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* Re: Need B-Tree Source.....
       [not found] ` <>
@ 1998-04-04  0:00   ` Michael F Brenner
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From: Michael F Brenner @ 1998-04-04  0:00 UTC (permalink / raw)

-- Yes, skip lists are good (sometimes faster, always easier to debug, 
-- sometimes better dynamic characteristics like this one for 
-- realtime use where there is no dynamic allocation).

-- Here is a sample skip list code with a test main program. Just
-- compile the following and link TTSKIP. Or with gnat, 
-- gnatchop the following and then gnatmake ttskip.


package fixed_string_control is
  pragma pure (fixed_string_control);

-- Fixed String control

-- The fixed_strings objects are allocated to a given fixed length and
-- track their length (within the allocation) thereafter.
-- They are sometimes (in the case of multiple copies of different
-- lengths) more efficient than ordinary_strings because allocation and
-- deallocation do not occur after initial creation.

-- The down side of fixed_strings is that someday you may get
-- a string that is longer than your chosen fixed length, and
-- then everything must be recompiled to get a new length for
-- strings. And everything will then take up the extra storage.

-- The fixed_strings objects are allocated to a given fixed length and
-- track their length (within the allocation) thereafter.
-- They are sometimes (in the case of multiple copies of different
-- lengths) more efficient than ordinary_strings
-- because allocation and deallocation do not
-- occur after initial creation. For example, instantiating
-- a linked_list generic with an access_strings type not only ran
-- out of storage, but also took more than 50% longer; while
-- changing to fixed_strings did not run out of storage.

-- The down side of fixed_strings is that someday you may get
-- a string that is longer than your chosen fixed length, and
-- then everything must be recompiled to get a new length for
-- strings. And everything will then take up the extra storage.

-- The maximum LENGTH of a fixed_string is determined forever, until
-- the next recompile of the whole world (cold start). The first
-- implementation of this package used 252, which is the largest
-- line editable by Turbo Pascal 3.0.

  subtype fixed_string_strings is string (1..255);

-- Fixed strings are stored as arrays of
-- fixed_string_strings'LENGTH characters in memory.

-- Each fixed_string is stored (in LIST, below in the
-- PRIVATE section) as a character string of the
-- maximum possible length, along with its current length (in LENGTH).
-- The component LENGTH varies from 0 to the maximum length as different
-- strings are stored into the fixed_string using the COPY procedure.

  type fixed_strings is private;
  null_fixed_string: constant fixed_strings;

-- The null fixed_string is a fixed_string of maximum length whose
-- length is set to 0. It compares (using "<" below) less than all other
-- fixed_strings.

-- The high fixed_string is a fixed_string of maximum length whose
-- LENGTH component is set to the maximum length, and each character
-- is filled with the highest character in the alphabet.

  high_fixed_string: constant fixed_strings;

-- The concatenation of fixed_strings works like ordinary_strings except it
-- returns a STRING instead of a fixed_string, and it fails when
-- the LENGTH is too long. On the other hand, concatenation of
-- ordinary_strings works until storage runs out.

  function "&" (left: fixed_strings; right: fixed_strings) return string;
  function "&" (left: string;        right: fixed_strings) return string;
  function "&" (left: fixed_strings; right: string)        return string;

-- The fixed_string comparison method uses the character position
-- in the ASCII~ alphabet as
-- the collating sequence in strings of the same length. When strings
-- are of differing length, and they agree up the minimum of their lengths,
-- then the shorter string is considered less than the longer string.

  function "<" (left, right: fixed_strings) return boolean;
  function ">" (left, right: fixed_strings) return boolean;

-- The COPY method is used to store ordinary_strings or
-- fixed_strings into a fixed_string.

  procedure copy (source: fixed_strings; target: in out fixed_strings);
  procedure copy (source: string; target: in out fixed_strings);

-- The concatenation method is used to append a string onto the end
-- of a fixed_string.

  procedure concat(onto:    in out fixed_strings; appendage: string);

-- The element method returns a column of a fixed_string just like
-- array references get columns from ordinary_strings.

  function element (message: fixed_strings;
                    col: natural) return character;

-- The IMAGE method returns the string image of a fixed_string.

  function image (message: fixed_strings) return string;

-- The in_place_lower_case function converts
-- alphabetic character from upper to lower
-- case, ignoring all other characters. It is done in place on a fixed_string.

  procedure in_place_lower_case (message: in out fixed_strings);

-- The in_place_truncate method is a procedure instead of a function,
-- for efficiency.
-- Therefore, it is not compatible with functional call in other packages.

  procedure in_place_truncate (message: in out fixed_strings;
                               ch: character := ' ');

-- The in_place_upper_case function converts
-- alphabetic character from lower to upper
-- case, ignoring all other characters. It is done in place on a fixed_string.

  procedure in_place_upper_case (message: in out fixed_strings);

-- The LENGTH method returns the length of the fixed_string.

  function length (message: fixed_strings) return natural;

-- The SAME method is the equality operator for fixed_strings. To
-- be equal, the two strings must be of the same length, and agree
-- for each of their characters.

  function same   (left, right: fixed_strings) return boolean;
  function same   (left: fixed_strings; right: string) return boolean;

-- The set_element method sets a character in a single column
-- of a fixed_string like array references do for character
-- strings.

  procedure set_element (message: in out fixed_strings;
                         col: natural;
                         value:  character);

-- The set_length method truncates a string to a given length or else
-- extends its current length with blanks.

  procedure set_length (message: in out fixed_strings; new_length: natural);

-- The fixed_string method converts an ordinary_string into a fixed_string.

  function fixed_string (message: string) return fixed_strings;

-- The SLICE method emulates array slices for fixed_strings. The
-- SUBSTR method is similar, but based on length instead of final column.
-- The two-argument SUBSTR gets all characters on or after the given column.
-- All of these permit the START argument to take on a value equal to the
-- length of the fixed_string plus 1, returning the null ordinary_string.

  function slice  (message: fixed_strings;
                   start, finish: natural) return string;
  function substr (message: fixed_strings;
                   start, length: natural) return string;
  function substr (message: fixed_strings;
                   start: natural) return string;
  type fixed_strings is record
    length: integer := -1;
    list:   fixed_string_strings;
  end record;

  null_fixed_string: constant fixed_strings := (0, (others => ' '));
  high_fixed_string: constant fixed_strings :=
                       (fixed_string_strings'last, (others => character'last));
end fixed_string_control;                                             
package rand is
  pragma pure (rand); -- Pure: same seed gives same number

  -- RAND:
  -- Purpose:
  --   Spins a random dice with anywhere from1 to 16384 sides.
  --   For example, to spin an 8-sided dice, do this:
       --     eight_sided_seed: seeds;
       --     random_number: rand.exacts;
       --     spin (eight_sided_seed, 8, random_number);
  --   Now the variable random contains a number in the range 1..8.
  -- Architecture:
  --   ADT (Abstract Data Type)
  --   SIS (Semantically Independent Specification)
  -- Notes: Other random number algorithms use floating point arithmetic,
  --        multiply operators, or return numbers in the range 0.0 .. 1.0.
  --        This one does not.

  type seeds is limited private;
  type exacts is range 0..32767;
  for exacts'size use 16;

  procedure spin (seed: in out seeds;
                  sides: exacts;
                  random_number: out exacts);
  type seed_lists is array (exacts range 0..55) of exacts;
  type seeds is record
    fibonnacci_father: exacts := 24;
    fibonnacci_mother: exacts := 55;
    seed_list: seed_lists :=
     (13, 16691,  7, 2113,    11, 5419,    2, 673, 1, 13857,
      43, 15317,  5,  229, 14311, 1321, 2833, 337, 19, 4649,
       3,   331, 31,  683,  9719, 2089,  257, 109, 17, 1613,
      41,  1801, 29,  241,  4093, 9091,  101, 271, 23, 2351,
      73,   953, 47,  113,  8779, 9901,  137, 449, 37, 4513,
      97,  2731, 59,  431,  3541, 1409);
  end record;
end rand;
with rand;
  type keys is limited private;   -- Each node has a key and a value.
  first_key: in out keys;         -- Lowest key according to <.
  last_key:  in out keys;         -- Highest key according to <.
  with function  "<"         (left, right: keys) return boolean;
  with function  same        (left, right: keys) return boolean;
  with function  key_image   (key:   keys)       return string;
  with procedure copy_key    (source: keys; target: in out keys);

  type values is limited private; -- A unique value for each key.
  null_value: in out values;
  with function  value_image (value: values)     return string;
  with procedure copy_value  (source: values; target: in out values);

  with procedure tell (message: string);
  with procedure telln(message: string);
package skip_essence is
  pragma preelaborate (skip_essence);

