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From: (Michael Feldman)
Subject: Ada9x Transition Plan (443 lines) ftp-ed from AJPO
Date: 24 Mar 91 22:05:27 GMT	[thread overview]
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                          ADA 9X TRANSITION PLAN
                               FEBRUARY 1991
                                Prepared by
                            Christine Anderson
                           Ada 9X Project Office

      The purpose of this document is to specify a plan for transition-
      ing  from  Ada 83 (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A) to Ada  9X  (ANSI/MIL-STD-
      1815B).  This  document is being released in draft form  for  the 
      purpose  of public review.  Please send your comments to me by  1 
      May via one of the following means.
      Postal Mail:
                   Chris Anderson
                   Eglin AFB FL 32542-5434
      FAX:         904-882-2095
                   Attn: Chris Anderson
      Thank you for your help.
      Ada 9X Project Office

                           ADA 9X TRANSITION PLAN 
                                February 1991
      The purpose of this document is to specify a plan for transition-
      ing  from  Ada 83 (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A) to Ada  9X  (ANSI/MIL-STD-
      1815B). It is intended that these specifications will not replace 
      existing  policy but rather supplement it. While  recommendations 
      in  this document are intended for use by Department  of  Defense 
      policy  makers,  they may also be useful to  other  organizations 
      that  must  develop  policies for transitioning to  Ada  9X.  The 
      objective of the transition strategy is to expedite the  realiza-
      tion  of Ada 9X benefits while minimizing disruption to  the  Ada 
      infrastructure  (e.g.,  programmers,  programs,  tools,  vendors, 
      training, educators, etc.).
      1.1  BACKGROUND
      The  goal  of the Department of Defense (DOD)  sponsored  Ada  9X 
      Project  is  to  revise Ada 83  (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A)  to  reflect 
      current  essential requirements with minimum negative impact  and 
      maximum  positive  impact to the Ada community.   From  the  very 
      beginning  of the Project in October 1988, the focus has been  on 
      meeting user needs and the focus of the transition strategy is no 
      exception.  All users (managers, programmers, vendors, educators, 
      and  authors)  must be carefully considered when  developing  the 
      transition  strategy.  Each has specific needs sometimes at  odds 
      with the others. While it may be desirable from the managers' and 
      programmers'  perspective to have the revised  language  features 
      available immediately, such expectations can not be met.  Vendors 
      need  sufficient  time to upgrade their products to  the  revised 
      standard,  while simultaneously supporting the needs of  on-going 
      Ada 83 projects.  Educators and authors  also need time to assim-
      ilate  changes into curricula and text books.  Thus, just as  the 
      change  to  the language itself must achieve a  delicate  balance 
      between  change  and stability, so the transition  strategy  must 
      carefully  balance hurrying Ada 9X to the market and slowing  the 
      transition  pace  enough to minimize disruption to  the  existing 
      infrastructure  and  to  facilitate a gradual  evolution  to  the 
      revised standard.  
      The  Ada 9X transition strategy is organized according to  repre-
      sentative  segments of the Ada community: managers,  programmers, 
      vendors, educators/authors.
      2.  MANAGERS
      When  it comes time to transition to Ada 9X, managers will  obvi-
      ously be concerned with when to require the use of Ada 9X on  new 
      and existing projects. 

      2.1  NEW PROJECTS
      The use of Ada 9X (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815B) shall be specified for all 
      projects  starting  immediately  after  Ada  9X  is  an  approved 
      ANSI/MIL  Standard.  If the program manager determines there  are 
      no   satisfactory  Ada  9X  compilers  available,  then  Ada   83 
      (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A)  shall be used.  Waivers/exceptions for  not 
      using  Ada (Ada 9X or Ada 83) apply as before as directed by  the 
      governing agency. 
      For  existing  Ada 83 (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A) or  non-Ada  projects, 
      transitioning  to Ada 9X (ANSI/MIL-1815B) shall occur if  one  or 
      more  of the following conditions is met.  Note,  "transitioning" 
      herein means added/modified software must be in Ada; it does  not 
      mean existing software must be redesigned in Ada.
           (a)  The Program Manager/Principal  Investigator  determines 
      that  Ada  9X  brings necessary/desirable  functionality  to  the 
           (b)  A major project upgrade (i.e., 33%  addition/change  of 
      code)  is planned and less than five years has elapsed since  Ada 
      9X  was  approved  by  ANSI. If there  are  no  suitable  Ada  9X 
      (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815B)  compilers  available  for  the  host/target 
      combination  then Ada 83 (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A) shall be  the  lan-
      guage of choice. Waivers/exceptions to not use Ada (Ada 9X or Ada 
      83) apply as directed by the governing agency.
           (c)  A major project upgrade (i.e., 33%  addition/change  of 
      code) is planned and five or more years has elapsed since Ada  9X 
      (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815B) was approved. Waivers/exceptions to not  use 
      Ada 9X apply as directed by the governing agency.
      In  cases  where  the project stays with  Ada  83,  validated  or 
      "project validated" Ada 83 compilers must be used for delivery of 
      operational software (see section 4.4.1 and the Ada Joint Program 
      Office Ada Compiler Validation Procedures document.
      In  order to help managers transition to Ada 9X there will be  an 
      Ada 9X Managers Workshop just prior to ANSI/MIL approval (approx-
      imately  March  1993). Transition issues and strategies  will  be 
      In  order  to help programmers transition to Ada 9X  an  "Ada  9X 
      Programmers Guide" will be developed.  This guide will  highlight 
      the  changes  between Ada 9X and Ada 83 chapter  by  chapter  and 
      discuss  programming  strategies  utilizing  new  features.   Any 

