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From: (Magnus Kempe)
Subject: Ada FAQ: comp.lang.ada (part 1 of 3)
Date: 18 Oct 1994 17:35:57 GMT
Date: 1994-10-18T17:35:57+00:00	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <38111t$> (raw)

Archive-name: Ada/comp-lang-ada/part1
Comp-lang-ada-archive-name: comp-lang-ada/part1
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 10 October 1994
Last-posted: 9 September 1994

[This is a repost.  Our site refused to spread this article last week. --MK]

                       Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This is part 1 of a 3-part posting.
Part 2 begins with question 5.3.
Part 3 begins with question 9.2.
They should be the next postings in this thread.


   Ada is an advanced, modern programming language, designed and
   standardized to support widely recognized software engineering
   principles: reliability, portability, modularity, reusability,
   programming as a human activity, efficiency, maintainability,
   information hiding, abstract data types, concurrent programming,
   object-oriented programming, etc. All Ada compilers must pass a
   validation test.
   Ada is defined by an international standard (the language reference
   manual, or LRM). Ada is in use around the world (not just in the USA).
   NOTE: This document now has a home on the Ada WWW Server, in hypertext
   format (URL

   For the past year or so, the comp.lang.ada FAQ has been maintained by
   the Ada Information Clearinghouse (; prior to
   that, it was maintained on an individual volunteer basis.
   This FAQ is now again maintained on an individual volunteer basis, by
   Magnus Kempe ( [Note: This is done as a
   hobby, not in my capacity as an employee at the Swiss Federal
   Institute of Technology. --MK]
   The AdaIC has announced it will maintain its own FAQ pointing to Ada
   items available on the Ada Joint Program Office's host. In the
   meantime, this FAQ still contains pointers to AJPO and AdaIC material.
   Report of a product, service, or event, etc., does not constitute an
   endorsement. Opinions (if any) expressed are those of the submitters
   and/or maintainer.
Table of Contents:

     * 1: Recent changes to the FAQ
     * 2: Information about this document
     * 3: Elementary questions
          + 3.1: What is Ada?
               o 3.1.1: Where can I get other information on Ada?
          + 3.2: I have seen the language name capitalized as ADA, as
            well as Ada. Which is right?
          + 3.3: What is Ada 9X?
               o 3.3.1: Are there already Ada 9X books?
          + 3.4: Is Ada a registered trademark (TM) of the US government?
          + 3.5: Where can I find an electronic version of the Ada
            language reference manual (LRM)?
          + 3.6: Is Ada used in commercial applications?
          + 3.7: I think Ada could really benefit from having
            [choose_a_feature] from [choose_a_language] ...
          + 3.8: I just saw a very anti-Ada post that I think is
            definitely wrong. Why didn't anybody post a response to it?
            Should I?
          + 3.9: I very strongly agree/disagree with the Ada mandate (or
            a post dealing with it). Why doesn't anyone praise/criticize
            it? Should I?
          + 3.10: I don't have FTP service on the host where I have an
            account. Is there any other way I can access FTP sites?
               o 3.10.1: The AJPO host has a special e-mail service for
     * 4: Compilers
          + 4.1: Is there a list of validated Ada compilers?
          + 4.2: Is there a public-domain/free/shareware Ada compiler or
               o 4.2.1: Ada/Ed -- An Interpreter for Ada 83 
               o 4.2.2: GW-Ada/Ed -- a souped-up version of Ada/Ed for
                 386/486 DOS and Macintosh machines
               o 4.2.3: GNAT, The GNU NYU Ada Translator -- An Ada 9X
          + 4.3: What cheap (<500$) Ada compilers are available?
          + 4.4: Is there an Ada compiler for machine X/operating system
               o 4.4.1: on the Macintosh?
               o 4.4.2: native for OS/2?
          + 4.5: How can I contact Ada compiler vendor?
     * 5: Organizations that deal with Ada and Ada issues
          + 5.1: Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO)
          + 5.2: Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC)
          + 5.3: ACM/SIGAda
          + 5.4: ISO WG 9
     * 6: Tools
          + 6.1: Is there an Ada-mode for Emacs?
          + 6.2: Are there versions of lex and yacc that generate Ada
          + 6.3: Where can I get a yacc/ayacc grammar to read Ada code?
          + 6.4: What is Anna, and where can I get it?
          + 6.5: What is DRAGOON, and where can I get it?
          + 6.6: Where can I get language translators? And should I?
          + 6.7: What is ASIS?
               o 6.7.1: How can I get hold of ASIS?
               o 6.7.2: How can I find out more about ASIS? and Can I
                 take part in its development?
     * 7: Bindings
          + 7.1: General
          + 7.2: POSIX
               o 7.2.1: What is the status of the POSIX/Ada work?
               o 7.2.2: How can I get a copy of POSIX/Ada?
               o 7.2.3: Is POSIX/Ada available via FTP?
          + 7.3: X Window System
     * 8: Is there a list of good Ada books?
     * 9: Resources
          + 9.1: What FTP sites exist that contain information about Ada
            or Ada source?
          + 9.2: Reuse
               o 9.2.1: Are there any free, public-domain, or other
                 general-access software repositories that contain Ada
                 source code and information on reuse?
               o 9.2.2: Is there a database of reusable Ada software
          + 9.3: Where can I get Ada benchmark programs?
          + 9.4: Are there any dial-up BBS systems that deal with Ada?
     * 10: Credits
     * 11: Copying this FAQ
1: Recent changes to the FAQ

