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From: (Richard A. O'Keefe)
Subject: Re: What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?]
Date: 1996/09/12
Date: 1996-09-12T00:00:00+00:00	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <5182u7$> (raw)
In-Reply-To: 01bb9fe6$7299d800$

"Tim Behrendsen" <> writes:

>Time is extremely useful in understanding how something works,
>although you don't normally invoke it's name.  Even in your
>optical computer, you have light-encoded information flowing
>through mirrors, etc.  *This is time*.  If you are explaining
>to a student how it works, your finger will trace a path
>through the machine.

This is simply false.  When I was taught about these beasts, this
simply didn't happen.  To the extent that there was a progression
of _ideas_, the progression went from the _output_ back to the input.
No doubt other teachers than mine have other methods of presentation,
but that's not how it was for me.

What's more, I was introduced to Feynman's treatment of electromagnetic
radiation involving a wave propagating _backwards_ in time.

>My entire point before we went down this road is that I think
>many teachers take it for granted that cause-and-effect and
>procedure are so obvious they don't need to be learned, and
>that's not true.

There are some people who believe that backwards causation is
self-contradictory, while there are others like me, who think
that Goedel's rotating universe model has shown backwards
causation to be compatible with the presently accepted laws of
physics ("Tipler machines" are basically inside-out Goedel universes).
Then there are the old distinctions between cause and ground, between
formal, material, and final causes.  Millenia of philosophy have shown
the concept to be very tricky indeed.  But what has that to do with
computing?  If I write a constraint logic program, you cannot point
to any part of the program and say "this causes that", but it is
computer programming for all that.

And I certainly agree that "procedure" is not an obvious concept.
I have just conducted a thorough search of my office.
Three English dictionaries agree that "procedure" means something like
"rules of behaviour", in the bureaucratic sense.  I have quite a few
books about algorithms, algorithmics, foundations of computing, &c.
All of *them* basically boiled down to "procedure, see subroutine".

>> Yes, but fundamental to what everyone in computing except you means by
>> "procedure" is "a discrete sequence of steps".

>No, fundamental to *you*, perhaps, but I have never heard this
>definition before.

As I said, the English dictionaries are talking about bureaucratic
procedures, which are often written down in rule books.  Even when they
are not, to follow a (bureaucratic) procedure means to engage in a sequence
of behaviours regulated by rules, and those behaviours are conceptualised
as discrete.  In computing, as I said above, I have been unable to find
any definition of "procedure" that distinguishes it from a Fortran
subroutine or Pascal procedure.  In fact, that is why the "procedural"
languages are so-called, because a procedural program is organised as
a possibly structured collections of procedures in the Fortran/Algol/Pascal
sense.  *This* in the meaning that leaps to mind to everyone who has
posted in this thread except you.

I have been able to locate a definition of algorithm.  I wonder if you
will recognise it:

	The notion of an _algorithm_ is basic to all of
	computer programming, so we should begin with a
	careful analysis of this concept.
	So this is an algorithm.  The modern meaning for algorithm
	is quite similar to that of _recipie_, _process_, _method_,
	_technique_, _procedure_, _routine_, except that the word
	"algorithm" connotes something just a little different.
	Besides merely being a finite set of rules which gives a
	sequence o operations for solving a specific type of
	problem [%], an algorithm has five important features:

	1) Finiteness.  An algorithm must always terminate after a
	finite number of steps.  ... (A procedure which has all of
	the characteristics of an algorithm except that it possibly
	lacks finiteness may be called a "computational method." ...[%])

	2) Definiteness.  Each step of an algorithm must be
	precisely defined; the actions to be carried out must be
	rigorously and unambiguously specified for each case.

	3) Input.  An algorithm has zero or more inputs ...

	4) Output.  An algorithm has one or more outputs ...

	5) Effectiveness.  An algorithm is also generally
	expected to be _effective_.  This means that all of the
	operations to be performed in the algorithm must be
	sufficiently basic that they can in principle be done
	exactly and in a finite length of time by a man using
	pencil and paper. ..

[%] These statements make it clear that the distinguished computer
scientist who wrote this important textbook, whose emeritus chair
is in fact named after the book, considers "procedures" and
"algorithms" to be pretty much the same kind of thing, except that
"procedure" is a _slightly_ looser term.  This is actually the same
book containing "procedure, see subroutine" in the index, but every
other book in this office agrees with that.

>Of course, your optical computer fits this
>definition, since it has a discrete sequence of steps (mirrors,
>etc.), and you claim that *it* doesn't.

No, the mirrors are not steps.  It is in principle possible to build
an optical computer as a single translucent block with varying refractive
index. You don't need a crisp metal/air interface to get reflection; a
continuous change in refractive index (I did say my MSc was in underwater
acoustics) will do the job nicely.  The holographic transformation of an
optical signal _certainly_ takes place in a continously varying medium;
that's why I chose that example.