      incompatibilities  between Ada 9X and Ada 83 will also  be  noted 
      and straight-forward modifications to Ada 83 code will be provid-
      ed for transformation to equivalent legal Ada 9X code.  Suggested 
      Ada  83 coding practices to make the transition to Ada 9X  easier 
      will  also be discussed for those programmers continuing  to  use 
      Ada 83 on existing projects.   
      In  the interest of introducing students to the many benefits  of 
      Ada  at minimal cost, an extremely user-friendly Ada 9X  compila-
      tion  system, consisting of a compiler, library  system,  linker, 
      run-time  system  and debugger for commonly  available  platforms 
      (e.g.,  SUN/UNIX  or PC/DOS), will be developed  for  educational 
      purposes.   This  system  will be made  available  to  accredited 
      universities free of charge.  Some level of maintenance is  envi-
      sioned.  Since this system is for educational purposes only,  and 
      there is no intent to compete with industry but rather to  stimu-
      late the market, it may be that certain features of the  language 
      are  not  supported; however validation of  implemented  features 
      will be required.  It is intended that the developer be solicited 
      through a Broad Area Announcement in FY 92. Ideally, proven  off-
      the-shelf tools shall be the basis of this system.
      4.  VENDORS
      Vendors supply the necessary user support tools.  Vendor products 
      must not only meet user needs but their compilers must also  pass 
      validation tests, the Ada Compiler Validation Capability  (ACVC), 
      designed to check for conformance to the language standard.   The 
      current  ACVC process, just as the language, requires  minor  ad-
      justments  occasionally  to better serve the Ada  community.   To 
      ease  the  transition impact to vendors, the  Ada  9X  transition 
      strategy includes vendor workshops; a revised ACVC test suite;  a 
      revised ACVC test suite release schedule; and adjustments to  the 
      ACVC policy and review process.
      During the Ada 9X revision process, several Vendor Workshops will 
      be  conducted.  The purpose of these workshops will be  to  allow 
      vendors to closely track the revision and to provide feedback  to 
      Ada 9X Teams regarding implementability. 
      The  Ada  Joint  Program Office has directed the  freeze  of  the 
      current Ada 83 test suite, ACVC 1.11.  Under the Ada 9X  Project, 
      one more release for Ada 83 will be issued, ACVC 1.11X which will 
      be based on ACVC 1.11 and draft ACVC 1.12 (which was never  offi-
      cially released).  ACVC 1.11X will remove Ada 83/Ada 9X incompat-
      ibilities,  and  will attempt to increase the focus  on  expected 
      usage  of the language. Accordingly, the ACVC 1.11X will  contain 
      approximately  135,000  LOC  counting  semi-colons  (about   3000 
      tests);  a  reduction  of about 25% from  the  current  level  of 