     * 10/10: Updated the list of Ada books.
     * 9/16: How to access FTP by email.
     * 8/31: What is Ada, and where can one get more information?
     * 8/30: Ada 9X books.
     * 8/18: added an explicit copyright statement.
     * 8/17: love/hatred of the Ada mandate.
     * 8/16: where are yacc grammars for Ada?
     * 8/16: where are electronic versions of the Ada LRM?
     * 8/15: made into a hypertext version to browse on WWW.
     * 8/15: is there an Ada compiler for machine X/operating system Y?
     * 8/15: pointer to list of reusable components.
     * 8/12: references to network resources now follow the URL
     * 8/12: completely revised the structure.
     * July: new maintainer.
   What's important and missing:
     * description of the ACVC.
     * CD-ROMs.
     * list of regular Ada-related events.
2: Information about this document

   This file has been posted to comp.lang.ada, comp.answers, and
   This document has a home on the Ada WWW Server, in hypertext format
   A previous version of the FAQ is still available for downloading via
   anonymous FTP from the AJPO host (, in (files cla-faq1 and
   (When posted again in *.answers, it will also be available on, which archives FAQ files posted to news.answers; for the
   old version, see
   For notes on FTP, or the lack thereof, see question 3.10, describing
   how to use FTP by e-mail.
   Magnus Kempe maintains this document; it's not a job, it's a hobby.
   Feedback about it is to be sent via e-mail to
   In all cases, the most up-to-date version of the FAQ is the version
   maintained on the Ada WWW Server. Please excuse any formatting
   inconsistencies in the posted version of this document, as it is
   automatically generated from the on-line version.
3: Elementary questions

3.1: What is Ada?

   Ada is an advanced, modern programming language, designed and
   standardized to support widely recognized software engineering
   principles: reliability, portability, modularity, reusability,
   programming as a human activity, efficiency, maintainability,
   information hiding, abstract data types, concurrent programming,
   object-oriented programming, et caetera. All Ada compilers must pass a
   validation test.
    3.1.1: Where can I get other information on Ada?
   If you have questions which this FAQ does not answer, you may contact
   the Ada Information Clearinghouse (see below, question 5.2), use the
   Usenet newsgroup comp.lang.ada, read the Ada Yearbook published by Ada
   UK, or the Ada Resources published by the ACM.
   To find out more, you may also use the Ada WWW Server, URL, which has a companion FAQ:
   Ada/ada-www-server (also regularly posted to comp.lang.ada).
   I encourage you to check out the changes listed early in the document
   each time this FAQ is posted.
3.2: I have seen the language name capitalized as ADA, as well as Ada. Which
is right?

   The correct capitalization is Ada. It's a proper name, for Ada
   Lovelace (1815-1852), who is regarded to be the world's first
   Using all-caps usually implies an acronym, and this forum is not
   devoted to the American Dental Association :-).
3.3: What is Ada 9X?