  -- Balanced Trees (Used for Fast Lookups)
  -- This package uses a technique similar to that described in CACM, June
  -- 1990 in an article by William Pugh titled: "Skip Lists: A Probabilistic
  -- Alternative to Balanced Trees". Pugh gives program design language and
  -- an explanation of why skip lists are almost as fast to look up and
  -- faster to insert than fully balanced trees, including AVL trees and
  -- self-adjusting trees. Thus, a skip list can be considered as an almost
  -- balanced tree; the part of it that is not balanced is determined by a
  -- random number generator, and averages more than 75% balanced.
  -- The faster inserts do not make up for the partial lack of balance, if
  -- objects are going to be looked up many times. A good reason to use skip
  -- lists is balanced trees never seem to get past their software
  -- development bugs. So therefore never realize their (theoretical)
  -- superior performance. A partially balanced tree (skip list) can be
  -- implemented quickly with the bugs eliminated during a little unit
  -- testing.
  -- When symbol tables and similar associative arrays are implemented using
  -- a skip list, they run in LOG_N time for each lookup, as opposed to a
  -- linear lookup that runs in time N.
  -- 1997-01-31 MB  Converted private keys and data to limited private
  -- 1990-07-28 MB  Created
  -- 1990-08-13 SMA Added delete (node) instead of just delete (key)
  -- 1990-09-27 MB  Removed delete (node): you have to search for the key
  --                in order to build up the list of nodes that point to
  --                the key on each strand, otherwise you only delete it
  --                on the one strand, which leaves the tree corrupted.

  type behaviors_for_duplicate_keys is
     -- It would be nice to have an implementation that stores as
     -- many duplicate keys and their respective values, but this does not.

  type behaviors_when_not_found is
     insert_nothing_and_return_next_lower_node, -- for NODE return only

  duplicate:   exception;
  not_found:   exception;
  tree_fungus: exception;

  type nodes  is range -1 .. 2147483647;
  type levels is range 1 .. 127;

  failure:      constant nodes := nodes'first;
  trailer_node: constant nodes := nodes'first;
  header_node:  constant nodes := nodes'succ (trailer_node);

  -- The TRAILER_NODE is the last node in the list. It is stored at
  -- location -1, just before the HEADER_NODE.

  type skip_lists is limited private;

  procedure initialize    (L: in out skip_lists;
                           last_node: nodes;
                           last_level: levels);
  procedure finalize      (L: in out skip_lists);
  procedure re_initialize (L: in out skip_lists);

  procedure delete        (L: in out skip_lists; k: keys);
  procedure insert        (L: in out skip_lists;
                           k: keys;
                           v: values;
                           inserted_node: out nodes);
  procedure search        (L: in out skip_lists;
                           k: keys;
                           found: in out nodes);
  procedure search        (L: in out skip_lists;
                           k: keys;
                           found: in out values);
  function  key           (L: skip_lists; n: nodes) return keys;
  function  value         (L: skip_lists; n: nodes) return values;
  procedure tell          (L: skip_lists);

  function  next_node     (L: skip_lists; n: nodes) return nodes;

    -- To use NEXT_NODE, use a loop like the following:
    --       n: nodes := header_node;
    --                                        -- HEADER_NODE defined above.
    --       loop
    --         exit when n := trailer_node;
    --                                        -- TRAILER_NODE defined above.
    --         process (n);
    --                                        -- Caller must provide PROCESS.
    --         n := next_node (n);
    --                                        -- NEXT_NODE defined above.
    --       end loop;

  function  linear_search          (L: skip_lists; k: keys) return nodes;

  procedure set_insertion_behavior (L: in out skip_lists;
  procedure set_search_behavior    (L: in out skip_lists;
  procedure set_tracing            (L: in out skip_lists;
                                    on: boolean);
  -- In a skip list each node contains all of the levels of pointers. Thus,
  -- it is important to decide on the number of levels of pointers. A good
  -- value for the number of nodes is probably a tiny bit more than log base
  -- 2 of the number of nodes. For applications where there is a human
  -- waiting for the lookup, measure and optimize this! Or else use a hash
  -- code table or finite state auomata instead of a skip list, so the human
  -- does not wait more than 0.25 seconds after pressing the key.

  -- The linked list implementing the balanced tree is actually a fixed array.

  type key_lists   is array (nodes range <>)  of keys;
  type value_lists is array (nodes range <>)  of values;
  type node_lists  is array (nodes range <>)  of nodes;
  type level_lists is array (levels range <>) of nodes;

  type pab_skip_lists (last_node: nodes;
                       last_level: levels;
                       last: nodes) is record
    -- assert last = (last_node+2)*nodes(last_level)
    high_level:         levels;
    high_node:          nodes;
    insertion_behavior: behaviors_for_duplicate_keys := fail;
    search_behavior:    behaviors_when_not_found := raise_not_found_exception;
    tracing_bal:        boolean := False;
    key_list:           key_lists   (-1..last_node);
    value_list:         value_lists (-1..last_node);
    node_list:          node_lists  (0..last);
    update:             level_lists (1..last_level);
    seed:               rand.seeds;
  end record;

  type skip_lists is access pab_skip_lists;
end skip_essence;
package string_control is
  pragma pure (string_control);

 -- Ordinary String control

 function  caselessly_equal (left, right: character)
                             return boolean;
 function  caselessly_equal (object: string; start, length: natural;
                             pattern: string)
                             return boolean;
 procedure concat           (message:  string;
                             appendee: in out string;
                             length:   in out natural);
 function  first_missing    (message: string;
                             pattern: character := ' ')
                             return integer;
 function  first_occurring  (message: string;
                             pattern: character := ' ')
                             return integer;
 function  first_occurring  (message: string;
                             pattern: string)
                             return integer;
 function  indent           (message: string)
                             return string;
 procedure in_place_insert  (message: in out string;
                             message_length: in out natural;
                             insertion: string;
                             after: natural);
 function  last_missing     (message: string;
                             pattern: character := ' ')
                             return integer;
 function  last_occurring   (message: string;
                             pattern: character := ' ')
                             return integer;
 function  left_trim        (message: string;
                             pattern: character := ' ')
                             return string;
 procedure lower_case       (message: in out string;
                             start: natural;
                             finish: natural);
 function  lower_case       (c: character)
                             return character;
 function  lower_case       (message: string)
                             return string;
 function  right_trim       (message: string;
                             pattern: character := ' ')
                             return string;
 function  same             (left, right: string)
                             return boolean;
 function  substitute       (base_string: string;
                             search_string: string;
                             replace_string: string)
                             return string;
 procedure upper_case       (message: in out string;
                             start: natural;
                             finish: natural);
 function  upper_case       (c: character)
                             return character;
 function  upper_case       (message: string)
                             return string;
end string_control;
with string_control;
package body fixed_string_control is

 fixed_string_index_beyond_end: exception;

 procedure is_okay (message: fixed_strings; method: string) is
   fixed_string_not_initialized: exception;
   -- The fixed_string is checked to see if it had been initialized.

   -- status.telln("method=" & method);
   if message.length not in 0..fixed_string_strings'last then
     raise fixed_string_not_initialized;
   end if;
 end is_okay;

 function "&" (left: fixed_strings; right: fixed_strings) return string is
   hold: fixed_strings;
   is_okay (left, "&(F,f)"); is_okay (right, "&(f,F)");
   copy (left, hold);
   concat (hold, right.list(1..right.length));
   return hold.list(1..hold.length);
 end "&";

 function "&" (left: string; right: fixed_strings) return string is
   hold: fixed_strings;
   is_okay (right, "&(o,f)");
   copy (left, hold);
   concat (hold, right.list(1..right.length));
   return hold.list(1..hold.length);
 end "&";

 function "&" (left: fixed_strings; right: string)    return string is
   hold: fixed_strings;
   is_okay (left, "&(f,o)");
   copy (left, hold);
   concat (hold, right);
   return hold.list(1..hold.length);
 end "&";

 function "<" (left, right: fixed_strings) return boolean is
   is_okay(left, "F<f"); is_okay(right,"f<F");
   if    left.length < right.length then
     return left.list(1..left.length)  <= right.list(1..left.length);
   elsif left.length = right.length then
     return left.list(1..left.length)  <  right.list(1..left.length);
   else -- left.length > right.length
     return left.list(1..right.length) <  right.list(1..right.length);
   end if;
 end "<";

 function ">" (left, right: fixed_strings) return boolean is
   is_okay(left, "F>f"); is_okay(right,"f>F");
   if    left.length < right.length then
     return left.list(1..left.length)  >  right.list(1..left.length);
   elsif left.length = right.length then
     return left.list(1..left.length)  >  right.list(1..left.length);
   else -- left.length > right.length
     return left.list(1..right.length) >= right.list(1..right.length);
   end if;
 end ">";

