fault in SQLSetEnvAttr odbc bindings updated
   562994 1.3.4 Gigi Error with Solaris 8 odbc bindings changes
   562998 1.3.4 Assert & Debug are not passed to ODBC, changed
   563257 1.3.4a ODBC bindings does not compile on Win 98
   563259 1.3.4a ODBC shared lib always build makefile updated
   563332 1.3.4a gesql insert useless spaces in query esql_parser updated
   563769 1.3.4b Subpackages are not evaluated correctly esql_parser
   565952 1.3.5 Domain Qualification not handled esql_parser updated
   565951 1.3.5 SQL Strings are not handled correctly esql_parser updated
   566413 1.3.5a static libraries not build for adbc Makefile modified
   566414 1.3.5a Useless printouts in gesql esql_parser updated
   566429 1.3.5a esql & debugcode not compilable any more esql_parser
   568396 1.3.6a config.gpq missing MANIFEST updated
   567600 1.3.6a gesql translator includes odbc bindings esql_parser
   567553 1.3.6a FeeBSD build chmod failes makefiles
   566635 1.3.6a FreeBSD Makefile Problems (1.3.5a) Makefiles
   585539 1.3.7 mysql and prosgresql does not link Makefiles
   590569 1.3.7 Default cursor does not work esql_parser.adb,
   597264 1.3.7a postgreSQL sdk not installed but native Makefiles,, ..
   602598 1.3.7a makeliv.ali should be removed from distr,
   609204 1.3.7b debian: install failes
   612521 1.3.7d pkg-config contains unbuild natives makefiles,
   640172 1.4.1 odbc example failes to link makefile,
   640171 1.4.1 make clean failes in mysql sample makefiles
   637947 1.4.1 sql_standard package missing rpm spec.
   637949 1.4.1 SuSe 8.1 installation failes Makefile(s)
   637951 1.4.1 rpm build failes on SuSe 8.1 Makefile
   637952 1.4.1 Sample database with MimerSQL 8.2.4G mimer.sql
   659298 1.4.1 rpm does not contain the *.o and *.ali gnade.spec,
   659301 1.4.1 rpm samples are not compilable gnade-config, Makefile
   659418 1.4.1 standalone example does not work gnade-config, Makefile
   700087 1.4.2 odbc example failes with mimer dynamic.gpq
   700088 1.4.2 unixODBC is not preferenced
   724091 1.4.3 Memory leak in MySQL bindings mysql bindings
   730626 1.4.3 Cursros not correctly closed esql_support
   733462 1.4.3 Close cursor failes in case of insert esql_support
   758450 1.4.3a rpm not build MANIFEST file
   758452 1.4.3a postgres samples not compilable Makeifle of psotgres
   758462 1.4.3a rpm failes if oracle bindings are included ./configure
   805896 1.5.0 gnade config creates useless -l gnade-config
   813238 1.5.0 odbc.ini and odbcinist.ini nor correctly placed Makefile
   813239 1.5.0 make of the adbc sample failes Makefile
   813243 1.5.0 snadalone example does not compile Makefile
   813615 1.5.0 sqlite sample does not compile correctly Makefile
   813617 1.5.0 distribution build for sqlite does not work MANIFEST
   805896 1.5.1 gnade config creates useless -l configure
   813238 1.5.1 odbc.ini and odbcinist.ini nor correctly placed install
   813239 1.5.1 make of the adbc sample failes Makefile
   813243 1.5.1 snadalone example does not compile Makefile
   813615 1.5.1 sqlite sample does not compile correctly Makefile
   813617 1.5.1 distribution build for sqlite does not work MANIFEST
   865741 1.5.1 Useless debug inserted esql_parser
   865742 1.5.1 Excpetion message not shown esql_parser
   917392 1.5.2 Version switch for gnade-config does not work
   917382 1.5.2 gnade-config in rpm provides wrong path gnade-config
   916707 1.5.2 Architecture code wring on windows platform Makefile
   916689 1.5.2 win32 was missing in windows installer gnade.iss
   914050 1.5.2 MySQL package does not compile Makefile

                                Known Problems

   Bug Ref. Short Description Comments
   411141 Missing ";" for "EXEC SQL DECLARE DB01 D" This problem may be
   bypassed by putting a semicolon in the source code.