   Ada 9X refers to the revised version of Ada. (Ada 83 is the current
   ANSI/ISO standard.) The Ada 9X Project Office is responsible for the
   revision, and is working closely with the international community to
   ensure Ada retains its ISO status. The Ada 9X process is very open.
   Volunteer Reviewers are welcome and should contact . Many documents are available for
   downloading from the directory on
   the AJPO host (see question 9.1, FTP sites for more information.) For
   further information, contact the Ada 9X Project Office, PL/VTES,
   Kirtland AFB, New Mexico 87117-5776.
   Ada 9X includes four major areas of enhancement: support for
   object-oriented programming, data-oriented synchronization,
   programming-in-the-large, and realtime systems.
   A great deal of attention is being focused on transitioning to Ada 9X.
   The validation test suite will be available early (in draft form prior
   to ANSI/ISO approval with official release 3 months after ANSI/ISO
   approval). However, for a two-year period vendors will be able to
   focus on enhanced areas of the language that their customer base wants
   first; i.e., the first validation test suite will be modularly
   constructed. Vendors are also being encouraged to release
   beta-versions of their Ada 9X implementations prior to validation.
   There is also a (still partial) GNU Ada 9X compilation system (GNAT)
   available since late 1993. (See question 4.2.3.)
    3.3.1: Are there already Ada 9X books?
   The Ada 9X Rationale explains how to use the new mechanisms of the
   language. The new Reference Manual is THE reference, of course. The
   Annotated Reference Manual provides detailed explanations of the rules
   of the language (good for implementors and language lawyers). All
   three are available by FTP from the AJPO host, in (v5.0).
   There are also a few commercial books which have sections on Ada 9X or
   have integrated the revised definition of the language into their
     * J. Barnes. Programming in Ada: Plus an Overview of Ada 9X.
       Addison Wesley. Price $43.25. ISBN 0-201-62407-9.
     * G. Booch and D. Bryan. Software Engineering with Ada.
       3rd ed., Benjamin/Cummings, 1994. ISBN 0-8053-0608-0.
     * Naiditch. Rendez-vous with Ada 9X.
       2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Price $44.95. ISBN 0-471-01276-9.
     * J. Skansholm. Ada From the Beginning.
       2nd ed., Addison-Wesley
3.4: Is Ada a registered trademark (TM) of the US government?

   No, but it used to be; there is a "certification mark", though, which
   is to be used only for validated compilers.
   Prior to November 30, 1987, the name "Ada" was a registered trademark.
   In the December 1987 issue of the Ada Information Clearinghouse
   Newsletter, Ms. Virginia Castor, then Director of the Ada Joint
   Program Office (AJPO), announced that the Department of Defense would
   thereafter rely on a certification mark instead of a trademark.
   (The certification mark is a Pentagon-shaped symbol with a "Validated
   Ada" message, and can be seen on the documentation of validated Ada
   The text of the 1987 AJPO announcement is available as an AdaIC file
   on the AJPO host, in
3.5: Where can I find an electronic version of the Ada reference manual (LRM)?

   The Ada 83 LRM is available in plain ASCII files in
   The Ada 9X Draft RM is available in plain ASCII and Postscript files
   Both Ada 83 and Ada 9X reference manuals exist in hypertext format,
   accessible through the Ada WWW Server (see the companion FAQ:
3.6: Is Ada used in commercial applications?

   Yes. Ada is used in e.g. airplanes, air traffic control systems,
   financial systems, telecommunications systems, medical devices.
     * The AJPO host on the Internet contains a report of Commercial Ada
       Users Working Group (CAUWG) of the Association for Computing
       Machinery's Special Interest Group on Ada (ACM SIGAda). Dated June
       1993, the report is a survey of applications from around the world
       that are written in Ada. It is in
     * The Ada Information Clearinghouse maintains a list of Ada projects
       that have submitted information for the AdaIC's Ada Usage
       Database. It is only a sample of Ada projects, but it includes
       both commercial and government-related projects. For details on
       contacting the AdaIC, see question 5.2.
     * On the AJPO host, the
       directory contains a summary of the Ada Usage Database and a
       number of individual project descriptions that may be of interest.
3.7: I think Ada could really benefit from having [choose_a_feature] from
I think Ada is clearly [inferior_or_superior] to [choose_a_language] because
it has [choose_a_feature].