Let's compute a 2-dimensional optical signal propagating through a
medium with a predetermined static spatial modulation of its refractive

    1. Finiteness:  Not necessary for a procedure.
    2. Definiteness:  the transformation is precisely defined by
	partial differential equations.
    3. Input:  the incoming stream of photons.
    4. Output:  the outgoing stream of photons.
    5. Effectiveness:  fails miserably.  The relevant number here
	is the power of the continuum.  That was the point of selecting
	a model where _continuously_ varying media are involved.

>No, the definition is very clear.

You may _say_ that the definition is very clear, but you still haven't
told us what your definition of a procedure _is_, and why such an
extremely general redefinition of "procedure" is _relevant_ to CS

>The point is that non-procedural
>*expressions* are an abstract concept.

So are *any* expressions.  So are "so", "are", "any", and "expressions".
What is the _point_?  Causality is (or are) an abstract concept.  Effect
is an abstract concept.  Number is a highly abstract concept.

>I have no problem with
>saying that algorithms can be abstractly expressed non-procedurally,
>but they cannot be implemented non-procedurally.

I have said this before:  according to your definition, EVERYTHING is
procedural.  Clouds, cockroaches, ink drops swirling in milk, alpha
particles tunnelling out of nuclei, they are all in the real world and
according to you _everything_ in the real world is procedural.  If you
are right, a non-procedure expression is simply an impossibility,
because strive as hard as we may, we end up with something in the real
world, and you say "no, *everything* in the real world is procedural".

>Now you're arguing worthless semantics.  Obviously that's not what
>I'm saying.

No, it is *not* obvious.

>How about "No algorithm implementation is not
>procedural", which is what you know that I meant.

No, I did *not* know that you meant that.  But *any* method of expressing
an algorithm (and as soon as you say "algorithm" you are conceding me
finiteness, definiteness, input, output, and effectiveness") is an
implementation.  This is my claim:  any intelligible expression of an
algorithm _is_ an implementation.  Proof:  if a human being can determine
that it _is_ the expression of an algorithm, then the human being has
determined that s/he could at least in principle execute the algorithm
with pencil and paper (the definition of effectiveness).  Anything that
no human being cannot figure out a method of calculating with pencil
and paper (in principle), cannot be the expression of an algorithm.

Since any human-intelligible expression of an algorithm _is_ by its
very nature an implementation of that algorithm, and since you claim
that no algorithm implementation is not procedural, then every
human-intelligible expression of an algorithm MUST, if you are correct,
count as procedural.

>A mathematical expression is non-procedural, because it is a
>statement of truth, and not an algorithmic sequence.

_I_ have no difficulty with this, because to me most mathematical
expressions are not algorithms.  But _you_ say that _everything_ is
procedural.  If mathematical expressions are part of the real world,
and if everything in the real world is procedural, how come you now
surprise us with a claim that a mathematical expression is not
procedural?  And if a mathematical expression is not procedural,
how is a constraint logic program, in which everything is non-directional
statements of truth, procedural?

>An SQL expression is not procedural, because it is not an algorithmic
>sequence, it is a mathematical transformation.

Here I disagree.  I think an SQL expression _is_ procedural.
Is an SQL expression an algorithm?  Let's see
    Finiteness:  yes.
    Definiteness:  yes.
    Input:  yes (the extensional data base).
    Output:  yes (the computed relation).
    Effectiveness:  yes.  There is an obvious naive pencil-and-paper
	method for computing the result of an SQL formula.  In fact,
	when students are taught SQL, they are sometimes required to
	evaluate SQL expressions in their exercises.
So an SQL expression passes all the tests for being an algorithm.
Why do you say it isn't?  Sure, a computer program may compute the
value of an SQL expression some other way, but that is equally true
for every programming language.  The student machine here has
asynchronous loads:  execute a load instruction, and the result might
not arrive until 30 cycles later, during which time more than 100
other instructions may have completed.  (It's an UltraSPARC.)  The
sequence _as written_ is not the sequence _as executed_, so we can't
let _that_ be a criterion for whether something is procedural or

>In other words, procedural mechanisms have a start, middle, and
>end.  Non-procedural expressions do not.

Hang on, you _denied_ that "steps" were an important part of a procedure,
and now here you are listing three steps that must be part of every

>> In short, the discussion with you has been a waste of time, because
>> you were never making any claim with empirical content, only playing
>> language games.

>Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but you are wrong.

1.  You use a covert redefinition of procedure (you _still_ have not
    supplied a clear explanation of what you mean by this term)
    which conflicts with a book that has been one of _the_ most 
    unfluential books in CS since 1968

2.  You use a redefinition in which _everything_ is procedural, so
    there is simply no contrast.  If everything has the Buddha
    nature, then to say that something has the Buddha nature tells
    you _nothing_ about it.

3.  You use a redefinition which makes no empirical claim.
    If a digital computer with discrete components and discrete
    states is no more and no less "procedural" than an optical
    computer with continuous components and continuous states,
    then we are left with no way to predict which things you
    will call procedural and which things you will not.

4.  You miss an *extremely* important point about computational
    mechanisms.  The definition of "algorithm" given above, and
    the definition of "procedure" that goes with it, has an
    incredibly important and rather shocking consequence:

	Anything which cannot be expressed in terms of properties
	of polynomials with integer variables and integer
	coefficients cannot be computed.