 procedure copy (source: string; target: in out fixed_strings) is
   fixed_string_too_long_to_copy: exception;
   if source'length > fixed_string_strings'last then
     raise fixed_string_too_long_to_copy;
   end if;
   target.length := source'length;
   target.list (1..source'length) := source;
 end copy;

 procedure copy (source: fixed_strings; target: in out fixed_strings) is
   is_okay (source, "copy");
   target := source;
 end copy;

 procedure concat (onto:    in out fixed_strings; appendage: string) is
   new_length: constant integer := onto.length + appendage'length;
   fixed_string_too_long_to_concat: exception;
   is_okay (onto, "onto");
   if    new_length > fixed_string_strings'last then
     raise fixed_string_too_long_to_concat;
   end if;
   onto.list(onto.length+1..new_length) := appendage;
   onto.length := new_length;
 end concat;

 function element (message: fixed_strings;
                   col: natural) return character is
   is_okay (message, "element");
   if    col<1 then
     raise fixed_string_index_beyond_end;
   elsif col > message.length then
     raise fixed_string_index_beyond_end;
   end if;
   return message.list (col);
 end element;

 function fixed_string (message: string) return fixed_strings is
   temp: fixed_strings;
   fixed_string_message_too_big: exception;
   if message'length > fixed_string_strings'last then
     raise fixed_string_message_too_big;
   end if;
   temp.length:= message'length;
   temp.list (1.. message'length):= message;
   return temp;
 end fixed_string;

 function image (message: fixed_strings) return string is
   is_okay (message, "image");
   if message.length=0 then return "";
   else                     return message.list (1..message.length);
   end if;
 end image;

 procedure in_place_lower_case (message: in out fixed_strings) is
   is_okay (message, "in_place_lower_case");
   string_control.lower_case (message.list, 1, message.length);
 end in_place_lower_case;

 procedure in_place_truncate (message: in out fixed_strings;
                              ch: character := ' ') is
   is_okay (message, "in_place_truncate");

   -- Structured loops may have multiple exits, but not multiple
   -- entrances. The following loop EXIT commands ensure ease of
   -- checking for both termination and effectiveness.

     exit when message.length = 0;
     exit when message.list (message.length) /= ch;
     message.length := message.length - 1;
   end loop;
 end in_place_truncate;

 procedure in_place_upper_case (message: in out fixed_strings) is
   is_okay (message, "in_place_upper_case");
   string_control.upper_case (message.list, 1, message.length);
 end in_place_upper_case;

 function length (message: fixed_strings) return natural is
   is_okay (message, "length");
   return message.length;
 end length;

 function same (left, right: fixed_strings) return boolean is
   is_okay (left,"F=f"); is_okay(right, "f=F");
   return left.length=right.length and then
          left.list(1..left.length) = right.list(1..left.length);
 end same;

 function same   (left: fixed_strings; right: string) return boolean is
   is_okay (left, "f=o");
   return left.length=right'length and then
          left.list(1..left.length) = right;
 end same;

 procedure set_element (message: in out fixed_strings;
                        col: natural;
                        value: character) is
   is_okay (message, "set_element");
   if    col > fixed_string_strings'last then
     raise fixed_string_index_beyond_end;
   elsif col = message.length+1 then
     message.length     := message.length + 1;
     message.list (col) := value;
   elsif col > message.length then
     raise fixed_string_index_beyond_end;
     message.list (col) := value;
   end if;
 end set_element;

 procedure set_length (message: in out fixed_strings; new_length: natural) is
   hold_length: integer := message.length;
   message.length := new_length;
   if hold_length > fixed_string_strings'last or
      hold_length < 0 then
     for i in fixed_string_strings'range loop
       message.list (i) := ' ';
     end loop;
   end if;
   if    hold_length > 0 then
     for i in hold_length+1 .. new_length loop
       message.list (i) := ' ';
     end loop;
   end if;
 end set_length;

 function slice (message: fixed_strings;
                 start, finish: natural) return string is
   hold: fixed_strings;
   is_okay (message, "slice");
   if    start = 0 then
     raise fixed_string_index_beyond_end;
   elsif finish > message.length then
     raise fixed_string_index_beyond_end;
   end if;
   if finish < start then
     return "";
     hold.length := finish+1-start;
     hold.list (1..hold.length) := message.list (start..finish);
     return hold.list (1..hold.length);
   end if;
 end slice;

 function substr (message: fixed_strings;
                  start, length: natural) return string is
   is_okay (message, "substr");
   if    start+length-1 > fixed_string_strings'last then
     raise fixed_string_index_beyond_end;
   end if;
   return slice (message, start, start+length-1);
 end substr;

 function substr (message: fixed_strings; start: natural) return string is
   is_okay (message, "substr(f,n)");
   return slice (message, start, message.length);
 end substr;

end fixed_string_control;
package body rand is

  -- This random number generation technique is one of the oldest
  -- dynamical systems, in constant use for over a thousand years,
  -- made famous by Fibonnacci. It was proved uniform and its period
  -- was shown to be long in "Random number generator for PC's" by
  -- Marsaglia, Narasimhan, and Zaman in Computer Physics
  -- Communications volume 60 number 3 October 1990 pages 345-349.
  -- The seed array values are stable (you can change them). This
  -- expression of this algorithm is a significant improvement over
  -- published algorithms because of its superior initialization
  -- numbers and its historical Fibonnacci-like biological references.

  procedure spin (seed: in out seeds;
                  sides: exacts;
                  random_number: out exacts) is

    -- The biology of the pseudo-fibonnacci sequence is as follows:

    s: seed_lists renames seed.seed_list;
    offspring: constant exacts :=
      s(seed.fibonnacci_father) + s(seed.fibonnacci_mother);
    internal_modulus:  constant := 16384;
    child: constant exacts := offspring mod internal_modulus;
    seed.fibonnacci_mother    := seed. fibonnacci_mother - 1;
    s(seed.fibonnacci_father) := child;
    seed.fibonnacci_father    := seed.fibonnacci_father - 1;
    if seed.fibonnacci_father = s'first then
      seed.fibonnacci_father  := s'last;
    elsif seed.fibonnacci_mother = s'first then
      seed.fibonnacci_mother  := s'last;
    end if;
    random_number := 1 + child mod sides; -- Random number from 1 to sides
  end spin;

end rand;
package body skip_essence is

  -- History
  -- 19970916  MB initialized search output parameter detected by 3.10p

  procedure assert (condition: boolean; message: string) is
    -- It is essential for efficiency that this be a local procedure.
    if not condition then
      raise tree_fungus;
    end if;
  end assert;

  procedure check_range (key: keys) is
    assert (first_key<key and key<last_key, "key:bad"&key_image(key)); --?
  end check_range;

-- Object Access Functions

  function key (L: skip_lists; n: nodes) return keys is
    return L.key_list(n);
  end key;

  function p (L: skip_lists; n: nodes; i: levels) return nodes is
    -- implement skip_list as array (1..last_level, -1..last_node) of nodes;
    index: constant nodes := (n+1)*nodes(L.last_level)+nodes(i)-1;
    return L.node_list(index);
  end p;

  procedure set_p (L: skip_lists; n: nodes; i: levels; p: nodes) is
    index: constant nodes := (n+1)*nodes(L.last_level)+nodes(i)-1;
    L.node_list(index) := p;
  end set_p;

  function value (L: skip_lists; n: nodes) return values is
    assert (n/=header_node, "val:n=hd");
    return L.value_list(n);
  end value;

-- Methods

  procedure re_initialize (L: in out skip_lists) is
    L.high_node := header_node;

      -- LAST_USED_NODE is set to the HEADER_NODE,
      -- indicating an empty list.

    for i in levels loop
      set_p (L, header_node,  i, trailer_node);
      set_p (L, trailer_node, i, trailer_node);
    end loop;

      -- Each pointer in the header node and the
      -- trailer node point at the trailer node.

    copy_key   (last_key, L.key_list(trailer_node));
    copy_value (null_value, L.value_list(trailer_node));

      -- Dummy keys are inserted in the TRAILER_NODE that
      -- are larger than any other possible key.

    copy_key   (first_key, L.key_list(header_node));
    copy_value (null_value, L.value_list(header_node));

      -- Dummy keys are also inserted in the HEADER_NODE
      -- that are smaller than any other possible key.
      -- The necessity for this is not commonly known. Beware.
      -- We learned about this through hard experience.

    L.high_level     := 1;

      -- The HIGH_LEVEL is set to 1, so that a search of the list will
      -- immediately come up empty (since the HEADER_NODE points to the
      -- TRAILER_NODE which contains the highest possible key).

    L.insertion_behavior := raise_duplicate_exception;

      -- The default insertion behavior is that
      -- inserting a duplicate record is fatal.