   Such posts almost always result in religious language wars and only
   waste bandwidth. PLEASE refrain from such posts unless you have a
   specific question about Ada. For example, the following kind of
   question *is* appropriate: "In [choose_a_language] I can do
   [choose_a_feature]. How would I go about doing this in Ada?"
3.8: I just saw a very anti-Ada post that I think is definitely wrong. Why
didn't anybody post a response to it? Should I?

   Ada apparently gets more than its share of attacks, probably due to
   its unique origins, and the fact that it is a requirement for some
   government software. For the same reasons as in the preceding
   question, PLEASE refrain from posting a response to these, unless you
   feel there is something of *significant* importance that you can
   contribute. Posts containing factual corrections are OK, but posts
   like "Well, I've used Ada on many projects, and all have been very
   successful" accomplish nothing. If you are really dead-set on driving
   your point home to the poster, you can do it via e-mail.
3.9: I very strongly agree/disagree with the Ada mandate. Should I
praise/criticize it?

   First, it is a fact that there is an Ada standard, on which the US
   DoD is aligned (the so-called "mandate"). No shouting match will
   change that. Second, don't believe rumors (about the mandate, its
   withdrawal, its being ignored, etc.) you read in comp.lang.ada, unless
   you have reasons to (i.e. you know the author is trustworthy, or the
   author provides references which you can check, and which you have
   checked yourself at least a couple of times.)
   For your information, here is the text of "Public Law 101-511 Sec
     Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, after June 1, 1991,
     where cost effective, all Department of Defense software shall be
     written in the programming language Ada, in the absence of special
     exemption by an official designated by the Secretary of Defense.
    What about discussing the US Ada mandate?
   If you want to argue either for or against US Government Ada policies
   please restrict your postings to "usa" (field "Distribution:").
   Remember that Ada is an international standard, but the US mandate is
   not an international issue.
   Praise of the mandate is usually based on the ideas that a) it is
   better to have one language than 1500 obscure, proprietary languages
   for all DoD-owned non-COTS systems, and b) Ada is a good software
   engineering language, especially when it comes to maintenance.
   Criticism of the mandate is usually based on the ideas that a) a good
   language should not need a mandate (which ignores the fact that before
   standardizing on Ada the DoD had to maintain for 20+ years software
   written in 1500 obscure, proprietary programming languages--which is
   hard and costly), and b) the mandate is mostly ineffective, since
   either it is ignored, or too many waivers are granted, or none is
   necessary (a policy issue which will in all likelihood NOT be resolved
   by discussions on comp.lang.ada).
   Finally, whenever you see a message criticizing the Ada language (or
   Ada companies) for losing completely both in the market and under the
   mandate, check the facts for yourself. For the most part, the Ada
   mandate is enforced; in many critical, commercial systems, Ada is the
   language of choice and its adoption a success; in the slowly-changing
   competition of programming languages, FORTRAN and COBOL dominate, and
   Smalltalk, C++, Eiffel, and Ada are all slowly growing. Ada is
   (finally, and we hope seriously) penetrating academia. There is a GNU
   Ada 9X compiler available. And remember that Ada 9X will be the first
   standardized object-oriented programming language.
   If you have some new, additional facts, with approriate references so
   that everyone can check for himself, then posting on a mandate-related
   issue is OK. If NOT, then refrain from posting. PLEASE, if someone
   starts a non-factual discussion, the best policy is simply to ignore
   it or, if you have to, you may reply by private e-mail. Try to hold
   the same standards as you would in discussing problem-solving with the
   programming language itself, and put your information in a way which
   encourages positive action; criticism of inefficiency and/or
   ineptitude is fine, as long as it is honest, documented, and polite.
3.10: I don't have FTP service on the host where I have an account. Is there
any other way I can access FTP sites?

   If you are not connected to the Internet but do send and receive
   email from the net, you can use an "ftp by mail" agent, such as
   ftpmail, which is provided by DEC's Western Research Labs (DECWRL).
   The mail server may be reached by sending a mail message to
   uucp!decwrl!ftpmail or .
   Complete instructions for using ftpmail may be retrieved with a
   message to the above address with subject "ftpmail" and the single
   word "help" as the text of your message. Example query:

Subject: ftpmail


3.10.1: The AJPO host has a special e-mail service for FTP.