    This is even true of quantum computers.  Surely a definition
    of "procedure" or "procedural" which is to be _relevant_ to
    computing must be bounded by "procedures" (whatever they are)
    that can be followed by _computing_ mechanisms.

    This says to _me_ that the majority of processes occurring in
    the real world are not computable, so any definition of
    "procedure" that encompasses them os NOT RELEVANT TO COMPUTING.

>You prove my point that programmers take the procedural nature
>of the computer as so obvious as to be beneath discussion, but
>it's not.  I cannot stress this enough: THIS MUST BE LEARNED BY
>STUDENTS.  This is the primary, fundamental axiom of computers.

No, I do not prove your point.  No, we do _not_ take the nature
to the computer as being obvious.  We *DO* teach students about
computability; we *DO* teach students that every known computing
mechanism has no more and no less power than a Turing machine;
we *DO* teach students about computer architecture, at say the
level in Hennessy & Patterson and perhaps a little lower.  But
we sure as heck don't tell them that _everything_ in the real world
is procedural.

>How many questions do we get in this newsgroup where a student
>simply didn't follow the flow of the program to see what happens?
>This is so obvious to you and I that we don't think about it,
>but *they didn't*!  Because they have only a vague feeling of
>flow, and are still looking at the program as a kind of
>weird combination of a solid object and something with a flow
>of time.

There is a fatal flaw in your argument.
Students don't think of looking in the index of their textbook.
Students are capable of staring at a GNAT error message:
	"foobar.adb must be recompiled"
and wondering what to do about it.
Students are capable of handing in an Ada program starting
like this:  "procedure 8puzzle is".  (That happened yesterday.)
Amongst the students I have to deal with, some of the _native_
speakers of English have only the shakiest grasp of English
grammar.  It used to be that if I saw "Chinglish" comments I
knew I was dealing with an Asian student.  Not any more.

There is a sort of "learned helplessness" around.  It's not that
they don't think of following the flow; it's that a lot of them
don't think of _anything_; they wait for someone to _tell_ them.

There is another flaw in the argument:  the most powerful way of
understanding a program that I know, and I am not a bad programmer,
is to see it as a web of relations and constraints.  When _I_ have
a problem with an Ada program, I don't start playing computer, I
look for relations that I have not made explicit, for constraints
that I can check.

>Take recursion.  How can you not understand recursion if you
>understand in your soul that computers execute a flow of
>instructions?  You can't, and that's the point.  Understanding
>the time axis is the key.

There is spatial recursion as well as temporal recursion.
I am completely comfortable with recursion in programming and have been
since I met it.  But I _understand_ recursion the same way I understand
mathematical induction, and the train of thought when I write, analyse,
or debug recursive code is at best indirectly related to the "flow" in
the program.  The core metaphors I use to grasp recursion are primarily

Australian citizen since 14 August 1996.  *Now* I can vote the xxxs out!
Richard A. O'Keefe;; RMIT Comp.Sci.