    L.search_behavior    := raise_not_found_exception;

      -- The default search behavior is that
      -- not finding a key is fatal.

  end re_initialize;

  procedure initialize (L: in out skip_lists;
                        last_node: nodes;
                        last_level: levels) is

    API_test1: constant nodes := -1;
    API_test2: constant levels := 1;
    L := new pab_skip_lists (last_node,
      -- There was enough virtual storage to allocate the tree.

    re_initialize (L); -- The tree is initialized.
  end initialize;

  procedure finalize (L: in out skip_lists) is
    re_initialize (L);
    L.insertion_behavior := fail;

     --  Note that we do NOT free the nodes of L, which were NOT dynamically
     --  allocated (at least not by us), and we do NOT free the tree, which
     --  WAS dynamically allocated by us. By simply reinitializing, we can
     --  reuse the tree.

  end finalize;

  procedure tell (L: skip_lists) is -- Traces a balanced tree
    pointers:      string (1..64);
    null_pointer_area: constant string (pointers'range) := (others => ' ');
    pointers_upto: natural := 0;
    tell ("hi-level and node");
    tell (levels'image(L.high_level));

    for node in nodes range -1..L.high_node loop
      pointers_upto := 0;
      pointers := null_pointer_area;
      for level in 1..L.high_level loop
          this_pointer: constant nodes  := p (L, node, level);
          message:      constant string := nodes'image(this_pointer);
          exit when pointers_upto + message'length > pointers'length;
                                        -- The message will fit in the buffer.
          pointers (pointers_upto+1..pointers_upto+message'length) := message;
          pointers_upto := pointers_upto + message'length;
      end loop;
      tell (key_image  (L.key_list(node)));
      tell (nodes'image(node));
      tell (" V ");
      tell (value_image(L.value_list(node)));
      tell (" P");
      telln(pointers   (1..pointers_upto));
    end loop;
  end tell;

  procedure is_okay (L: skip_lists) is
    if L=null or else L.insertion_behavior = fail then
      raise not_found;
      -- It could have raised a unique exCeption, but
      -- you exPect using an uninitialized tree to do an
      -- unexpected thing, so this one throws NOT_FOUND.
    end if;
  end is_okay;

  procedure update_search (L:           in out skip_lists;
                           k:           keys;
                           before_node: out nodes;
                           after_node:  out nodes) is

    -- This is the kernel of the INSERT, DELETE, and SEARCH.

    x: nodes := header_node;
    y: nodes;
    if L.tracing_bal then
      tell (" usearch [");
      tell (key_image(k));
      tell ("] ");
      check_range (k);
    end if;

    for i in reverse levels'first..L.high_level loop -- for each level

      -- Within each level, find the first key at least as big as K.
        y := p(L,x,i);
        exit when not (key(L,y)<k);
        x := y;
      end loop;

      L.update(i) := x; -- Update the pointers for insert and delete,
                        -- not used by the visible SEARCH.
    end loop;

    -- The before_node points at the node, you see,
    -- that points at where the key would have been,
    -- if the key were in the tree.

    before_node := x;

    if L.tracing_bal then
      tell (" before node=");
      tell (nodes'image(x));
      telln ("");
    end if;

    after_node := p (L, x, 1);

    -- If the key is in the tree,
    -- X is now pointing at it.
    -- Otherwise, X is now just AFTER
    -- where the key would  be.

  end update_search;

  procedure delete (L: in out skip_lists; k: keys) is
    pre_x: nodes; -- node that points to x
    x:     nodes;
    is_okay (L);
    check_range (k);
    update_search (L, k, pre_x, x);

    if same (key (L, x), k) then
      assert (P(L,L.update(1),1)=x, "del:P(L,L.u(1),1)/=x");
      assert (same (key(L,x), k),   "del:key(L,x) /= k");

      for i in levels'first .. L.high_level loop
        exit when P (L, L.update(i), i) /= x;
        set_p       (L, L.update(i), i, P(L,x,i));
      end loop;

      -- free_node (x);

                     -- Instead of freeing it, we shall waste it. We
                     -- did not allocate it, and it might not be a pointer.
                     -- These lists are temporary; we insert and search.
                     -- The entire list is deallocated simultaneously,
                     -- when you leave the address space of the list.
                     -- The programmer expects that deleting is rare.
                     -- If deleting is not rare, then redo this design,
                     -- by using a heap instead of an array of nodes.

        exit when L.high_level = 1;
        exit when P(L, header_node, L.high_level) = trailer_node;
        L.high_level := L.high_level - 1;
      end loop;
    end if;
  end delete;

  function random_level (L: skip_lists) return levels is
    level:    levels   := 1;
    big:      constant := 8192;
    fraction: constant := big / 2;
    random_number: rand.exacts;
        -- Spin the "dice" until the sum of the probabilities exceed 0.5.
      rand.spin (L.seed, big, random_number);
      exit when integer (random_number) > fraction;
      level := level+1;
      exit when level = L.last_level;
    end loop;
    return level;
  end random_level;

  procedure insert (L: in out skip_lists;
                    k: keys;
                    v: values;
                    inserted_node: out nodes) is
    next_level: levels;
    pre_x:      nodes; -- node that points to x
    x:          nodes;
    level_node: nodes;
    is_okay (L);
    if L.tracing_bal then
      tell (" INS key=");
      tell (key_image(k));
      tell (" Value=[");
      tell (value_image(v));
      tell ("]");
      check_range (k);
    end if;

    update_search (L, k, pre_x, x);

    if not same (key (L, x), k) then
      next_level := random_level (L);
      if next_level > L.high_level then
        for i in L.high_level + 1 .. next_level loop
          L.update(i) := header_node;
        end loop;
        L.high_level := next_level;
      end if;
      assert (L.high_node < L.last_node, "ins:oflo");
      L.high_node := L.high_node + 1;

      -- The new node is "allocated".

      x                := L.high_node;

      for i in levels'first .. next_level loop
        level_node := P(L, L.update(i), i);
        set_p (L, x,           i, level_node);
        set_p (L, L.update(i), i, x);
      end loop;

      copy_key (K, L.key_list(x));
    elsif L.insertion_behavior = raise_duplicate_exception then
      raise duplicate;
    end if;
    copy_value (v, L.value_list(x)); -- In either case, set the value.
    inserted_node := x;
  end insert;

  function next_node (L: skip_lists; n: nodes) return nodes is

    -- This permits iteration through the balanced tree, starting
    -- at any value of N (particularly starting at the HEADER_NODE),
    -- and proceeeding until each node is visited, when the return
    -- value will be TRAILER_NODE.

    is_okay (L);
    return p (L,n,levels'first);
  end next_node;

  function linear_search (L: skip_lists; k: keys) return nodes is
    node:                 nodes := HEADER_NODE;
    number_of_searches:   nodes := 0;
    end_of_list: constant nodes := L.high_node + 1;
    is_okay (L);

      exit when node = TRAILER_Node;
      exit when number_of_searches > end_of_list;
      exit when same (key (L, node), k);
      number_of_searches := number_of_searches + 1;
      node := next_node (L, node);
    end loop;

    assert (number_of_searches <= end_of_list, "lin:oflo");
    return node;
  end linear_search;

  procedure search (L: in out skip_lists; k: keys; found: in out nodes) is
    pre_x: nodes;
    x:     nodes;
    y:     nodes;
    update_search (L, k, pre_x, x);
    if same (key (L, x), k) then
      case L.search_behavior is
        when insert_nothing_and_return_next_lower_node =>
        when insert_nothing_and_return_null_value =>
        when insert_null_value_and_return_it =>
          insert (L, k, null_value, y);
        when raise_not_found_exception =>
          raise not_found;
      end case;
    end if;

    found := y;
  end search;

  procedure search (L: in out skip_lists; k: keys; found: in out values) is
    pre_x: nodes; -- not implemented yet?
    x:     nodes;
    y:     nodes;
    v:     values;
    update_search (L, k, pre_x, x);
    if same (key (L, x), k) then
      copy_value (value (L,x), found);
      case L.search_behavior is
        when insert_nothing_and_return_next_lower_node =>
          raise not_found;
        when insert_nothing_and_return_null_value =>
          copy_value (null_value, v);
        when insert_null_value_and_return_it =>
          copy_value (null_value, v);
        when raise_not_found_exception =>
          raise not_found;
      end case;
      copy_value (v, found);
    end if;
  end search;

  procedure set_insertion_behavior (L: in out skip_lists;
                                    behaviors_for_duplicate_keys) is
    L.insertion_behavior := insertion_behavior;
  end set_insertion_behavior;

  procedure set_search_behavior (L: in out skip_lists;
                                 behaviors_when_not_found) is
    L.search_behavior := search_behavior;
  end set_search_behavior;

