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From: Gary Scott <>
Subject: Re: Help with translation: Fortran77 => Ada95
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 01:33:02 GMT
Date: 2001-07-05T01:33:02+00:00	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

Interesting that it's almost exactly twice as long as the Fortran.  Why
not just update the Fortran to Fortran 95 and make it a lot more clear
and a lot more comprehensible.

Jeffrey Carter wrote:
> N&J wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > Is anyone willing to help me translate a FORTRAN77 subroutine to Ada95? I
> > just can't understand one of those TERRIBLE and UNACCEPTABLE  Fortran "goto"
> >
> > I attach the FORTRAN subroutine (It calculates the eigenvalues and the first
> > components of the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix)
> >
> > I can't cope with the loop starting at 105 and the "goto" to it before 240.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > John
> >
> > -----SubRoutine gauss.f--------
> > c
> > c        Input:  n - - the number of points in the Gaussian quadrature
> > c                      formula; type integer
> > c                alpha,beta - - arrays of dimension  n  to be filled
> > c                      with the values of  alpha(k-1), beta(k-1), k=1,2,
> > c                      ...,n
> > c                eps - the relative accuracy desired in the nodes
> > c                      and weights
> > c
> > c        Output: zero- array of dimension  n  containing the Gaussian
> > c                      nodes (in increasing order)  zero(k)=x(k), k=1,2,
> > c                      ...,n
> > c                weight - array of dimension  n  containing the
> > c                      Gaussian weights  weight(k)=w(k), k=1,2,...,n
> > c                ierr- an error flag equal to  0  on normal return,
> > c                      equal to  i  if the QR algorithm does not
> > c                      converge within 30 iterations on evaluating the
> > c                      i-th eigenvalue, equal to  -1  if  n  is not in
> > c                      range, and equal to  -2  if one of the beta's is
> > c                      negative.
> > c
> > c The array  e  is needed for working space.
> > c
> >       dimension alpha(n),beta(n),zero(n),weight(n),e(n)
> >       if( then
> >         ierr=-1
> >         return
> >       end if
> >       ierr=0
> >       zero(1)=alpha(1)
> >       if(beta(1).lt.0.) then
> >         ierr=-2
> >         return
> >       end if
> >       weight(1)=beta(1)
> >       if (n.eq.1) return
> >       weight(1)=1.
> >       e(n)=0.
> >       do 100 k=2,n
> >         zero(k)=alpha(k)
> >         if(beta(k).lt.0.) then
> >           ierr=-2
> >           return
> >         end if
> >         e(k-1)=sqrt(beta(k))
> >         weight(k)=0.
> >   100 continue
> >       do 240 l=1,n
> >         j=0
> > c
> > c Look for a small subdiagonal element.
> > c
> >   105   do 110 m=l,n
> >           if(m.eq.n) goto 120
> >           if(abs(e(m)).le.eps*(abs(zero(m))+abs(zero(m+1)))) goto 120
> >   110   continue
> >   120   p=zero(l)
> >         if(m.eq.l) goto 240
> >         if(j.eq.30) goto 400
> >         j=j+1
> > c
> > c Form shift.
> > c
> >         g=(zero(l+1)-p)/(2.*e(l))
> >         r=sqrt(g*g+1.)
> >         g=zero(m)-p+e(l)/(g+sign(r,g))
> >         s=1.
> >         c=1.
> >         p=0.
> >         mml=m-l
> > c
> > c For i=m-1 step -1 until l do ...
> > c
> >         do 200 ii=1,mml
> >           i=m-ii
> >           f=s*e(i)
> >           b=c*e(i)
> >           if(abs(f).lt.abs(g)) goto 150
> >           c=g/f
> >           r=sqrt(c*c+1.)
> >           e(i+1)=f*r
> >           s=1./r
> >           c=c*s
> >           goto 160
> >   150     s=f/g
> >           r=sqrt(s*s+1.)
> >           e(i+1)=g*r
> >           c=1./r
> >           s=s*c
> >   160     g=zero(i+1)-p
> >           r=(zero(i)-g)*s +2.*c*b
> >           p=s*r
> >           zero(i+1)=g+p
> >           g=c*r-b
> > c
> > c Form first component of vector.
> > c
> >           f=weight(i+1)
> >           weight(i+1)=s*weight(i)+c*f
> >           weight(i)=c*weight(i)-s*f
> >   200   continue
> >         zero(l)=zero(l)-p
> >         e(l)=g
> >         e(m)=0.
> >         goto 105
> >   240 continue
> > c
> > c Order eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
> > c
> >       do 300 ii=2,n
> >         i=ii-1
> >         k=i
> >         p=zero(i)
> >         do 260 j=ii,n
> >           if(zero(j).ge.p) goto 260
> >           k=j
> >           p=zero(j)
> >   260   continue
> >         if(k.eq.i) goto 300
> >         zero(k)=zero(i)