  parent reply	other threads:[~1996-09-12  0:00 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 695+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
     [not found] <>
     [not found] ` <4rs76l$>
1996-07-15  0:00   ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Ralph Silverman
1996-07-15  0:00     ` Steve Sobol
1996-07-16  0:00     ` Lee Crites
1996-07-17  0:00       ` David Verschoore
1996-07-17  0:00         ` Anthony Kanner
1996-07-17  0:00         ` Mark McKinney
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Philip Brashear
1996-07-23  0:00             ` John A Hughes
1996-07-26  0:00               ` Randy Kaelber
1996-07-29  0:00                 ` Ralph Silverman
1996-08-06  0:00                 ` StHeller
1996-07-20  0:00         ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-20  0:00           ` Mark Eissler
1996-07-25  0:00             ` Erik Seaberg
1996-07-26  0:00             ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-27  0:00               ` Rick Elbers
1996-07-28  0:00                 ` Mark Eissler
1996-07-28  0:00                 ` J. Christian Blanchette
1996-07-28  0:00                   ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-29  0:00                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-30  0:00                     ` Arra Avakian
1996-07-31  0:00                       ` James Youngman
1996-07-31  0:00                       ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-02  0:00                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-05  0:00                         ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-06  0:00                           ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-05  0:00                         ` Fergus Henderson
1996-08-06  0:00                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-06  0:00                             ` Dan Pop
1996-08-06  0:00                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-06  0:00                                 ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-07  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-07  0:00                                     ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00                                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-07  0:00                                     ` James A. Squire
1996-08-08  0:00                                     ` David Weller
1996-08-09  0:00                                     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-10  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-11  0:00                                         ` Craig Franck
1996-08-11  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-11  0:00                                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-11  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-12  0:00                                             ` Alf P. Steinbach
1996-08-12  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-13  0:00                                             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-07  0:00                                 ` Mark Eissler
     [not found]                               ` <01bb83cc$fb <>
1996-08-07  0:00                                 ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-06  0:00                             ` Fergus Henderson
1996-08-07  0:00                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00                                 ` Thomas Hood
1996-08-09  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-17  0:00                                 ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-17  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-19  0:00                                     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-19  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-19  0:00                                         ` Tim Hollebeek
1996-08-20  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-20  0:00                                         ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-21  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-22  0:00                                             ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-22  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-04  0:00                                             ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-09-04  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-06  0:00                                                 ` Bob Gilbert
1996-09-06  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-09  0:00                                                     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-09-11  0:00                                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-10  0:00                                                   ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-10  0:00                                                     ` Kaz Kylheku
1996-09-11  0:00                                                     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-09-10  0:00                                                   ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-11  0:00                                                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-11  0:00                                                   ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-11  0:00                                                   ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-05  0:00                                               ` Mark Wooding
1996-09-06  0:00                                                 ` Bob Cousins
1996-09-06  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-07  0:00                                                     ` Craig Franck
1996-09-08  0:00                                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-08  0:00                                                         ` Craig Franck
1996-09-09  0:00                                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-10  0:00                                                             ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-10  0:00                                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-11  0:00                                                         ` John Burdick
1996-09-13  0:00                                                 ` Bengt Richter
1996-09-14  0:00                                                   ` Craig Franck
1996-09-06  0:00                                         ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-09-06  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-11  0:00                                         ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-11  0:00                                         ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-11  0:00                                           ` Craig Franck
1996-09-11  0:00                                             ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-17  0:00                                           ` George
1996-09-24  0:00                                             ` Joel VanLaven
1996-09-27  0:00                                               ` Tom Payne
1996-09-28  0:00                                                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-27  0:00                                               ` Dann Corbit
1996-09-11  0:00                                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-11  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-12  0:00                                             ` Peter Seebach
1996-09-18  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-12  0:00                                             ` Richard A. O'Keefe [this message]
1996-09-13  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-13  0:00                                                 ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-18  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-19  0:00                                                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-17  0:00                                             ` George
1996-09-19  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-24  0:00                                                 ` Matthew M. Lih
1996-09-25  0:00                                                   ` Bjarne Stroustrup
1996-09-26  0:00                                                     ` Bengt Richter
1996-09-28  0:00                                                     ` Dan Pop
1996-09-25  0:00                                                   ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-26  0:00                                                     ` Mark Wooding
1996-09-26  0:00                                               ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-26  0:00                                                 ` Dann Corbit
1996-09-27  0:00                                                 ` Jay Martin
1996-09-27  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-30  0:00                                                     ` Art Schwarz
1996-09-27  0:00                                                   ` Kent Budge
1996-09-27  0:00                                                     ` George Haddad
1996-09-28  0:00                                                       ` Matthew Heaney
1996-09-27  0:00                                                     ` George Haddad
1996-09-27  0:00                                                       ` George Haddad
1996-09-27  0:00                                                     ` George Haddad
1996-09-27  0:00                                                     ` George Haddad
1996-09-28  0:00                                                     ` Steve Heller
1996-10-01  0:00                                                       ` DJ Kindberg
1996-09-27  0:00                                                 ` Craig Franck