  procedure set_tracing (L: in out skip_lists; on: boolean) is
    L.tracing_bal := on;
  end set_tracing;

end skip_essence;
package body string_control is

 function  caselessly_equal (left, right: character) return boolean is
     left=right or else
     (left in 'A'..'Z' and then right=character'val(character'pos(left)+32))
     or else
     (left in 'a'..'z' and then right=character'val(character'pos(left)-32));
 end caselessly_equal;

 function  caselessly_equal (object: string; start, length: natural;
                               pattern: string) return boolean is
   if length /= pattern'length then return FALSE;
     for i in 1..length loop
       if not caselessly_equal (object  (start         + i - 1),
                                pattern (pattern'first + i - 1)) then
          return FALSE;
       end if;
     end loop;
   end if;
   return TRUE;
 end caselessly_equal;

 procedure concat (message:  string;
                   appendee: in out string;
                   length:   in out natural) is
   concat_too_long: exception;
   if length + message'length > appendee'length then
     raise concat_too_long;
   end if;
   appendee (length + 1 .. length + message'length) := message;
   length := length + message'length;
 end concat;

 function first_missing (message: string;
                         pattern: character := ' ') return integer is
   for i in message'range loop
     if message(i) /= pattern then
       return i;
     end if;                -- message (message'first..i) are patterns.
   end loop;
   return message'last + 1; -- Returns the first column without PATTERN.
 end first_missing;

 function first_occurring (message: string;
                           pattern: character := ' ') return integer is
   for i in message'range loop
     if message(i)  = pattern then
       return i;
     end if;                -- message (message'first..i) contains no pattern
   end loop;
   return message'last+1;   -- Returns the first column with PATTERN.
 end first_occurring;

 function first_occurring (message: string; pattern: string) return integer is
   upto: natural := message'first;
   last: integer := message'last + 1 - pattern'length;
   index_null_pattern: exception;
   RSTART:  natural := 0;
   RSTART := 0;

   if pattern="" then
      raise index_null_pattern;
   end if;

     exit when upto>last;

     if message(upto..upto+pattern'length-1)=pattern then
       RSTART := upto;
       return RSTART;
     end if;

     upto := upto + 1;
   end loop;
   return RSTART;
 end first_occurring;

 procedure in_place_insert (message: in out string;
                            message_length: in out natural;
                            insertion: string;
                            after: natural) is
   string_control_in_place_insert_ml_plus_il_gt_ml: exception;
   if message_length + insertion'length > message'length then
     raise string_control_in_place_insert_ml_plus_il_gt_ml;
   end if;
   message(insertion'length + 1 + after .. message_length+insertion'length) :=
   message(after+1..after+insertion'length) := insertion;
   message_length := message_length + insertion'length;
 end in_place_insert;

 function indent(message: string) return string is
   return (1..message'length + 1 => ' ');
 end indent;

 function last_missing (message: string;
                        pattern: character := ' ') return integer is
   for i in reverse message'range loop
     if message(i) /= pattern then
       return i;
     end if;                -- message (i..message'last) are patterns.
   end loop;
   return 0;                -- Returns the last column without PATTERN.
 end last_missing;

 function last_occurring (message: string;
                          pattern: character := ' ') return integer is
   for i in reverse message'range loop
     if message (i) = pattern then
       return i;
     end if;                -- message (i..message'last) contains no pattern
   end loop;
   return 0;                -- Returns the last column with PATTERN.
 end last_occurring;

 function left_trim (message: string;
                     pattern: character := ' ') return string is
   left_trim_last: constant natural := first_missing (message, pattern);
   return message (left_trim_last .. message'last);
 end left_trim;

 function lower_case (c: character) return character is
   if c in 'A'..'Z' then
     return character'val (character'pos (c) + 32);
   end if;
   return c;
 end lower_case;

 procedure lower_case (message: in out string;
                       start: natural; finish: natural) is
   for i in start..finish loop
     if message (i) in 'A'..'Z' then
       message (i) := character'val (character'pos (message (i)) + 32);
     end if;
   end loop;
 end lower_case;

 function lower_case (message: string) return string is
   hold_message: string (1..message'length) := message;
   ch:           character;
   offset: constant := character'pos ('a') - character'pos ('A');
   for c in hold_message'range loop
     ch := hold_message (c);
     if ch in 'A'..'Z' then
       hold_message (c) := character'val (character'pos (ch) + offset);
     end if;            -- MESSAGE (FIRST..C) is in lower_case.
   end loop;
   return hold_message; -- MESSAGE is in lower_case.
 end lower_case;

 function right_trim (message: string;
                      pattern: character := ' ') return string is
   right_trim_last: constant natural := last_missing (message, pattern);
   return message (message'first .. right_trim_last);
 end right_trim;

 function same (left, right: string)  return boolean is

   -- String Comparison: Semantically, left=right.

   return left'length = right'length and then
          left = right;
 end same;

 function substitute (base_string: string;
                      search_string: string;
                      replace_string: string)
                      return string is

   location: constant natural := first_occurring (base_string, search_string);
   if location = 0 then
     return base_string;
   elsif location = 1 then
     return replace_string &
            base_string (location+
   elsif location = base_string'last + 1 - search_string'length then
     return base_string (base_string'first..
                         base_string'last-search_string'length) &
       left_part: constant string :=
         base_string (base_string'first..location - 1);
       return left_part &
              replace_string &
              base_string (location + search_string'length ..
   end if;
 end substitute;

 function upper_case (c: character) return character is
   if c in 'a'..'z' then
     return character'val (character'pos (c) - 32);
   end if;
   return c;
 end upper_case;

 procedure upper_case (message: in out string;
                       start: natural; finish: natural) is
   for i in start..finish loop
     if message (i) in 'a'..'z' then
       message (i) := character'val (character'pos (message (i)) - 32);
     end if;
   end loop;
 end upper_case;

 function upper_case (message: string) return string is
   hold_message:          string (1..message'length) := message;
   ch:                    character;
   offset: constant := character'pos ('a') - character'pos ('A');
   for c in hold_message'range loop
     ch := hold_message (c);
     if ch in 'a'..'z' then
       hold_message (c) := character'val (character'pos (ch) - offset);
     end if;            -- MESSAGE (FIRST..C) is in upper_case.
   end loop;
   return hold_message; -- MESSAGE is in upper case.
 end upper_case;

end string_control;
with skip_essence;
with fixed_string_control;
with text_io;
with ttstrord;
with ttstrfix;
procedure ttskip is

-- Testing the Balanced Trees

  bal_output: text_io.file_type;

procedure tell (message: string) is
  text_io.put (bal_output, message);
end tell;

procedure telln (message: string) is
  text_io.put_line (bal_output, message);
end telln;

procedure kill (message: string) is
  ttskip_failed: exception;
  text_io.put_line (message);
  text_io.put_line ("TTSKIP Failed");
  raise ttskip_failed;
end kill;

procedure test_bal_easy is

  type test_values  is range -1..127; -- -1 indicates a null value
  type tests        is range 1..10;
  type value_lists  is array (tests) of test_values;
  input_values:  constant value_lists := (33,36,39,31,32,35,38,37,34,40);
  telling:       constant boolean := FALSE;

  type target_keys  is range 0..127; -- The first and last key are reserved.
  type key_lists  is array (tests) of target_keys;
  input_keys:    constant key_lists   := ( 3, 6, 9, 1, 2, 5, 8, 7, 4,10);

  function image (value: test_values) return string is
    return test_values'image (value);
  end image;

  procedure copy (source: test_values; target: in out test_values) is
    target := source;
  end copy;

  procedure test_bal_simple is
    package my_keys is
      subtype test_keys is target_keys;
      null_value: test_values := -1;
      first_key:  test_keys   := test_keys'first;
      last_key:   test_keys   := test_keys'last;
      procedure copy (source: test_keys; target: in out test_keys);
      function image (key:   test_keys) return string;
      function same (left, right: test_keys) return boolean;
    end my_keys;

    use my_keys;

    package skip_list is new skip_essence (
      keys         => test_keys,
      first_key    => first_key,
      last_key     => last_key,
      "<"          => "<",
      same         => same,
      key_image    => image,
      copy_key     => copy,
      values       => test_values,
      null_value   => null_value,
      value_image  => image,
      copy_value   => copy,
      tell         => tell,
      telln        => telln);

    use skip_list;

    list: skip_lists;
    node: nodes;
    n:    nodes;
    x:    nodes;
    v:    test_values;

    package body my_keys is
      procedure copy (source: test_keys; target: in out test_keys) is
        target := source;
      end copy;

      function image (key:   test_keys) return string is
        return test_keys'image (key);
      end image;

      function same (left, right: test_keys) return boolean is
        return left = right;
      end same;

    end my_keys;
    initialize (list, 20, 8);
    for T in tests loop
      insert (list, input_keys(T), input_values(T), node);
    end loop;