> >         zero(i)=p
> >         p=weight(i)
> >         weight(i)=weight(k)
> >         weight(k)=p
> >   300 continue
> >       do 310 k=1,n
> >         weight(k)=beta(1)*weight(k)*weight(k)
> >   310 continue
> >       return
> > c
> > c Set error - no convergence to an eigenvalue after 30 iterations.
> > c
> >   400 ierr=l
> >       return
> >       end
> This at least compiles and has no Goto's (watch for wrapped lines):
> with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
> procedure Make_It_Compile is
>    type Real is digits 12;
>    type Vector is array (Positive range <>) of Real;
>    package Math_Stuff is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions
> (Real);
>    use Math_Stuff;
>    Too_Short        : exception;
>    Length_Mismatch  : exception;
>    Negative_Beta    : exception;
>    Did_Not_Converge : exception;
>    procedure Gauss (Alpha  : in     Vector;
>                     Beta   : in     Vector;
>                     Eps    : in     Real;
>                     Zero   :    out Vector;
>                     Weight :    out Vector)
>    is
>       -- Translated from Fortran:
>       --c
>       --c        Input:  n - - the number of points in the Gaussian
> quadrature
>       --c                      formula; type integer
>       --c                alpha,beta - - arrays of dimension  n  to be
> filled
>       --c                      with the values of  alpha(k-1),
> beta(k-1), k=1,2,
>       --c                      ...,n
>       --c                eps - the relative accuracy desired in the
> nodes
>       --c                      and weights
>       --c
>       --c        Output: zero- array of dimension  n  containing the
> Gaussian
>       --c                      nodes (in increasing order)
> zero(k)=x(k), k=1,2,
>       --c                      ...,n
>       --c                weight - array of dimension  n  containing the
>       --c                      Gaussian weights  weight(k)=w(k),
> k=1,2,...,n
>       --c                ierr- an error flag equal to  0  on normal
> return,
>       --c                      equal to  i  if the QR algorithm does not
>       --c                      converge within 30 iterations on
> evaluating the
>       --c                      i-th eigenvalue, equal to  -1  if  n  is
> not in
>       --c                      range, and equal to  -2  if one of the
> beta's is
>       --c                      negative.
>       --c
>       --c The array  e  is needed for working space.
>       --c
>       -- Assume all arrays have lower bound of 1 (generalize later).
>       -- Placeholder for Sign function
>       function Sign (A : Real; B : Real) return Real is
>          -- null;
>       begin -- Sign
>          return 1.0;
>       end Sign;
>       E   : Vector (Alpha'range);
>       J   : Natural;
>       M   : Positive;
>       P   : Real;
>       G   : Real;
>       R   : Real;
>       S   : Real;
>       C   : Real;
>       Mml : Positive;
>       F   : Real;
>       B   : Real;
>       I   : Positive;
>       K   : Positive;
>    begin -- Gauss
>       --      if( then
>       --        ierr=-1
>       --        return
>       --      end if
>       if Alpha'Length < 1 then
>          raise Too_Short;
>       end if;
>       if Alpha'Length /= Beta'Length or else
>          Alpha'Length /= Zero'Length or else
>          Alpha'Length /= Weight'Length
>       then
>          raise Length_Mismatch;
>       end if;
>       --      ierr=0
>       Zero(1):=Alpha(1);
>       --      if(beta(1).lt.0.) then
>       --        ierr=-2
>       --        return
>       --      end if
>       if Beta (1) < 0.0 then
>          raise Negative_Beta;
>       end if;
>       Weight(1):=Beta(1);
>       --      if (n.eq.1) return
>       if Alpha'Length = 1 then
>          return;
>       end if;
>       Weight(1):=1.0;
>       E(E'Last):=0.0;
>       --      do 100 k=2,n
>       Do_100 : for K in 2 .. Alpha'Last loop
>          Zero(K):=Alpha(K);
>          --        if(beta(k).lt.0.) then
>          --          ierr=-2
>          --          return
>          --        end if
>          if Beta (K) < 0.0 then
>             raise Negative_Beta;
>          end if;
>          E(K-1):=Sqrt(Beta(K));
>          Weight(K):=0.0;
>          --  100 continue
>       end loop Do_100;
>       --      do 240 l=1,n
>       Do_240 : for L in Alpha'range loop
>          J:=0;
>          --c
>          --c Look for a small subdiagonal element.
>          --c
>          Goto_105 : loop
>             --  105   do 110 m=l,n
>             Do_110 : for Mm in L .. Alpha'Last loop -- Determine M
>                M := Mm;