1996-09-27  0:00                                                   ` Bob Cousins
1996-09-28  0:00                                               ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-18  0:00                                         ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-26  0:00                                         ` Jon S Anthony
1996-10-01  0:00                                           ` Andrew Gierth
1996-08-22  0:00                                     ` Bengt Richter
1996-08-22  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-23  0:00                                         ` Larry J. Elmore
1996-08-22  0:00                                       ` Frank Manning
1996-08-31  0:00                                         ` Bengt Richter
1996-08-31  0:00                                           ` Frank Manning
1996-08-31  0:00                                             ` Frank Manning
1996-09-02  0:00                                             ` deafen
1996-09-03  0:00                                               ` Bob Kitzberger
1996-09-03  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-03  0:00                                               ` Phil Barnett
1996-09-03  0:00                                               ` Frank Manning
1996-09-03  0:00                                               ` Steve Howard
1996-08-08  0:00                               ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-09  0:00                               ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-09  0:00                                 ` Tim Behrendsen
     [not found]                               ` <01bb846d$ <>
1996-08-09  0:00                                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-06  0:00                             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-06  0:00                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-06  0:00                                 ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-07  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-07  0:00                                     ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00                                         ` telnet user
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` Ed Hook
1996-08-08  0:00                                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00                                             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-14  0:00                                             ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-16  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-20  0:00                                                 ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-20  0:00                                                   ` Alan Bowler
1996-08-21  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Bengt Richter
1996-08-22  0:00                                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-31  0:00                                                         ` Bengt Richter
1996-09-01  0:00                                                           ` Maurice M. Carey IV
1996-08-26  0:00                                                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-26  0:00                                                       ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-30  0:00                                                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-30  0:00                                                           ` Peter Seebach
1996-09-03  0:00                                                             ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-09-01  0:00                                                           ` Joe Keane
1996-09-04  0:00                                                             ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-03  0:00                                                           ` Arkady Belousov
1996-08-30  0:00                                                         ` Kaz Kylheku
1996-08-26  0:00                                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-29  0:00                                                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-29  0:00                                                           ` Craig Franck
1996-08-30  0:00                                                           ` system
1996-08-31  0:00                                                             ` Kenneth Mays
     [not found]                                                           ` <01bb95ba$9dfed580$496700cf@ljelmore.montana>
1996-08-30  0:00                                                             ` Steve Heller
1996-08-31  0:00                                                             ` Clayton Weaver
1996-09-01  0:00                                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-26  0:00                                                       ` madscientist
1996-08-29  0:00                                                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-31  0:00                                                       ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-09-04  0:00                                                         ` Tom Payne
1996-09-04  0:00                                                       ` Patrick Horgan
1996-09-05  0:00                                                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-05  0:00                                                           ` deafen
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-09  0:00                                         ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-10  0:00                                             ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-12  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-12  0:00                                                 ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-12  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-13  0:00                                                     ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-13  0:00                                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-13  0:00                                                         ` Giuliano Carlini
1996-08-14  0:00                                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-15  0:00                                                         ` Mike Rubenstein
     [not found]                                                     ` <32 <01bb8923$e1d34280$>
1996-08-14  0:00                                                       ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-14  0:00                                                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-14  0:00                                                           ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-12  0:00                                                   ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-13  0:00                                                     ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-15  0:00                                                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-12  0:00                                                 ` Bob Kitzberger
1996-08-22  0:00                                                   ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-23  0:00                                                     ` Steve Heller
1996-08-07  0:00                                     ` Dan Pop
1996-08-08  0:00                                       ` Christopher R Volpe
1996-08-08  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00                                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00                                           ` Randy Kaelber
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-10  0:00                                             ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-11  0:00                                               ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-11  0:00                                               ` Dan Pop
1996-08-12  0:00                                                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-12  0:00                                                 ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-15  0:00                                                   ` Bob Hoffmann
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` J. Blustein
1996-08-11  0:00                                             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-09  0:00                                         ` Dan Pop
1996-08-11  0:00                                           ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-19  0:00                                             ` James Youngman
1996-08-11  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-11  0:00                                             ` Dan Pop
1996-08-13  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-13  0:00                                                 ` Giuliano Carlini
1996-08-14  0:00                                                 ` Dan Pop
1996-08-14  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-16  0:00                                                   ` Dik T. Winter
1996-08-12  0:00                                             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-13  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-18  0:00                                         ` Sam B. Siegel
1996-08-19  0:00                                           ` Dan Pop
1996-08-08  0:00                                     ` Teaching sorts [was Re: What's the best language to start with?] Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-09  0:00                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-10  0:00                                       ` Al Aab