     * The package names of the OCI binding are not yet lined up with the
       GNADE package hirarchy. The build process currently creates no
       test client automatically since the build scripts are only
       available for windows
     * The VARBINARY data type has only been tested with Mimer SQL.
     * The configuration procedure for Solaris has not been tested
       completely. If it fails please use the Makefiles in the directory
       ./win32. These files are known to build a working installation
       under Solaris.
     * The Object Ada Compiler is known to fail compiling the ODBC
       bindings because of insufficient compliance to the Ada 95 RM.
     * The compilation of the ODBC bindings is known to fail on a Sun
       SPARC using GNAT 3.13p (ACT tracking number [8925-002] Gigi abort
       code 411 on SPARC architectures). This has been fixed mean while
       but all tests have been done with GNAT 3.14p.
     * The Option -compiler has been added to allow the support of
       specific of different Ada 95 compilers which has currently no
     * Unicode support is only available begining with UnixODBC version
       2.0. The Uncode support does depend on GNAT specific packages
     * Oracle 8i requires the declaration of string hostvariable to be 1
       character larger then the domain size, e.g. assuming the size of
       the domain Ename from the example simple to be 20, the host
       variables have to be defined as:
Ename     :   Char (1..21);
Dept_Name :   Char (1..21);
Location  :   Char (1..21);
     * The automatic installation is not supported in case of Oracle 8i
       but the installation script is located under samples.
     * The windows setup does not provide any documentation yet.
     * The windows setup contains the sample files for all native
       bindings but the selection of the applicable samples and the
       installation of the data base needs to be done manually.


   The GNADE code and the documentation is distributed in the following

   File Contents
   gnade-src-X.Y.Z.tar.gz Complete GNADE source code distribution GNU
   compressed tar file Complete GNADE source code distribution as ZIP
   gnade-X.Y.Z-xx.src.rpm Source rpm used to build the binary packages
   gnade-X.Y.Z-xx.i686.rpm Linux binaries and executables in RPM format.
   setup.exe Setup for Windows with executables and source code.

   The installation of this software requires the following components:

    Component   Version                       Origin
    gzip      1.2.4        GNU
    unzip     5.42         Infozip
    zip       2.2          Infozip
    tar       -            GNU or native
    autoconf  2.52         GNU
    gmake     3.79.1       GNU
    gnat      3.14p, 3.13p ACT distribution (
    gawk      3.0.3        GNU
    rpm           (only if rpm is to be installed)
    innosetup (windows)

                          Installation on Linux/Unix

Unpacking and Configuration

$ gunzip -c gnade-src-<version>.tar.gz | tar xvf -
$ cd gnade-src-<version>
$ ./configure [ --sampledb=<rdbms> [ native(s) ]

   This allows you to specify for which RDBMS product you wish to create
   a sample data bases and for which RDBMS products you wish to build
   native bindings. If nothing is given only the ODBC based parts will be

   The following RDBMS prducts are supported.
     * mimer - MimerSQL
     * postgres - PostgreSQL
     * mysql - MySQL
     * oracle - Oracle 8i lite

   If the value is omitted because your data base product is not listed,,
   all subsequent steps regarding the data base installation may be
   skipped and you have to install the test database manually.

Installation of the Database

   Depending on the installation of the data base you have specified in
   the configure script command, you have to execute the following step
   either by using a DBA account our you may use your own user account
$ su ..dba..
$ gmake createuser

   After the database and the database user has been configured, the ODBC
   interface has to be configured. The directory ./samples/sample_db
   contains sample files for the unixODBC driver manager. The files
   odbc.ini.sample odbcinst.ini.sample have to be copied to /etc/odbc.ini
   and /etc/odbcinst.ini.sample.

Compiling an testing

   After the creation of the data base user, the final build may be done
$ gmake

   Test code is located in the directory ./samples. In order to test the
   functionality of the ODBC interface use the examples in ./odbc or

Systemwide Installation

   In order to install the build products on your system login as root
   and execute the following command in the installation directory of
   this package:
make install

   The makefile will run a script which installs all components on your
   system that they are available to other users as well. The target
   directories are specified in the etc/site.config file.