   The AJPO host,, will provide mail-server
   capabilities on an experimental basis. The available services provided
   by this automatic mail server are: services, Re, help, info, man,
   directory, and file-request. To request a service, send e-mail to
   "" and place its name in the Subject line of
   the mail message, followed by any needed parameters. The mail server
   will respond to your request with either the information you requested
   or an error message.
   The following are common examples on how to request services from the
   AJPO host mail server:

1) To get "help" --

Subject: help


2) To get "man" pages of a particular service, such as
"directory" --

Subject: man directory

This service takes as a parameter the name of a service, and
returns a manual page on that service.


3) To get a "directory" listing of the AJPO anonymous FTP area
(/public) --

Subject: directory

The "directory" service takes as an optional parameter a file or
directory name, and returns the results of an "ls -l" on that
parameter.  For example, to get a listing of the
/public/compiler directory you would submit a message with the
Subject of:

Subject: directory compiler

The filename pattern may include wildcards as defined by the C
shell.  For example, to get a listing of the /public directories
beginning with "p" you would submit a message with the Subject

Subject: directory p*


4) Use "file-request" to get /public/README file --

Subject: file-request README

The "file-request" service takes as an optional parameter a
filename, and will return the contents of the file.  Text files
are returned verbatim, while binary files are encoded via the
Unix "uuencode" command.  Large files (greater than 1000 lines
long) will be split into multiple mail messages.  For example,
to get the file "README" in the /public/compiler directory you
would submit a message with the Subject of:

Subject: file-request compiler/README


Below is a sample response to a "help" request.

From: FTP Mail Server
Subject: Re: help
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

You have sent electronic mail to the Ada Joint Programs Office
automatic mail server.  This server is based on the
ServiceMail(tm) Toolkit from Enterprise Integration Technologies.

In general, you may request a service by placing its name in the
Subject line of a mail message, followed by any needed
parameters.  The mail server will respond to your request with
either the information you requested or an error message.

Here is a brief description of the available services:

services:     This service returns a list of the available

Re:           This service discards all messages with "Re:" in
              the subject line.  This is to prevent mail

help:         This service returns this help message.

info:         This service returns this help message.

man:          This service takes as a parameter the name of a
              service, and returns a manual page on that

directory:    This service takes as an optional parameter a
              file or directory name, and returns the results
              of an "ls -l" on that parameter.  The root of
              the file structure is the AJPO anonymous FTP

file-request: This service takes as an optional parameter a
              file name, and will return the contents of the
              file.  The root of the file structure is the
              AJPO anonymous FTP area.  Text files are
              returned verbatim, while binary files are
              encoded via the Unix "uuencode" command.  Large
              files (greater than 1000 lines long) will be
              split into multiple mail messages.

Try 'man ' to get more information on a particular
service.  Please report bugs and other problems to

4: Compilers

4.1: Is there a list of validated Ada compilers?

   Yes, indeed, there is. The latest list can be retrieved by anonymous
   FTP. It is in (a
   PostScript version is also available in If the list is
   updated during the month, the previous one is replaced.
4.2: Is there a public-domain/free/shareware Ada compiler or interpreter?