>                --          if(m.eq.n) goto 120
>                exit Do_110 when M = Alpha'Last;
>                --
> if(abs(e(m)).le.eps*(abs(zero(m))+abs(zero(m+1)))) goto 120
>                exit Do_110 when abs E (M) <= Eps * (abs Zero (M) + abs
> Zero (M + 1) );
>                --  110   continue
>             end loop Do_110;
>             --  120   p=zero(l)
>             P := Zero (L);
>             --        if(m.eq.l) goto 240
>             exit Goto_105 when M = L;
>             --        if(j.eq.30) goto 400
>             if J = 30 then
>                raise Did_Not_Converge;
>             end if;
>             J:=J+1;
>             --c
>             --c Form shift.
>             --c
>             G:=(Zero(L+1)-P)/(2.0*E(L));
>             R:=Sqrt(G*G+1.0);
>             G:=Zero(M)-P+E(L)/(G+Sign(R,G));
>             S:=1.0;
>             C:=1.0;
>             P:=0.0;
>             Mml:=M-L;
>             --c
>             --c For i=m-1 step -1 until l do ...
>             --c
>             --        do 200 ii=1,mml
>             Do_200 : for I in reverse L .. M - 1 loop -- This hides
> outer I
>                --          i=m-ii
>                F:=S*E(I);
>                B:=C*E(I);
>                --          if(abs(f).lt.abs(g)) goto 150
>                if abs F >= abs G then
>                   C:=G/F;
>                   R:=Sqrt(C*C+1.0);
>                   E(I+1):=F*R;
>                   S:=1.0/R;
>                   C:=C*S;
>                   --          goto 160
>                else
>                   --  150     s:=f/g
>                   S := F / G;
>                   R:=Sqrt(S*S+1.0);
>                   E(I+1):=G*R;
>                   C:=1.0/R;
>                   S:=S*C;
>                end if;
>                --  160     g:=zero(i+1)-p
>                G := Zero (I + 1) - P;
>                R:=(Zero(I)-G)*S +2.0*C*B;
>                P:=S*R;
>                Zero(I+1):=G+P;
>                G:=C*R-B;
>                --c
>                --c Form first component of vector.
>                --c
>                F:=Weight(I+1);
>                Weight(I+1):=S*Weight(I)+C*F;
>                Weight(I):=C*Weight(I)-S*F;
>                --  200   continue
>             end loop Do_200;
>             Zero(L):=Zero(L)-P;
>             E(L):=G;
>             E(M):=0.0;
>             --        goto 105
>          end loop Goto_105;
>          --  240 continue
>       end loop Do_240;
>       --c
>       --c Order eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
>       --c
>       --      do 300 ii=2,n
>       Do_300 : for Ii in 2 .. Alpha'Last loop
>          I:=Ii-1;
>          K:=I;
>          P:=Zero(I);
>          --        do 260 j=ii,n
>          Do_260 : for J in Ii .. Alpha'Last loop -- This hides outer J
>             --          if(zero(j).ge.p) goto 260
>             if Zero (J) < P then
>                K:=J;
>                P:=Zero(J);
>             end if;
>             --  260   continue
>          end loop Do_260;
>          --        if(k.eq.i) goto 300
>          if K /= I then
>             Zero(K):=Zero(I);
>             Zero(I):=P;
>             P:=Weight(I);
>             Weight(I):=Weight(K);
>             Weight(K):=P;
>          end if;
>          --  300 continue
>       end loop Do_300;
>       --      do 310 k=1,n
>       Do_310 : for K in Weight'range loop -- This hides outer K
>          Weight(K):=Beta(1)*Weight(K)*Weight(K);
>          --  310 continue
>       end loop Do_310;
>       --      return
>       --c
>       --c Set error - no convergence to an eigenvalue after 30
> iterations.
>       --c
>       --  400 ierr=l
>       --      return
>       --      end
>    end Gauss;
> begin -- Make_It_Compile;
>    null;
> end Make_It_Compile;
> --
> Jeff Carter
> "You cheesy lot of second-hand electric donkey-bottom biters."
> Monty Python & the Holy Grail


Gary Scott

Support the GNU Fortran G95 Project:

  reply	other threads:[~2001-07-05  1:33 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 11+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2001-07-04  9:19 Help with translation: Fortran77 => Ada95 N&J
2001-07-04 17:04 ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2001-07-04 17:17 ` Colin Paul Gloster
2001-07-04 17:55 ` Jeffrey Carter
2001-07-05  1:33   ` Gary Scott [this message]
2001-07-05  6:03     ` tmoran
2001-07-06  1:35       ` Gary Scott
2001-07-05 17:36     ` Jeffrey Carter
2001-07-06  1:14       ` Gary Scott
2001-07-04 19:51 ` [SOLVED] " N&J
2001-07-04 23:25 ` GianLuigi Piacentini
replies disabled

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