1996-08-10  0:00                                       ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-12  0:00                                       ` Steve Heller
1996-08-12  0:00                                         ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-16  0:00                                           ` Steve Heller
1996-08-16  0:00                                             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-18  0:00                                               ` Steve Heller
1996-08-18  0:00                                                 ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-18  0:00                                                   ` Steve Heller
1996-08-18  0:00                                                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-20  0:00                                                       ` Steve Heller
1996-08-16  0:00                                             ` Adam Beneschan
1996-08-18  0:00                                               ` Steve Heller
1996-08-18  0:00                                                 ` Jeff Dege
1996-08-18  0:00                                                   ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-16  0:00                                             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-17  0:00                                               ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-20  0:00                                                 ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-20  0:00                                                   ` Dann Corbit
1996-08-21  0:00                                                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-21  0:00                                                       ` Dann Corbit
1996-08-22  0:00                                                       ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-22  0:00                                                         ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-23  0:00                                                           ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-25  0:00                                                         ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-21  0:00                                                   ` Dik T. Winter
1996-08-21  0:00                                                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-21  0:00                                                       ` Pete Becker
1996-08-22  0:00                                                         ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-22  0:00                                                           ` Pete Becker
1996-08-22  0:00                                                           ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-21  0:00                                                       ` Matt Austern
1996-08-21  0:00                                                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-21  0:00                                                       ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-22  0:00                                                         ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-22  0:00                                                         ` Dann Corbit
1996-08-22  0:00                                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-24  0:00                                                         ` Joe Keane
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-21  0:00                                                 ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-21  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-21  0:00                                                   ` Adam Beneschan
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Christian Bau
1996-08-22  0:00                                                       ` Larry Kilgallen
1996-08-23  0:00                                                         ` Tim Hollebeek
1996-08-24  0:00                                                           ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-24  0:00                                                         ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-22  0:00                                                       ` (topic change on) Teaching sorts Marcus H. Mendenhall
1996-08-27  0:00                                                         ` Ralph Silverman
1996-08-23  0:00                                                       ` Teaching sorts [was Re: What's the best language to start with?] Andrew Koenig
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Andrew Koenig
1996-08-24  0:00                                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-17  0:00                                               ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-18  0:00                                               ` Steve Heller
1996-08-21  0:00                                               ` Matt Austern
1996-08-23  0:00                                               ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-23  0:00                                                 ` Adam Beneschan
1996-08-14  0:00                                       ` Stephen Baynes
1996-08-14  0:00                                         ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-16  0:00                                           ` Dik T. Winter
1996-08-16  0:00                                             ` Joe Foster
1996-08-18  0:00                                           ` Glenn Rhoads
1996-08-19  0:00                                           ` Richard A. O'Keefe
     [not found]                                             ` <dewar.840491732@schonberg>
1996-08-19  0:00                                               ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-22  0:00                                                 ` Stephen Baynes
1996-08-27  0:00                                                 ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-19  0:00                                           ` Stephen Baynes
1996-08-19  0:00                                             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-19  0:00                                             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-14  0:00                                         ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-13  0:00                                     ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-13  0:00                                       ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-14  0:00                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-13  0:00                                     ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-14  0:00                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-15  0:00                                       ` Tom Payne
1996-08-14  0:00                                     ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-15  0:00                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-15  0:00                                     ` Blair Phillips
1996-08-27  0:00                                     ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-29  0:00                                     ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-30  0:00                                       ` Steve Heller
1996-08-30  0:00                                     ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-07  0:00                                 ` What's the best language to start with Ian Ward
1996-08-08  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00                                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-11  0:00                                 ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Jerone A. Bowers
1996-08-12  0:00                             ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-05  0:00                         ` Henrik Wetterstrom
1996-08-13  0:00                       ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-16  0:00                         ` Steve Heller
1996-08-16  0:00                           ` John Hobson
1996-07-31  0:00                   ` AJ Musgrove
1996-08-01  0:00                     ` Ken Pizzini
1996-08-01  0:00                     ` Tim Hollebeek
1996-08-01  0:00                     ` Sam Harris
1996-08-02  0:00                       ` Eric W. Nikitin
1996-08-03  0:00                     ` Raffael Cavallaro
1996-08-05  0:00                       ` Chris Sonnack
1996-07-31  0:00                   ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-08  0:00                   ` William Clodius
1996-08-08  0:00                   ` William Clodius
1996-08-11  0:00                     ` Fergus Henderson
1996-08-11  0:00                     ` Dik T. Winter
1996-08-13  0:00                   ` Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen FOU.TD/DELAB
1996-08-14  0:00                   ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-15  0:00                   ` Teaching sorts [was Re: What's the best language to start with?] Norman H. Cohen
1996-08-16  0:00                     ` Steve Heller
1996-08-19  0:00                   ` Ted Dennison
1996-08-23  0:00                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-23  0:00                       ` Ted Dennison
1996-08-24  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-27  0:00                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-02  0:00                           ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-07-28  0:00               ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Robert Dewar
1996-07-29  0:00                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-30  0:00                   ` Paul Campbell
1996-07-30  0:00                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-02  0:00                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-03  0:00                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-04  0:00                           ` Alf P. Steinbach