    for T in tests loop
      search (list, test_keys(T), n);
      v := value  (list, n);
      telln ("n=" &
             nodes'image(n) &
             "  value " &
             image (v));
    end loop;

    x := header_node;
    for T in tests loop
      x := next_node (list, x);
      telln ("next x=" &
             image (value (list, x)));
    end loop;
      telln("about to display the entire list");
      telln("about to display the entire list");
    for T in tests range 1..3 loop
      delete (list, input_keys (T));
    end loop;
      tell (list);
    telln ("skip list test 1: 7 items in ascending order (no 3,6,9)");

    x := header_node;
    for T in tests loop
      x := next_node (list, x);
      telln ("            next x=" &
             test_values'image (value (list, x)));
    end loop;

  end test_bal_simple;

  procedure test_bal_2 is
    package my_keys is
      type test_keys    is access target_keys;
      first_key:  test_keys   := new target_keys'(target_keys'first);
      last_key:   test_keys   := new target_keys'(target_keys'last);
      null_value: test_values := -1;

      procedure copy (source: test_keys; target: in out test_keys);
      function image (key:   test_keys) return string;
      function same (left, right: test_keys) return boolean;
      function less_than (left, right: test_keys) return boolean;
    end my_keys;

    use my_keys;

    package skip_list is new skip_essence (
      keys         => test_keys,
      first_key    => first_key,
      last_key     => last_key,
      "<"          => less_than,
      same         => same,
      key_image    => image,
      copy_key     => copy,
      values       => test_values,
      null_value   => null_value,
      copy_value   => copy,
      value_image  => image,
      tell         => tell,
      telln        => telln);

    use skip_list;
    list: skip_lists;
    node: nodes;
    n:    nodes;
    x:    nodes;
    v:    test_values;

    package body my_keys is
      procedure copy (source: test_keys; target: in out test_keys) is
        target := source; -- copies pointers without allocating a new copy?
      end copy;

      function image (key:   test_keys) return string is
        if key=null then
          kill("Fatal: image: key is null");
        end if;
        return target_keys'image (key.all);
      end image;

      function less_than (left, right: test_keys) return boolean is
        if left=null or right=null then
          kill("Fatal: less_than: argument is null");
        end if;
        return left.all < right.all;
      end less_than;

      function same (left, right: test_keys) return boolean is
        if left=null or right=null then
          kill("Fatal: same: argument is null");
        end if;
        return left.all = right.all;
      end same;
    end my_keys;

    telln("started test_bal_2");
    for T in tests loop
      insert (list, new target_keys'(input_keys(T)), input_values(T), node);
    end loop;
    telln("inserted test_bal_2");

    for T in tests loop
      search (list, new target_keys'(target_keys(T)), n);
      v := value  (list, n);
      telln ("n=" &
             nodes'image(n) &
             "  value " &
             image (v));
    end loop;

    x := header_node;
    for T in tests loop
      x := next_node (list, x);
      telln ("next x=" & image (value (list, x)));
    end loop;

    for T in tests range 1..3 loop
      delete (list, new target_keys'(input_keys (T)));
    end loop;
      tell (list);
    telln ("skip list test 2: 7 items in ascending order (no 3,6,9)");

    x := header_node;
    for T in tests loop
      x := next_node (list, x);
      telln ("  next x=" &
             test_values'image (value (list, x)));
    end loop;

  end test_bal_2;


  -- The Tests are:
  --   1. Key=Number
  --      Value=Number
  --   2. Key=String
  --      Value=String
  --   3. Key=Pointer to String
  --      Value=String
  --   4. Key=Pointer to String
  --      Value=Pointer to String
  --   5. Key=Fixed_String
  --      Value=Fixed_String

  telln ("starting test_bal_easy");
  telln ("test_bal_easy worked");
end test_bal_easy;

procedure test_bal_hard is
  type tests is range 1..10;
  type test_values  is access string;
  type value_lists is array (tests) of test_values;
  input_values:  constant value_lists := (
    new string'("33 thirty_three"),
    new string'("36 thirty_six"),
    new string'("39 thirty_nine"),
    new string'("31 thirty-one"),
    new string'("32 thirty-two"),
    new string'("35 thirty-five"),
    new string'("38 thirty-eight"),
    new string'("37 thirty-seven"),
    new string'("34 thirty-four"),
    new string'("40 forty"));

  output_values: value_lists;
  v:             test_values;
  telling:       constant boolean := FALSE;
  procedure copy (source: test_values; target: in out test_values) is
    target := source;
  end copy;

  function image (value: test_values) return string is
    if value = null then
      return "!!";
      return value.all;
    end if;
  end image;

  procedure test_bal_3 is
    type target_keys is range 0..128;
    type key_lists is array (tests) of target_keys;
    input_keys: constant key_lists := ( 3, 6, 9, 1, 2, 5, 8, 7, 4,10);

    package my_keys is
      type test_keys is access target_keys;
      first_key:  test_keys   := new target_keys'(target_keys'first);
      last_key:   test_keys   := new target_keys'(target_keys'last);
      null_value: test_values := new string'("");

      procedure copy (source: test_keys; target: in out test_keys);
      function image (key: test_keys) return string;
      function same (left, right: test_keys) return boolean;
      function less_than (left, right: test_keys) return boolean;
    end my_keys;

    use my_keys;

    package skip_list is new skip_essence (
      keys         => test_keys,
      first_key    => first_key,
      last_key     => last_key,
      "<"          => less_than,
      same         => same,
      key_image    => image,
      copy_key     => copy,
      values       => test_values,
      null_value   => null_value,
      copy_value   => copy,
      value_image  => image,
      tell         => tell,
      telln        => telln);

    use skip_list;
    list: skip_lists;
    n:    nodes;
    x:    nodes;
    node: nodes;

    package body my_keys is
      procedure copy (source: test_keys; target: in out test_keys) is
        target := source; -- copies pointers, not objects?
      end copy;

      function image (key:   test_keys) return string is
        if key=null then
          kill("Fatal: image is null");
        end if;
        return target_keys'image (key.all);
      end image;

      function less_than (left, right: test_keys) return boolean is
        if left=null or right=null then
          kill("Fatal: less_than is null");
        end if;
        return left.all < right.all;
      end less_than;

      function same (left, right: test_keys) return boolean is
        if left=null or right=null then
          kill("Fatal: same is null");
        end if;
        return left.all = right.all;
      end same;
    end my_keys;

    for T in tests loop
      insert (list, new target_keys'(input_keys(T)), input_values(T), node);
    end loop;

    for T in tests loop
      search (list, new target_keys'(target_keys(T)), n);
      v := value  (list, n);
      telln ("n=" &
             nodes'image(n) &
             "  value " &
             image (v));
    end loop;

    x := header_node;
    for T in tests loop
      x := next_node (list, x);
      telln ("text x=" &
             image (value (list, x)));
    end loop;

    for T in tests range 1..3 loop
      delete (list, new target_keys'(input_keys (T)));
    end loop;
      tell (list);
    telln ("skip list test 3: 7 items in ascending order (no 3,6,9)");

    x := header_node;
    for T in tests loop
      x := next_node (list, x);
      telln ("  next x=" &
             image (value (list, x)));
    end loop;

  end test_bal_3;

  procedure test_bal_4 is
    subtype target_keys is string;
    type test_keys is access target_keys;
    type key_lists   is array (tests) of test_keys;
    input_keys:    constant key_lists   := (
       new string'(" 3"),
       new string'(" 6"),
       new string'(" 9"),
       new string'(" 1"),
       new string'(" 2"),
       new string'(" 5"),
       new string'(" 8"),
       new string'(" 7"),
       new string'(" 4"),
       new string'("10"));

    package my_keys is
      first_key: test_keys := new target_keys'("");
      last_key:  test_keys := new target_keys'("~~~~~~~~");
      null_value: test_values := new string'("");

      procedure copy (source: test_keys; target: in out test_keys);
      function image (key:   test_keys) return string;
      function same (left, right: test_keys) return boolean;
      function less_than (left, right: test_keys) return boolean;
    end my_keys;

    use my_keys;

    package skip_list is new skip_essence (
      keys         => test_keys,
      first_key    => first_key,
      last_key     => last_key,
      "<"          => less_than,
      same         => same,
      key_image    => image,
      copy_key     => copy,
      values       => test_values,
      null_value   => null_value,
      copy_value   => copy,
      value_image  => image,
      tell         => tell,
      telln        => telln);

    use skip_list;
    list: skip_lists;
    node: nodes;
    n:    nodes;
    x:    nodes;
    v:    test_values;

    package body my_keys is
      procedure copy (source: test_keys; target: in out test_keys) is
        target := source; -- copies pointers, not objects?
      end copy;

      function image (key:   test_keys) return string is
        if key=null then
          kill("Fatal: image is null");
        end if;
        return key.all;
      end image;

      function less_than (left, right: test_keys) return boolean is
        if left=null or right=null then
          kill("Fatal: less_than is null");
        end if;
        return left.all < right.all;
      end less_than;

      function same (left, right: test_keys) return boolean is
        if left=null or right=null then
          kill("Fatal: same is null");
        end if;
        return left.all = right.all;
      end same;
    end my_keys;

    for T in tests loop
      insert (list, input_keys(T), input_values(T), node);
    end loop;

    for T in tests loop
      search (list, input_keys(T), n);
      v := value  (list, n);
      telln ("n=" &
             nodes'image(n) &
             "  value " &
             image (v));
    end loop;

    x := header_node;
    for T in tests loop
      x := next_node (list, x);
      telln ("next x=" &
             image (value (list, x)));
    end loop;

    for T in tests range 1..3 loop
      delete (list, input_keys (T));
    end loop;
      tell (list);
    telln ("skip list test 4: 7 items in ascending order (no 3,6,9)");

    x := header_node;
    for T in tests loop
      x := next_node (list, x);
      telln ("next x=" &
             image (value (list, x)));
    end loop;

  end test_bal_4;


