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From: (Dirk Craeynest)
Subject: 1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar - 96/11/22 (Call for Participation)
Date: 1996/10/30
Date: 1996-10-30T00:00:00+00:00	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <5562cl$> (raw)


                           Call for Participation

                          1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar

                Ada: the solution to integrate technologies

                          Friday, November 22, 1996
                       Eurocontrol, Brussels, Belgium

                       Organized with Assistance from
               Eurocontrol CFMU, EC-DGXII, ACM SIGAda & AJPO


Ada-Belgium is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the use
in Belgium of the Ada programming language, the first ISO standardized
object-oriented language.

     Ada offers commercial developers an ideal blend of consistency,
     maturity, reliability, and performance. Ada supports the
     creativity and innovation of top technical talent while providing
     the discipline and engineering required for critical software
     systems. No other language is as uniquely qualified for building
     viable, cost-effective, long-term software solutions. It is a
     choice you need to consider.

     From: "Ada - The Language For A Complex World" (Ada Resource

We are pleased to announce that on Friday, November 22, 1996, Ada-Belgium
organizes its 6th Annual Seminar at the premises of Eurocontrol in Brussels.
Attendees will include industry, government and university representatives
that are active and interested in Ada software development and management.

Highlights of the 1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar

   * Invited speaker is S. Tucker Taft, Chief Scientist in the Intermetrics
     Products and Technology Group and currently Technical Director
     developing Intermetrics' Ada 95 technology, called "AdaMagic".

   * Papers will be presented on the use of Ada in Belgian industrial,
     research, and teaching projects respectively.

   * Thanks to the assistance of DG XII at the European Commission, a
     printed copy of the Ada 95 Quality and Style: Guidelines for
     Professional Programmers will be given to each attendee.

   * Thanks to ACM SIGAda and the AJPO, we can once more offer free copies
     of the latest Ada CD-ROM set from Walnut Creek (July 1996 Edition),
     i.e. 1.2 GB of Ada documentation, information, source code and
     ready-to-run tools and compilers from the Public Ada Library (PAL) on a
     2 disk set (list price $39.95).

This is an event not to be missed! Do not delay to register!
(And be sure to request your FREE copy of the Ada CD-ROM set.)

More information is available below and via the 1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar
Home Page at URL

Looking forward to meet many of you in Brussels.

Dirk Craeynest
Ada-Belgium Board


Invited speaker: Tucker Taft

Tucker Taft is Chief Scientist in the Intermetrics Products and Technology
Group and is currently Technical Director developing Intermetrics' Ada 95
technology, called "AdaMagic". He is also leading development for
Intermetrics' Ada 95-to-Java byte-code compiler, called "AppletMagic". (*)

>From 1990 to 1995, Mr. Taft led the Ada 9X language design team, culminating
in the February 1995 approval of Ada 95 as the first ISO standardized
object-oriented programming language.

(*) A downloadable beta version of AppletMagic is available at
See also the document "Twelve reasons to use Ada 95 for Java applet
development" at
and the Web-page "Ada and WWW/Java" at


Preliminary Program

08:30 - 09:30   Registration

09:30 - 09:35   Welcome (Ada-Belgium)
09:35 - 10:00   Presentation of Eurocontrol CFMU
                (Peter Schmutz, head Software Section, Eurocontrol CFMU)
10:00 - 11:00   Exploiting Java Technology using Ada: an overview
                (Tucker Taft, Intermetrics)

11:00 - 11:30   Coffee break

11:30 - 13:00   Tutorial: the use of Ada for Java development
                (Tucker Taft, Intermetrics)

13:00 - 14:30   Lunch

14:30 - 15:00   Ada and technologies integration: a real size experience
                (Philippe Waroquiers, Eurocontrol CFMU)
15:00 - 15:30   Polynomial Homotopy Continuation,
                a portable Ada software package
                (Jan Verschelde, K.U.Leuven)
15:30 - 16:00   Indexed sequential files in Ada: a didactical example
                (Marc A. Gobin, R.M.A.)

16:00 - 16:30   Coffee break

16:30 - 18:00   Ada and the external world: practical experiences
                (Tucker Taft, Intermetrics)

18:00           End of the Seminar



* Presentation of Eurocontrol CFMU
  (Peter Schmutz, head Software Section, Eurocontrol CFMU)

  A general presentation of Eurocontrol, the European Organization for the
  Safety of Air Navigation, will be given: its main objectives, the role of
  the main divisions (CFMU, EEC, CRCO, Eatchip, ...), and an overview of Ada
  usage in the different projects.