1996-08-04  0:00                             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-04  0:00                               ` Jerry van Dijk
1996-08-05  0:00                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-04  0:00                                 ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-05  0:00                                   ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-05  0:00                                     ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-07  0:00                                       ` Tom Watson
1996-08-05  0:00                                     ` Tim Hollebeek
1996-08-10  0:00                                       ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-06  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-03  0:00                     ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-04  0:00                       ` Kurt E. Huhner
1996-07-30  0:00                   ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-31  0:00                   ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Arne W. Flones
1996-08-02  0:00                   ` David Wheeler
1996-08-02  0:00                     ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-02  0:00                       ` Gary M. Greenberg
1996-08-03  0:00                       ` Alf P. Steinbach
1996-08-02  0:00                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-05  0:00                       ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-05  0:00                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-06  0:00                     ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pasca StHeller
1996-08-06  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-06  0:00                 ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Conrad Herrmann
1996-08-06  0:00                 ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-06  0:00                 ` Alf P. Steinbach
1996-07-29  0:00               ` Byron B. Kauffman
1996-07-30  0:00               ` Alan Peake
     [not found]               ` <dewar. <>
1996-07-31  0:00                 ` P. Cnudde VH14 (8218)
1996-07-31  0:00                   ` Nicolas Devillard
1996-08-02  0:00                   ` Matt Austern
1996-08-15  0:00                     ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-07-31  0:00                 ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-02  0:00                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-05  0:00                     ` Mark McKinney
1996-08-05  0:00                     ` Mark McKinney
1996-08-05  0:00                     ` Mark McKinney
1996-07-31  0:00                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-20  0:00           ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Robert Dewar
1996-07-22  0:00             ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-23  0:00             ` Ken Garlington
1996-07-20  0:00           ` Andy Askey
1996-07-20  0:00             ` steidl
1996-07-21  0:00               ` Andy Askey
1996-07-22  0:00           ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-23  0:00             ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-18  0:00       ` Carlos DeAngulo
1996-07-18  0:00         ` Robert Dewar
     [not found]           ` <01bb7588$236982e0$7b91f780@deangulo>
1996-07-19  0:00             ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-20  0:00             ` steidl
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Jon Bell
1996-07-22  0:00             ` Tim Oxler
1996-07-22  0:00               ` Janus
1996-07-22  0:00               ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-30  0:00                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-31  0:00                 ` Patrick Horgan
1996-07-22  0:00               ` Stig Norland
     [not found]         ` <01bb7591$83087d60$>
1996-07-19  0:00           ` johnf
1996-07-19  0:00             ` Jeremy Nelson
1996-07-19  0:00             ` Jason Alan Turnage
1996-07-19  0:00               ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-20  0:00                 ` Crash
1996-07-20  0:00                   ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-20  0:00                 ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-22  0:00                   ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-20  0:00                 ` Jon Bell
1996-07-20  0:00                   ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-21  0:00                     ` Alexander Vrenios
1996-07-21  0:00                   ` Steve Tate
1996-07-21  0:00                     ` Phil Howard
1996-07-21  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-22  0:00                         ` Steve Tate
1996-07-21  0:00                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-22  0:00                   ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-25  0:00                   ` ++           robin
1996-07-23  0:00                 ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-22  0:00               ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-22  0:00                 ` Jeremy Nelson
1996-07-22  0:00                   ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-20  0:00             ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-22  0:00             ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-23  0:00               ` Joe Gwinn
1996-07-24  0:00                 ` John A Hughes
1996-07-24  0:00                 ` Theodore E. Dennison
1996-07-23  0:00             ` John A Hughes
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Craig Franck
1996-07-19  0:00         ` Dirk Dickmanns
1996-07-18  0:00       ` Patrick Horgan
1996-07-18  0:00         ` Jason Alan Turnage
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-20  0:00             ` steved
1996-07-19  0:00               ` Peter Seebach
1996-07-20  0:00                 ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-22  0:00                   ` steidl
1996-07-22  0:00                     ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-23  0:00                       ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-07-23  0:00                         ` Michael Ickes
1996-07-25  0:00                           ` Andy Askey
1996-07-24  0:00                         ` system
1996-07-20  0:00                 ` Jon Bell
1996-07-20  0:00                   ` Andy Askey
1996-07-23  0:00             ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Vic Metcalfe
1996-07-18  0:00         ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Billy Chambless
1996-07-19  0:00         ` Reto Koradi
1996-07-23  0:00           ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-19  0:00         ` Andrew Gierth
1996-07-19  0:00         ` Scott McMahan - Softbase Systems
1996-07-20  0:00           ` steidl
1996-07-20  0:00           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-21  0:00             ` Rich Maggio
1996-07-21  0:00               ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-22  0:00             ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-23  0:00               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-18  0:00       ` Walter B. Hollman Sr.
1996-07-23  0:00     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-07-16  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-07-24  0:00   ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-17  0:00 ` Aron Felix Gurski
1996-07-19  0:00 ` Andrew Gierth
1996-07-19  0:00 ` Andrew Gierth
1996-07-19  0:00 ` Andrew Gierth
1996-07-21  0:00 ` Laurent Guerby
1996-07-22  0:00   ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-21  0:00 ` Wayne
1996-07-22  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-07-22  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-07-23  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-07-24  0:00   ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-24  0:00     ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-24  0:00   ` Andrew J Steinbach
1996-07-24  0:00     ` John A Hughes
1996-07-24  0:00     ` Jon Bell
1996-07-24  0:00     ` system
1996-07-24  0:00   ` Michael Feldman
1996-07-24  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-07-25  0:00   ` Andy Askey
1996-07-26  0:00     ` Mark Eissler
1996-08-02  0:00   ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-04  0:00     ` Gary M. Greenberg
     [not found]     ` <4u76ej$>
1996-08-06  0:00       ` Ralph Silverman
1996-08-12  0:00         ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-13  0:00           ` Ralph Silverman
1996-08-13  0:00           ` Darin Johnson
1996-08-13  0:00             ` What's the best language to learn? [was Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-14  0:00               ` Gabor Egressy
1996-08-15  0:00                 ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-17  0:00                   ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-17  0:00                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-20  0:00                       ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-16  0:00                 ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-17  0:00                   ` Dan Pop
1996-08-17  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-17  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-17  0:00                       ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-18  0:00                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-17  0:00                       ` Dan Pop
1996-08-18  0:00                         ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-20  0:00                           ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-21  0:00                           ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-21  0:00                             ` Adam Beneschan
1996-08-21  0:00                             ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-21  0:00                     ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-30  0:00                       ` Goto considered really harmful Patrick Horgan