   In case of upgrading from 1.4.1 to a higer version please perform the
   following steps prio to the installation of the package:

   cd /usr/lib ; rm libgnade*

   cd /usr/bin; rm gesql gnade-config

   cd /usr/lib/ada; rm -rf gnade

   or if you have installed the rpm package, simply run:

   rpm -e <gnade-package>

   Include the new location of the GNADE environment both in the PATH
   variable and in the loader configuration:

   In /etc/profile.local add

   PATH=$PATH/usr/local/gnade/bin ; export PATH

   In/etc/ the line /usr/local/gnade/lib and execute

   ldconfig -v

Installation of the RPM packages

   The installation of the executable package done by executing the
   following command:

   rpm -ivh gnade-1.4.0-4.i686.rpm.

   This will install the production results at the following places in
   the filesystem:

   libraries - /usr/lib/libgnade*
   documentation - /usr/share/doc/gnade-1.4.0
   binaries - /usr/bin

   Since this is the first rpm release no deinstallation has to be done.

Contrib Tool Installation

   The GNADE project provides tools which are add on packages to the
   GNADE source packages. The following tools are installable with this
     * GSQL Version 0.7 or greater

   For the installation please follow the procedure below after you have
   installed the GNADE source release.
     * change into the contrib directory
     * gunzip -c file.tar.gz | tar xvf -
     * Add the previously created directory to the file packages in the
       contrib directory
     * make

   In order to install the tool run as root in the installation directory
   of GNADE the command:
make install

   Since the installation procedure installs also the GNADE release
   ensure that the current status is usable for systemwide installation.

If it does not work

   If this installation procedure fails you may use the Makefile in the
   directory ./win32. This will require some manual adoptions but it is a
   starting point.

   In any case if you encounter a problem please contact the GNADE team

                            Installation on Windows

   Download the setup.exe of Version 1.5.2 into any directory and exetute
   it. Per default the GNADE will be installed on C:\GNADE. After
   installing you need to add the binary directory to the PATH variable
   of you system.

   The installation provides the following components:

   Software Development Kit

   The SDK contains all libraries and package files in order to develop
   odbc based applications by writing Ada 95 code using odbc or by means
   of the embedded SQL preprocessor gesql.

   ODBC Database tools

   This is a set of tools which should work with any RDBMS product
   providing an ODBC interface. It allowes to export/import tables and to
   execute queries.

   GNADE source code
   This is the source code of the GNADE distributtion. In order to
          recompile GNADE change into the directory c:\gnade\source and
          execute the configure.bat command. Afterwards simply exectue

   In difference to the Linux implementation all native bindings are
   build and no automatic database setup is done. In order to build the
   samples figure out which database products are available and install
   the apropriate samples from source/samples. In order to do so you need
   to modify the following configuration variable in make.conf.win32 by
   removing the not applicable products.

   NATIVE_BINDINGS=odbc mysql sqlite postgres oci

   After you have changed this files you need to run the configure.bat

$Id note_1.5.1.html,v 1.3 2004/03/09 12:59:17 merdmann Exp $


   2. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Overview
   3. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Legal
   4. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#License
   5. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Authors
   6. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Contributi
   7. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Contact
   8. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Features
   9. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Supported
  10. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Supported1
  11. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Supported2
  12. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Other
  13. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Problems
  14. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Fixed
  15. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Known
  16. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Restrictio
  17. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Installati
  18. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#nstallatio
  19. file://localhost/usr/home/sam/note_1.5.2.html#Installati1

Samuel Tardieu -- --

       reply	other threads:[~2004-03-17  8:16 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 10+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
     [not found] <c38pk5$4v6$>
2004-03-17  8:16 ` Samuel Tardieu [this message]
2004-03-17 15:56   ` Release of GNADE 1.5.2 Martin Dowie
2004-03-18 20:26     ` Michael Erdmann
2004-03-18 23:24       ` Ludovic Brenta
2004-03-19 12:37         ` GNU Ada Database Environment
2004-03-19 12:57           ` Ludovic Brenta
2004-03-19 13:28           ` Stephen Leake
2004-03-19 15:21             ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-03-20 19:05               ` GNU Ada Database Environment
2004-03-22 19:02                 ` Georg Bauhaus
replies disabled

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