  The main part of the presentation will provide more details about the
  Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU). The different subsystems of the CFMU
  project will be presented: Archive, Env, Strat, RTA/RCA, with special
  emphasis on TACT and IFPS, the most "critical" systems in terms of

* Exploiting Java Technology using Ada: an overview
  (Tucker Taft, Intermetrics)

  Ada 95's chief designer Tucker Taft describes how Ada exploits the emerging
  Java technology to respond to today's new Internet-based computing paradigm.
  This talk will explain how Ada 95 has been adapted to the Java "platform,"
  achieving full interoperability between Ada 95 and Java code, and opening up
  the exciting new Internet-based computing paradigm to the reliability and
  productivity of Ada-based development.

* Tutorial: the use of Ada for Java development
  (Tucker Taft, Intermetrics)

  This tutorial will introduce the attendees to writing Java-compatible
  applets in Ada 95.

* Ada and technologies integration: a real size experience
  (Philippe Waroquiers, Eurocontrol CFMU)

  The TACTICAL system is a system developed in Ada by Eurocontrol (CFMU) to
  help solving the air traffic congestion problem.

  This presentation will first present the functionality and then the
  architecture of the system. Among others, the following points will be
  addressed: the distributed aspects of the system; interfacing with the
  external world (usage of TCP/IP, SNA, Motif, Oracle, ...); usage of some
  Unix features from Ada (e.g. shared memory).

* Polynomial Homotopy Continuation, a portable Ada software package
  (Jan Verschelde, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

  The aim is to report on our experiences in building a high-quality software
  package for solving polynomial systems. The qualities of the program reside
  in the performance of the developed numerical methods and in the good
  software practice used in designing and implementing.

  We will present the structure of our software, indicate its main features
  and show some applications. Besides that, we comment on the use of Ada in an
  applied math research project. Hereby we will describe the advantages of
  software engineering with Ada and list the difficulties we had to counter.

  Jan Verschelde obtained his bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the
  K.U.Leuven in 1990. Since then he worked at the Computer Science Department
  on the development of methods and software for solving polynomial systems.
  In May 1996, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on `Homotopy Continuation Methods
  for Solving Polynomial Systems'. Currently he is post-doctoral researcher at

* Indexed sequential files in Ada: a didactical example
  (Marc A. Gobin, Royal Military Academy, Brussels)

  As an introduction to a course on implementing data bases, the working of an
  indexed sequential file system is explained. Indexed sequential files are
  not included in the Ada reference manual, but can be (easily ?) implemented.
  To serve its purpose the implementation should be easy to explain, easy to
  use and as efficient as possible.

  In this paper the main features of an indexed sequential package will be
  explained and the different choices and restrictions will be justified. The
  result is a quite efficient package for defining and using the traditional
  index sequential concepts.

  Note: the entire package is available as freeware and can be obtained in
  source form from the Ada-Belgium WWW-server, section Free Ada Software
  provided by Belgian Ada users. The entire package is Ada83 compatible.

* Ada and the external world: practical experiences
  (Tucker Taft, Intermetrics)

  We will report on the general approaches to building Ada 95 interfaces to
  non-Ada subsystems, for C, C++ and Java, and with some specific experiences
  relating to Windows 32, the Java AWT, and perhaps Microsoft Foundation
  Classes (if we have gotten that far by November). The aim is more to show
  the public what has been done already, not to be an "abstract" lecture on
  the basic Ada 95 features for interface programming.


Free Offer
Copies of the Walnut Creek Ada CD-ROM set, bought by Ada-Belgium through an
agreement with the Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO) via ACM SIGAda, will be
freely distributed to the first registered participants, up to the amount
available. (Last year we could satisfy all demands.)

These CD-ROM sets include ports to lots of platforms of the GNU Ada 95
compiler (GNAT).

It has become a tradition that lots of interesting documents are distributed
(freely) on the Seminar day.

For this 6th Annual Seminar, each participant will be offered, a.o., the Ada
95 Quality and Style: Guidelines for Professional Programmers, a valuable
document for any serious (prospective) Ada user.

Moreover, printed proceedings with papers of the presentations, copies of
slides, and lots of additional documents and papers will be distributed.

The Seminar takes place at the premises of Eurocontrol in Brussels (Haren),
Belgium. Parking facilities are available.

See also "How to get there?" on the 1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar Home Page.

Participation fee
4000 BEF for Ada-Belgium members
5000 BEF for non-members
Free registration for students, including Ph.D. students (without lunch)

The participation fee includes all coffee breaks and lunch, full
documentation, and a free Walnut Creek Ada CD-ROM set (up to the amount
available). Students can optionally pay for lunch.

The attached Registration Form has to be returned, signed, preferably before
Monday November 18. Students may arrange registration through their

Seminar secretariat
1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar Secretariat
c/o Eurocontrol - CFMU
Attn.: Ms. K. Van Hollebeke
Raketstraat 96
B-1130 Brussel
Phone:  +32-2-729.96.51
Fax:    +32-2-729.90.22


We would like to thank our sponsors for their continued support of our
activities: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven), Koninklijke
Militaire School / Ecole Royale Militaire, (K.M.S./E.R.M.), OFFIS N.V./S.A.,
Rational Software Corporation , Trasys N.V./S.A , and Universite' Libre de
Bruxelles (U.L.B.).