   There ARE free Ada systems, and there is a choice: Ada/Ed for Ada 83,
   and GNAT for Ada 9X.
   (Strictly speaking these are NOT "public-domain". They are
   "free"--under copyright conditions known as "GNU Copyleft". In short:
   there is no warranty, and you are allowed to copy, modify, and
   distribute them; but you can't charge anyone for the software itself,
   and if the software (necessarily including source code) is further
   distributed, it must be done under the same conditions--i.e. copyable,
   with sources and modifications, available to everyone else, etc.)
    4.2.1: Ada/Ed -- An Interpreter for Ada 83
   Ada/Ed is available for PCs, Unix-based machines, Amiga, and Atari
   systems. The Ada/Ed interpreter for Ada 83 is available from the New
   York University host, in (Internet address There you will find a version for UNIX-based
   machines, and a version for 386/486 DOS machines.
   Ada/Ed is a translator-interpreter for Ada. It is intended as a
   teaching tool, and does not have the capacity, performance, or
   robustness of commercial Ada compilers. Ada/Ed was developed at New
   York University, as part of a long-range project in language
   definition and software prototyping. The project produced the first
   validated translator for Ada, in the form of an executable definition
   of the language written in SETL. The SETL system served as design
   document and prototype for the C version.
   Ada/Ed was last validated under version 1.7 of the ACVC tests.
   Therefore it is not currently a validated Ada system, and users can
   expect to find small discrepancies between Ada/Ed and currently
   validated compilers.
   Apart from the 100-odd tests of ACVC 1.11 that Ada/Ed currently fails,
   the major deficiency of the system is that, being an interpreter, it
   does not implement most representation clauses, and thus does not
   support systems programming close to the machine level.
    4.2.2: GW-Ada/Ed -- a souped-up version of Ada/Ed for 386/486 DOS and
    Macintosh machines
   GW-Ada/Ed is available from the PAL, by anonymous FTP; it is in The
   files are located in subdirectories "dos" and "mac".
   This project was sponsored by The George Washington University, and in
   part by the United States Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).
   This distribution contains the executables for GWAda, which consists
   of the NYU Ada/Ed translator/interpreter system together with an
   integrated editor developed by Prof. Arthur Vargas Lopes of the
   Pontifical University at Porto Alegre, Brazil. Lopes began his work on
   GWAda while he was a doctoral student at The George Washington
   University. There is also in the DOS version a very nice extended
   runtime facility, with interesting kinds of source tracing.
   GWAda is being freely distributed at no charge. In the near future the
   developers will make the source code available under the GNU General
   Public License. Source code is not being provided because the system
   is still in the developmental stage. Source code for Ada/Ed itself is
   available from NYU (see above) and from PAL (see questions 9.1 and
   Note that under DOS you do not have to use the GWAda integrated
   environment, but can execute the various parts of NYU Ada/Ed from the
   DOS command line, as described in the NYU instructions.
   System requirements:
     * IBM PC Compatible, 386 or 486, running MS-DOS or PC-DOS, with at
       least 3.6 MB available extended memory, and at least 5 MB free
       hard-disk space.
     * Mac with a 68030 or 68040 processor, System 7, with at least 4 MB
       of RAM, and around 10 MB free hard-disk space.
    4.2.3: GNAT, The GNU NYU Ada Translator -- An Ada 9X Compiler
   GNAT is available from the New York University host, in There are versions for UNIX-based
   systems, and versions for DOS and 386/486 OS/2 machines. Usually the
   latest version is made available for both Sun SPARC (SunOS 4.1) and
   OS/2 machines.
   It is also available in the Public Ada Library (PAL -- formerly the
   Ada Software Repository), under (Internet
   address: A mirror site of the PAL also carries GNAT:
   You can also get a copy from the AdaIC Bulletin Board. But this is a
   dial-up operation (703/614-0215), and since the files sizes are large,
   connect times may be lengthy. The bulletin board is best used as a
   back-up source for those who don't have Internet/FTP access.
   (excerpted from "Free Source Code for GNAT 9X Compiler to be Available
   on Internet", by Robert Dewar and Edmond Schonberg, New York
   University, Ada Information Clearinghouse Newsletter August 1993)
   The Computer Science Department of the Courant Institute of
   Mathematical Sciences at New York University received a contract from
   the Ada 9X Project Office, under the direction of Christine M.
   Anderson, to develop a GNU/Ada system. The work is being cosponsored
   by ARPA and the Ada Joint Program Office.
   The final delivery will be a full Ada 9X implementation with as much
   of the core language and annexes implemented as possible. At final
   delivery, the developers expect to demonstrate to the Ada community a
   reasonably complete and solid implementation of the core language, and
   at least part of the language annexes. This delivery will include full
   sources, and executables for at least the Sun Sparc and PC on OS/2.
   (On PCs, GNAT will need a full 32-bit environment with several
   megabytes of memory.)
   There are a number of official GNAT e-mail addresses:
          Send a message to this address to be placed on our external
          mailing list. We send out progress reports, technical reports,
          digests of technical comments and other information.
          Send messages to this address for our general consideration.
          Where appropriate, we will digest these comments for
          redistribution to the external mailing list -- unless you
          specifically request that they be considered private.
          This address is to be used specifically to report problems with
          the currently available version of the GNAT system. Please be
          as specific as possible in reporting problems. Do not report
          missing features for now!
      OS/2 Version
   The executables and sources for the OS/2 version of GNAT are split and
   compressed into two files, each of which can fit on one 3.5-inch
   high-density diskette. Although it is possible to install GNAT on an
   OS/2 machine on FAT (MS-DOS-compatble) partition, such an installation
   will not be fully functional. In fact, GNAT does not support
   installations on FAT partitions. You will need about 8.5 MB of free
   disk space after you have copied the appropriate files to your hard
   drive. About half of this amount is taken up by the source code.
   In case you want to modify and re-compile GNAT, you will need about 24
   MB of free disk space after you have installed GNAT for OS/2 and
   copied the necessary source files to your hard drive.
   Several ports of GNAT have been produced by volunteers for a number of
   additional platforms (e.g. SPARCStations Solaris 2.1, i386/i486 Linux,
   DECstation (MIPS chip) Ultrix, DOS, SCO Unix). Users should allow time
   for the volunteers to catch up with the new releases.
   Note: The DOS version requires installation of DJGPP, DJ Delorie's
   port of GCC, GNU loader (ld), and GNU assembler (as) to DOS. DJGPP
   also includes the GO32 memory extender, which works with both VCPI and
   DPMI standards, which allows working in a Microsoft Window. There is
   information on DJGPP stored together with GNAT.
4.3: What cheap (<500$) Ada compilers are available?