  -- The Tests are:
  --   1. Key=Number
  --      Value=Number
  --   2. Key=String
  --      Value=String
  --   3. Key=Pointer to String
  --      Value=String
  --   4. Key=Pointer to String
  --      Value=Pointer to String
  --   5. Key=Fixed_String
  --      Value=Fixed_String

  telln ("started test_bal_hard");
  telln ("test_bal_hard worked");
end test_bal_hard;

procedure test_bal_fixed_1 is
  use fixed_string_control;

  type tests is range 1..10;
  subtype test_values  is fixed_strings;
  type value_lists is array (tests) of test_values;
  input_values:  constant value_lists := (
    fixed_string("33 thirty_three"),
    fixed_string("36 thirty_six"),
    fixed_string("39 thirty_nine"),
    fixed_string("31 thirty-one"),
    fixed_string("32 thirty-two"),
    fixed_string("35 thirty-five"),
    fixed_string("38 thirty-eight"),
    fixed_string("37 thirty-seven"),
    fixed_string("34 thirty-four"),
    fixed_string("40 forty"));

  v:             test_values;
  telling:       constant boolean := FALSE;

  subtype target_keys is string;
  subtype test_keys is fixed_strings;
  type key_lists   is array (tests) of test_keys;
  input_keys:    constant key_lists   := (
    fixed_string(" 3"),
    fixed_string(" 6"),
    fixed_string(" 9"),
    fixed_string(" 1"),
    fixed_string(" 2"),
    fixed_string(" 5"),
    fixed_string(" 8"),
    fixed_string(" 7"),
    fixed_string(" 4"),

  first_key: test_keys := null_fixed_string;
  last_key:  test_keys := fixed_string ("~~~~~~~~");
  null_value: test_values := null_fixed_string;

  package skip_list is new skip_essence (
    keys         => test_keys,
    first_key    => first_key,
    last_key     => last_key,
    "<"          => "<",
    same         => same,
    key_image    => image,
    copy_key     => copy,
    values       => test_values,
    null_value   => null_value,
    copy_value   => copy,
    value_image  => image,
    tell         => tell,
    telln        => telln);

  use skip_list;
  list: skip_lists;
  node: nodes;
  n:    nodes;
  x:    nodes;

  procedure iterate is
    this_key: fixed_strings;
    x := header_node;
    for T in tests loop
      x := next_node (list, x);
      telln ("next x=" &
             image (value (list, x)));
      this_key := key (list,x);
      search (list, this_key, n);
      if n = failure then
        kill("Failed: test_search a");
      elsif linear_search (list, this_key) = failure then
        kill("Failed: test_search b");
      end if;
      search (list, input_keys (T), n);
      if n = failure then
        kill("Failed: test_search c");
      elsif linear_search (list, input_keys (T)) = failure then
        kill("Failed: test_search d");
      end if;
    end loop;
  end iterate;

  telln ("test_bal_fixed_1 started");
  for T in tests loop
    insert (list, input_keys(T), input_values(T), node);
  end loop;

  for T in tests loop
    search (list, input_keys(T), n);
    v := value  (list, n);
    telln ("n=" &
           nodes'image(n) &
           "  value " &
           image (v));
  end loop;


  for T in tests range 1..3 loop
    delete (list, input_keys (T));
  end loop;
    tell (list);
  telln ("skip list test 4: 7 items in ascending order (no 3,6,9)");

  x := header_node;
  for T in tests loop
    x := next_node (list, x);
    telln ("next x=" &
           image (value (list, x)));
  end loop;
  telln ("test_bal_fixed_1 worked");
end test_bal_fixed_1;

procedure test_bal_fixed_2 is
  use fixed_string_control;

  type tests is range 1..10;
  subtype test_values  is fixed_strings;
  type value_lists is array (tests) of test_values;
  input_values:  constant value_lists := (
    fixed_string("33 thirty_three"),
    fixed_string("36 thirty_six"),
    fixed_string("39 thirty_nine"),
    fixed_string("31 thirty-one"),
    fixed_string("32 thirty-two"),
    fixed_string("35 thirty-five"),
    fixed_string("38 thirty-eight"),
    fixed_string("37 thirty-seven"),
    fixed_string("34 thirty-four"),
    fixed_string("40 forty"));

  v:             test_values;
  telling:       constant boolean := FALSE;

  subtype target_keys is string;
  subtype test_keys is fixed_strings;
  first_key: test_keys := null_fixed_string;
  last_key:  test_keys := fixed_string ("~~~~~~~~");
  null_value: fixed_strings := null_fixed_string;

  type key_lists   is array (tests) of test_keys;
  input_keys:    constant key_lists   := (
    fixed_string(" 3"),
    fixed_string(" 6"),
    fixed_string(" 9"),
    fixed_string(" 1"),
    fixed_string(" 2"),
    fixed_string(" 5"),
    fixed_string(" 8"),
    fixed_string(" 7"),
    fixed_string(" 4"),

  package skip_list is new skip_essence (
    keys         => test_keys,
    first_key    => first_key,
    last_key     => last_key,
    "<"          => "<",
    same         => same,
    key_image    => image,
    copy_key     => copy,
    values       => test_values,
    null_value   => null_value,
    copy_value   => copy,
    value_image  => image,
    tell         => tell,
    telln        => telln);

  use skip_list;
  list: skip_lists;
  node: nodes;
  n:    nodes;
  x:    nodes;

  procedure iterate is
     this_key: fixed_strings;
     x := header_node;
     for T in tests loop
       x := next_node (list, x);
       telln ("next x=" &
              image (value (list, x)));
       this_key := key (list,x);
       search (list, this_key, n);
       if n = failure then
         kill("Failed: test_search a");
       elsif linear_search (list, this_key) = failure then
         kill("Failed test_search b");
       end if;

       search (list, input_keys (T), n);
       if n = failure then
         kill("Failed test_search c");
       elsif linear_search (list, input_keys (T)) = failure then
         kill("Failed test_search d");
       end if;
     end loop;
  end iterate;

  for T in tests loop
    insert (list, input_keys(T), input_values(T), node);
  end loop;

  for T in tests loop
    search (list, input_keys(T), n);
    v := value  (list, n);
    telln ("n=" &
           nodes'image(n) &
           "  value " &
           image (v));
  end loop;


  for T in tests range 1..3 loop
    delete (list, input_keys (T));
  end loop;
    tell (list);
  telln ("skip list test 4: 7 items in ascending order (no 3,6,9)");

  x := header_node;
  for T in tests loop
    x := next_node (list, x);
    telln ("next x=" &
           image (value (list, x)));
  end loop;

  telln ("test_bal_fixed_2 worked");
end test_bal_fixed_2;

procedure test_bal_fixed_3 is
  use fixed_string_control;

  type tests is range 1..17;
  subtype test_values  is fixed_strings;
  type value_lists is array (tests) of test_values;
  input_values:  constant value_lists := (

  v:             test_values;
  telling:       constant boolean := FALSE;

  subtype target_keys is string;
  subtype test_keys is fixed_strings;
  first_key: test_keys := null_fixed_string;
  last_key:  test_keys := fixed_string("~~~~~~~~");
  null_value: test_values := null_fixed_string;

  type key_lists   is array (tests) of test_keys;
  input_keys:    constant key_lists   := (

  package skip_list is new skip_essence (
    keys         => test_keys,
    first_key    => first_key,
    last_key     => last_key,
    "<"          => "<",
    same         => same,
    key_image    => image,
    copy_key     => copy,
    values       => test_values,
    null_value   => null_value,
    copy_value   => copy,
    value_image  => image,
    tell         => tell,
    telln        => telln);