Special thanks to Eurocontrol CFMU (Central Flow Management Unit of the
European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation), DG XII at the
European Commission (Directorate-General XII: Science, Research and
Development), ACM/SIGAda (ACM Special Interest Group on the Ada programming
language) and AJPO - AdaIC (Ada Joint Program Office - Ada Information
Clearinghouse) for their support of this event.


Information on this and other Ada-Belgium events is available on the
Internet at the Ada-Belgium World-Wide-Web pages and is updated regularly.
Check out URL


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1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar Registration

Please mail to                                  or fax to
--------------                                  ---------
   1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar Secretariat            + 32 (0)2 729 90 22
   c/o Eurocontrol - CFMU
   Attn. Ms. K. Van Hollebeke
   Raketstraat 96
   B - 1130 Brussels, Belgium

Personal Information
Name  __________________________   First name  _________________________

Job title / Occupation  ________________________________________________
Company / Institution  _________________________________________________
Address  _______________________________________________________________
Zip code  ______________________   City  _______________________________
Country  _______________________   E-mail  _____________________________
Telephone  _____________________   Telefax  ____________________________

YES, I want to register for the 1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar that will take
place at Eurocontrol in Brussels on November 22nd, 1996

YES, I will pay the following registration fee    (Please tick one item)
___  4 000 BEF  as an Ada-Belgium member
                     Note: If you are not an Ada-Belgium member yet, but
                     you would like to become one, please mail or fax an
                     Ada-Belgium membership application form and pay the
                     above fee
___  5 000 BEF  as a non Ada-Belgium member
___      0 BEF  as a full-time student   (without lunch)
Institution  _________________   Please join a copy of your student card

___  I would like to receive a copy of the Walnut Creek Ada CD-ROM set
___  Please send me accommodation information

Payment information                 (Please tick one item)
YES, I agree to pay the appropriate registration fee to Ada-Belgium VZW
___  to account number 979-3829669-17 (Argenta), or
___  to account number 409-9054291-64 (Kredietbank),
     if paying from outside Belgium
mentioning "1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar"

Signature  _________________________   Date  ___________________________

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1997 Ada-Belgium Membership Application

Please mail to                                  or fax to
--------------                                  ---------
   Ada-Belgium                                     + 32 (0)2 650 56 09
   c/o Universite' Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
   Boulevard du Triomphe
   Campus de la Plaine, CP 202
   B - 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium                         Page 1 of _______

Personal Information
Name  __________________________   First name  _________________________
For Corporate Members: Name of Appointed Contact Person
Job title / Occupation  ________________________________________________
Company / Institution  _________________________________________________
Address  _______________________________________________________________
Zip code  ______________________   City  _______________________________
Country  _______________________   E-mail  _____________________________
Telephone  _____________________   Telefax  ____________________________

The above address is  ___  my company address
                      ___  my private address

Membership  (Includes Ada-Europe Membership & Newsletters)
----------                          (Please tick one item)
___  Individual Member  (annual fee: 1 000 BEF)
___  Corporate Member   (annual fee: 5 000 BEF)
___  Student Member     (annual fee:   400 BEF)

Payment information                 (Please tick one item)
YES, I agree to pay the appropriate registration fee to Ada-Belgium VZW
___  to account number 979-3829669-17 (Argenta), or
___  to account number 409-9054291-64 (Kredietbank),
    if paying from outside Belgium
mentioning "1997 Ada-Belgium Membership"

Ada-related Points of Interest
If you have any specific point of interest, please mention them in
attachment to this form.

Additional Addresses
If you know other people or companies in Belgium who are interested in
Ada, please mention their names and addresses in attachment to this
form - as such we will contact them with information on Ada-Belgium.
Thank you.

Signature  _________________________   Date  ___________________________

Attachment  ____________________________________________________________

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Dirk ( for Ada-Belgium e-mail)

*** 1996 Ada-Belgium Seminar: Nov 22, Tucker Taft on Ada 95, Java, ...

Dirk Craeynest |                         | Email: Dirk.Craeynest@
   OFFIS NV/SA | c/o Eurocontrol - CFMU  |
   Ada-Belgium | Raketstraat 96          | Phone: ++32(2)729.97.36
   Team Ada    | B-1130 Brussel, Belgium | Fax:   ++32(2)729.90.22

+------------/   E-mail:
|Ada-Belgium/       WWW:
| on the   /        FTP:
|Internet / Mail-server:
+--------/ Mailing list:

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