   What follows is absolutely *not* exhaustive, but inexpensive
   compilers are available, and some vendors offer educational discounts
   or free programs for educational sites. Among those offering
   educational discounts are Alsys, DDC-I, Encore, Harris, IBM, Irvine
   Compiler, Meridian, PSS, Rational, R.R., Tartan, and TeleSoft (now
   part of Alsys).
   Meridian: Among choices for inexpensive compilers, Meridian offers one
   for $99. (Meridian Software Systems (A Verdix Company), 205 Van Buren
   Street - 4th floor, Herndon, VA 22070; contact: Gary Newman,
   800/653-2522, 703/318-5810.)
   Alsys (US pricing only): FirstAda for 286 DOS is $595. It will run on
   286 and higher, and will generate applications for any x86 PC. Comes
   with a full toolset. Alsys does run specials on it periodically. Call
   Pat Michalowski at 619/457-2700 for more info.
   Alsys offers the same compilation system for $144 to qualified
   educational institutions under its LEAP program. The program also
   offers substantial educational discounts on other Alsys products, as
   well as site license arrangements. Contact Kathy Ruggiero at
   617/270-0030 for more info.
   Rational: Rational provides free software (Rational Apex) to
   accredited educational institutions, including military academies, in
   the United States and Canada. This is under its Software Engineering
   for Educational Development (SEED) program. To receive information on
   the program, send your contact information via e-mail to
   R.R. Software: R.R.'s Janus/Ada Professional Development System --
   80386 MS-DOS -- regularly goes for $500. (R.R. Software, P.O. Box
   1512, Madison, WI 53701; contact: Randall Brukardt 608/251-3133;
4.4: Is there an Ada compiler for machine X/operating system Y?

   There are hundreds of Ada compilers available on the market. Some
   answers for Frequently Asked Compilers are listed below. If your
   specific question is not answered here, check the comprehensive list
   of validated Ada compilers.
    4.4.1: For the Macintosh
   Meridian sells a compiler with a Toolbox binding and MPW 3.2. It has
   one limitation for large programs: Packages which contain more than
   32K bytes of data will compile, but not link. It works with System 7,
   and has been reported both as working and not-working on PowerPCs
   (maybe due to a problem with Inits). The interpreter GW/Ada (see
   question 4.2.2) works on all Mac architectures.
    4.4.2: Native compilers for OS/2
   There are several good fully validated compilers. E.g. Alsys has one,
   and has a partial Ada 9X compiler for Windows; RR Software specializes
   in the Intel x86 architecture (AETECH repackages and distributes their
   compilers as IntegrAda) -- and they advertise a partial Ada 9X
   compiler. GNAT is available for OS/2.
4.5: How can I contact Ada compiler vendors?