  use skip_list;
  list: skip_lists;
  node: nodes;
  n:    nodes;
  x:    nodes;

  procedure iterate is
     this_key: fixed_strings;
     x := header_node;
     for T in tests loop
       x := next_node (list, x);
       telln ("next x=" &
              image (value (list, x)));
       this_key := key (list,x);
       search (list, this_key, n);
       if n = failure then
         kill("Failed test_search 5");
       elsif linear_search (list, this_key) = failure then
         kill("Failed test_search 6");
       end if;

       search (list, input_keys (T), n);
       if n = failure then
         kill("Failed test_search 7");
       elsif linear_search (list, input_keys (T)) = failure then
         kill("Failed test_search 8");
       end if;
     end loop;
  end iterate;

  telln ("test_bal_fixed_2 started");
  for T in tests loop
    insert (list, input_keys(T), input_values(T), node);
  end loop;

  for T in tests loop
    search (list, input_keys(T), n);
    v := value  (list, n);
    telln ("n=" &
           nodes'image(n) &
           "  value " &
           image (v));
  end loop;


  for T in tests range 1..3 loop
    delete (list, input_keys (T));
  end loop;
    tell (list);
  telln ("skip list test 4: 17 items in ascending order (3 deleted)");

  x := header_node;
  for T in tests loop
    x := next_node (list, x);
    telln ("next x=" &
           image (value (list, x)));
  end loop;

  telln ("test_bal_fixed_3 worked");
end test_bal_fixed_3;

  begin (bal_output, text_io.out_file, "tsbal.tmp", "");
    when text_io.name_error =>
      text_io.create (bal_output, text_io.out_file, "tsbal.tmp", "");
  telln("ttskip passed");
  text_io.close (bal_output);
end ttskip;
with fixed_string_control;
procedure ttstrfix is
  use fixed_string_control;

  test_message: constant string := " Now  is tHe time k1!";

  procedure assert (condition: boolean) is
    tsstrvar_failed: exception;
    if not condition then
      raise tsstrvar_failed;
    end if;
  end assert;

  procedure test_copy_1 is
    x: fixed_strings;
    assert (image(x)="");
  end test_copy_1;

  procedure test_case_1 is
    message: fixed_strings :=fixed_string("okay, I have - UPs &  96 Downs");
    upped:   fixed_strings :=fixed_string("OKAY, I HAVE - UPS &  96 DOWNS");
    lowed:   fixed_strings :=fixed_string("okay, i have - ups &  96 downs");
    work:    fixed_strings;
    copy("abc", work);
    assert (same(work,"ABC"));

    copy(message, work);
    assert (same (work, upped));


    assert (same (work, lowed));
  end test_case_1;

  procedure test_element_1 is
    d: fixed_strings := null_fixed_string;
    set_element (d, 1, 'a');
    set_element (d, 2, 'b');
    set_element (d, 3, 'c');
    assert (element (d, 2) = 'b');
  end test_element_1;

  procedure test_concat_1 is
    f,g,h,k: fixed_strings;
    copy("A",  f);
    copy("B",  g);
    copy("AB", h);
    copy(f&g,  k);
    assert (same (k,h));
  end test_concat_1;

  procedure test_fixed_string is
    temp: constant string:= "(abcdefg)";
    temp_fixed: fixed_strings;
    temp_fixed:= fixed_string (temp (2..8));
    assert (same(temp_fixed, "abcdefg"));
  end test_fixed_string;

  procedure test_in_place_truncate_1 is
    message: fixed_strings := fixed_string("abc  ");
    in_place_truncate (message);
    assert (same (message, "abc"));
    assert (length(message)=3);
  end test_in_place_truncate_1;

  procedure test_lessthan_1 is
    assert (not (fixed_string("abc")<fixed_string("ab") ));

    assert (    (fixed_string("ab") <fixed_string("abc")) );
    assert (not (fixed_string("ac") <fixed_string("ab"))  );
    assert (    (fixed_string("ab") <fixed_string("ac"))  );
    assert (not (fixed_string("abc")<fixed_string("aa"))  );
    assert (    (fixed_string("aa") <fixed_string("abc")) );
    assert (not (fixed_string("ac") <fixed_string("abc")) );
    assert (    (fixed_string("abc")<fixed_string("ac"))  );
    assert (    (fixed_string("abc")>fixed_string("ab"))  );
    assert (    (fixed_string("abc")<fixed_string("ac"))  );
    assert (not (fixed_string("ab") >fixed_string("abc")) );
    assert (    (fixed_string("ac") >fixed_string("ab"))  );
    assert (not (fixed_string("ab") >fixed_string("ac"))  );
    assert (    (fixed_string("abc")>fixed_string("aa"))  );
    assert (not (fixed_string("aa") >fixed_string("abc")) );
    assert (    (fixed_string("ac") >fixed_string("abc")) );
  end test_lessthan_1;

  procedure test_same_1 is
    SS: constant string :="Now is the time for all good men to come to the";
    a,b,c,d: fixed_strings;
    copy("Now ",c);
    copy(" Now",d);
    assert (same (a, b));
    assert (not same (a,c));
    assert (not same (a,d));
    assert (same (c,d));
  end test_same_1;

  procedure test_slice_1 is
    x, y, z: fixed_strings;
    okay: constant string := "abcd";
    copy(slice(x, 2, 3),z);
    assert (same (y,z));
    assert (same (z,y));
    assert (substr(z,1,0)="");
  end test_slice_1;

end ttstrfix;
with string_control;
procedure ttstrord is
  use string_control;

  procedure assert (condition: boolean; message: string :="") is
    tsstrord_failed: exception;
    if not condition then
      raise tsstrord_failed;
    end if;
  end assert;
  pragma inline (assert);

  procedure test_case_1 is
    y: string (1..4) := "oKay";
    assert (lower_case      ('A')       = 'a');
    assert (lower_case      ('a')       = 'a');
    assert (lower_case      ('*')       = '*');
    assert (upper_case      ('a')       = 'A');
    assert (upper_case      ('A')       = 'A');
    assert (upper_case      ('*')       = '*');
    lower_case (y, 3, 4); assert (y="oKay");
    lower_case (y, 2, 3); assert (y="okay");
    upper_case (y, 4, 4); assert (y="okaY");
  end test_case_1;

  procedure test_caseless_1 is
    assert (caselessly_equal ("abc", 2, 2, "Bc"));
    assert (not caselessly_equal ("abc", 1, 2, "Bc"));
    assert (caselessly_equal ("declare",1,7,"declare"));
    assert (caselessly_equal ("DECLARE",1,7,"declare"));
    assert (caselessly_equal ("DECLARE",1,7,"DECLARE"));
    assert (caselessly_equal ("declare",1,7,"DECLARE"));
  end test_caseless_1;

  procedure test_in_place_insert_1 is
    hello: string (1..8)  := "ABCDExyz";
    hello_length: natural := 5;
    to_be_inserted: constant string := "123";
    in_place_insert (message        => hello,
                     message_length => hello_length,
                     insertion      => to_be_inserted,
                     after          => 3);
    assert(hello_length = 8);
    assert(same (hello, "ABC123DE"));
  end test_in_place_insert_1;

  procedure test_search_1 is
    x: constant string := "aB ";
    y: constant string := " aB";
    z: constant string := " aB ";
    assert (x (1..0)                    = ""   );
    assert (x (2..0)                    = ""   );
    assert (lower_case      (x)         = "ab ");
    assert (upper_case      (x)         = "AB ");
    assert (right_trim      (z)         = y    );
    assert (right_trim      (" ")       = ""   );
    assert (right_trim      ("")        = ""   );
    assert (left_trim       (z)         = x    );
    assert (left_trim       (z)         /= y   );
    assert (left_trim       (" ")       = ""   );
    assert (left_trim       ("")        = ""   );
    assert (first_occurring (x,'a')     = 1    );
    assert (last_occurring  (x,'a')     = 1    );
    assert (first_missing   (x,'a')     = 2    );
    assert (last_missing    (x,'a')     = 3    );
    assert (first_occurring (x,'c')     = 4    );
    assert (last_occurring  (x,'c')     = 0    );
    assert (first_missing   (x,'c')     = 1    );
    assert (last_missing    (x,'c')     = 3    );
    assert (first_missing   ("!!!",'!') = 4    );
    assert (last_missing    ("!!!",'!') = 0    );
    assert (last_missing    (x,'c')     = 3    );
    assert (first_missing   ("!!!",'!') = 4    );
    assert (last_missing    ("!!!",'!') = 0    );
  end test_search_1;

end ttstrord;

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1998-04-04  0:00   ` Need B-Tree Source Michael F Brenner

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