1996-09-04  0:00                         ` Dennison
1996-08-14  0:00               ` What's the best language to learn? [was Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Peter Seebach
1996-08-14  0:00                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-14  0:00                   ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-14  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-14  0:00                       ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-15  0:00                       ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-15  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-16  0:00                         ` Joe Foster
1996-08-18  0:00                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-20  0:00                           ` James Youngman
1996-08-21  0:00                           ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-15  0:00                     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-18  0:00                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-15  0:00                     ` DAVID A MOLNAR
1996-08-14  0:00                   ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-14  0:00                     ` Dan Pop
1996-08-14  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-14  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-15  0:00                     ` Joe Foster
1996-08-16  0:00                   ` Dr. Richard Botting
1996-08-18  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-21  0:00                       ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-21  0:00                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-22  0:00                         ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-23  0:00                           ` Bengt Richter
1996-08-23  0:00                         ` Clayton Weaver
1996-08-16  0:00                   ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-17  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-18  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-18  0:00                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-26  0:00                         ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-27  0:00                           ` Alan Peake
1996-08-27  0:00                             ` Steve Heller
1996-08-28  0:00                             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-28  0:00                             ` Tom Watson
1996-08-28  0:00                               ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-30  0:00                               ` Alan Peake
1996-08-31  0:00                                 ` Robert Dewar
1996-09-03  0:00                                   ` Alan Peake
1996-09-07  0:00                                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-09-07  0:00                                 ` .
1996-08-29  0:00                           ` Darin Johnson
1996-08-19  0:00                       ` John Hobson
1996-08-19  0:00                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-19  0:00                           ` John Hobson
1996-08-20  0:00                             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-27  0:00                               ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-23  0:00                           ` Alan Bowler
1996-08-21  0:00               ` What's the best language to learn? [any language except Ada] Bill Mackay
1996-08-22  0:00                 ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-23  0:00                   ` Larry J. Elmore
1996-08-22  0:00                 ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-24  0:00                 ` Alan Brain
1996-08-15  0:00             ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-17  0:00               ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-18  0:00                 ` Ken Pizzini
1996-08-19  0:00                 ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-23  0:00                   ` Joe Keane
1996-08-17  0:00               ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-17  0:00               ` Alexander J Russell
1996-08-16  0:00             ` Dr E. Buxbaum
1996-08-16  0:00               ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-16  0:00               ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-17  0:00                 ` Paul Hsieh
1996-08-17  0:00                   ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-19  0:00                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-20  0:00                       ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-22  0:00                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-22  0:00                           ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-20  0:00               ` Paul Schlyter
1996-08-20  0:00                 ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-21  0:00                 ` James Youngman
1996-08-22  0:00                   ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-08-22  0:00                     ` Dr E. Buxbaum
1996-08-27  0:00             ` Jeffrey C. Dege
1996-08-27  0:00               ` Ted Dennison
1996-08-27  0:00               ` Craig Franck
1996-08-27  0:00                 ` Ted Dennison
1996-08-27  0:00                   ` John Hobson
1996-08-27  0:00               ` Steve Heller
1996-08-27  0:00               ` Bob Cousins
1996-08-28  0:00               ` Robert Dewar
1996-09-01  0:00               ` Patrick Horgan
1996-09-12  0:00                 ` Delete - Don't Bother to Read This Charles H. Sampson
1996-08-16  0:00           ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Darin Johnson
1996-08-16  0:00           ` What's the best language to learn? [was Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Darin Johnson
1996-08-16  0:00             ` system
1996-08-16  0:00             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-20  0:00           ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Darin Johnson
1996-08-21  0:00           ` What's the best language to learn? [was Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Darin Johnson
1996-08-22  0:00           ` What's the best language to learn? [any language except Ada] Jon S Anthony
1996-08-23  0:00           ` Darin Johnson
1996-08-25  0:00             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-24  0:00           ` Jon S Anthony
1996-08-05  0:00   ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Sherwin Anthony Sequeira
1996-07-24  0:00 ` Jon S Anthony
1996-07-25  0:00 ` ++           robin
1996-07-25  0:00 ` ++           robin
1996-07-25  0:00 ` ++           robin
1996-07-30  0:00   ` Robert Barnes
1996-07-30  0:00     ` Rob(t.) Brannan
1996-08-01  0:00       ` Tony Konashenok
1996-08-04  0:00         ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-09  0:00         ` Verne Arase
1996-08-01  0:00       ` ++           robin
1996-08-01  0:00         ` Ralph Silverman
1996-08-06  0:00           ` ++           robin
1996-07-31  0:00 ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Darin Johnson
1996-08-02  0:00   ` Alan Peake
1996-07-31  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-08-01  0:00   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-01  0:00     ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-03  0:00       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-06  0:00         ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-05  0:00     ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-06  0:00       ` Dan Pop
1996-08-08  0:00         ` steidl
1996-08-06  0:00       ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-01  0:00 ` Stefan 'Stetson' Skoglund
1996-08-05  0:00   ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-06  0:00     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-07  0:00       ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-09  0:00         ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-06  0:00   ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-01  0:00 ` Andy Hardy
1996-08-07  0:00 ` Fergus Henderson
1996-08-07  0:00   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00     ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-08  0:00       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00         ` Christopher R Volpe
1996-08-08  0:00         ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-08  0:00           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-09  0:00               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-10  0:00                 ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-11  0:00                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00           ` some days weren't there at all
1996-08-10  0:00           ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-11  0:00             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-17  0:00             ` Richard Chiu
1996-09-04  0:00               ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-08  0:00         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-09  0:00               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00                 ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-15  0:00                   ` James_Rogers
1996-08-17  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-10  0:00           ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-10  0:00             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-11  0:00             ` Craig Franck
1996-09-02  0:00 Richard A. O'Keefe
     [not found] <01 <1996Sep24.133312 <JSA.96Sep26124243@alexandria>
1996-09-26  0:00 ` Adam Beneschan
1996-09-29  0:00   ` Spencer M. Simpson, Jr.
1996-09-30  0:00     ` Craig Franck
1996-09-28  0:00 ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-28  0:00   ` Ilias Kastanas
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
1996-09-28  0:00 Jon S Anthony
replies disabled

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