   Note: The AdaIC's Validated Compiler List now contains--at the end of
   the list--addresses, including e-mail, for compiler-vendor points of
   contact. Here is a non-exhaustive list (possibly out-of-date, for the

Alsys sales (e-mail contact only): (Tom Erickson)
Alsys sales (voice) Pat Michalowski
Tel: 619/270-0030

Convex questions: (Brian Allison)
Tel: 214/497-4346

Cray questions: (Dave Thersleff)
Tel: 612/683-5701
Cray sales: (Sylvia Crain)
Tel: 505/988-2468

Harris questions: (Jeff Hollensen)

IBM/Ada questions: (Don Malcho)
Tel: 416/448-3727

Intermetrics questions: (Mike Ryer)

Irvine Compiler Corp (ICC) questions:

R.R. Software: (Randy Brukardt)
Tel: 800-Pc-Ada-4u (or: 800-722-3248)

Tartan questions:
Tel: 412/856-3600 (ext 150)

TeleSoft questions:
(Note that TeleSoft is now part of Alsys.)
Tel: 619/457-2700
TeleSoft Sales:
Tel: 619/457-2700

Verdix questions: (Drew Johnson)
Verdix sales information: (Paul Moskowitz)
(Note that Verdix has now merged with Rational.)
Tel: 800-BUY-VADS

5: Organizations that deal with Ada and Ada issues

5.1: Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO)

   The AJPO is part of the Department of Defense; it facilitates the
   implementation of the DoD's Software Initiative (Ada) throughout the
   Services, and maintains the integrity of the Ada language. (The AJPO
   sponsors the AdaIC.)
   The address is:

Ada Joint Program Office
Defense Information Systems Agency
701 South Courthouse Road
Arlington, VA 22204-2199
703/604-4619 (autovon 664-4619)
fax: 703/685-7019

   The current Director and Deputy Directors are:
   Acting Director
          Donald Reifer
   Air Force Liaison
          Maj M. Dirk Rogers (
   Navy Deputy Liaison
          Joan McGarity (
   Army Deputy Liaison
          MAJ Charlotte Lee (
   DISA Liaison
          David Basel (
5.2: Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC)

   The Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC) provides a full spectrum of
   information on Ada to anyone interested in finding out more about the
   programming language. IIT Research Institute operates the AdaIC for
   the Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO).
   The address is:

Ada Information Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 46593
Washington, DC 20050-6593
1-800-AdaIC-11 (232-4211), 703/685-1477; fax: 703/685-7019

   The AdaIC publishes a quarterly newsletter, which contains current
   news, Ada conference reports, announcements from the AJPO Director,
   and articles on projects using Ada. If you would like to receive a
   copy of the AdaIC newsletter, please call and request a subscription.
   There's no charge. The AdaIC also regularly updates and publishes more
   than 70 separate information flyers. Flyer topics include:
     * Ada Validated Compilers
     * Ada News and Current Events
     * Ada Usage
     * Ada 9X Project
     * On-line sources of Ada Information
     * Ada Bibliographies
     * Ada Compiler Validation and Evaluation
     * Resources for Ada Education and Training
     * Ada Software, Tools, and Interfaces
     * Ada Regulations, Policies, and Mandates
     * Ada Historical Information

   One of the most commonly requested flyers is the Validated Compilers
   List. This list, which is updated monthly, contains Ada compilers that
   have been validated by the AJPO. For the most current information on
   validated Ada compilers, contact the AdaIC.
   Practically all AdaIC flyers are available via anonymous FTP from the
   AJPO host, in

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1994-10-18 17:35 Magnus Kempe [this message]
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1994-12-01 16:22 Ada FAQ: comp.lang.ada (part 1 of 3) Magnus Kempe
1994-12-19 16:54 Magnus Kempe
1995-03-21 18:11 Magnus Kempe
1995-04-20  0:00 Magnus Kempe
1996-04-22  0:00 Magnus Kempe
1996-05-24  0:00 Magnus Kempe
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