      187,650  LOC  (about  4000 tests).  This reduction  in  size  and 
      increased  focus on expected usage reflects a change  in  testing 
      philosophy based on seven years of experience in using the  ACVC. 
      The  original testing philosophy was to expose  compiler  errors, 
      whether or not an error was likely to be encountered by users  or 
      would  have been considered a significant defect by  programmers.  
      The new, usage-based testing philosophy is to focus on  potential 
      non-conformities  that  would impair the actual use of  the  lan-
      guage.   The change of testing philosophy is intended  to  enable 
      vendors to expend more effort on quality improvements of interest 
      to their customers while ensuring that Ada compilers, as used  in 
      practice, still conform to the standard.
      The first Ada 9X ACVC test suite will be ACVC 2.0 which will  add 
      approximately 400 tests (about 26,000 LOC representing 50% Ada 9X 
      test  objective  coverage).  The second ACVC test suite  will  be 
      ACVC 2.1 which will add approximately 400 more test (about 26,000 
      LOC  representing the remaining 50% Ada 9X test objective  cover-
      Furthermore,  continued  growth of the ACVC test  suite  will  be 
      prohibited.   Tests  may be modified/added/deleted  but  a  fixed 
      ceiling of approximately 3800 tests (187,000 LOC) will be  estab-
      The  increased  focus on usage and the prohibition  of  continued 
      growth  is expected to provide vendors with more time to  concen-
      trate on meeting users special requirements for optimization  and 
      high quality tools.
      The following schedule describes the ACVC test availability  dates 
      (the start date when a new ACVC test suite is available for public 
      review  and  comment), the ACVC official release date  (the  start 
      date a vendor can validate under a new ACVC test suite),  the ACVC 
      test  expiration  dates  (the end date a  vendor  can  validate  a 
      compiler  under  that ACVC test suite), and the  ACVC  certificate 
      expiration  dates  (the date validation certificates cease  to  be 
                                In Use         In Use       Certificate
      ACVC        Available     (Start Date)   (End Date)   (Exp. Date)
       1.11       15 Jul 89     1 Dec 89       1 Jun 92     1 Mar 93
      *1.11X      1 Mar 92      1 Mar 92       1 Sep 93     1 Sep 94
       2.0        1 Mar 93      1 Sep 93       1 Mar 95     1 Mar 96
        2.1       1 Sep 94      1 Mar 95
      *  ACVC  1.11X will be released for validation  with  no  further 
      public review since it is based on ACVC 1.11 and draft ACVC 1.12. 

      4.4  ACVC POLICY
      Validation  of  Ada 9X compilers will be required as for  Ada  83 
      compilers.  However, in the spirit of a gradual transition,  cer-
      tain  concessions are being made that allow, for a limited  time, 
      validation  of Ada 9X compilers that do not implement all Ada  9X 
      features  yet.   The general policy of not  permitting  supersets 
      beyond  Ada 9X will remain in effect. (For more  information  see 
      the  Ada Compiler Validation Procedures document  available  from 
      the Ada Joint Program Office.)
      4.4.1  ACVC 1.11X
      Vendors  will be able to start validating Ada 9X  features  under 
      ACVC 1.11X, as soon as Ada 9X is approved by ANSI, listing Ada 9X 
      features  (above  Ada 83 features) included in  the  compiler  in 
      Appendix  F.  Only Ada 9X features may be  added;  non-conforming 
      functionality  is  prohibited and will  result  in  non-validated 
      status.  Although  the end-use date for ACVC 1.11X is 1  Sep  93, 
      vendors  whose  customers wish to continue to use Ada 83  and  to 
      continue to check the conformity of their compilers may do so  by 
      seeking  "project  validation." Ada  Validation  Facilities  will 
      continue to offer project validation under ACVC 1.11X after  ACVC 
      2.0 is issued and will produce Validation Summary Reports; howev-
      er  validation certificates will not be issued.  For the  Project 
      Office  that  does not want to upgrade to Ada 9X,  this  approach 
      offers an acceptable option to ensure conformance to Ada 83. 
      4.4.2  ACVC 2.0
      Vendors validating under ACVC 2.0 will be allowed to support  less 
      than  full  Ada 9X functionality (i.e., approximately 50%  Ada  9X 
      test  objective coverage will be included in ACVC  2.0);  however 
      they  must  list  Ada 9X features supported in  the  compiler  in 
      Appendix  F.   As a minimum, the compiler must  support  features 
      included in ACVC 2.0.
      The  current  ACVC  review process already includes  a  six  month 
      review  period  but intense efforts to solicit vendor  review  are 
      lacking.   The review process will include workshops at the  start 
      of  a review period to solicit vendor response on a more  personal 
      basis with ACVC test suite developers explaining test  objectives, 
      tests,  and rationale.  Furthermore, a new expert reviewers  group 
      will be established.  This group, the ACVC Reviewers, will consist 
      of  approximately  eight  world-class  Ada  experts  composed   of 
      vendors, application users, and language interpreters.  This group 
      will  have  a chair and will participate with the  Ada  Validation 
      Office  (AVO), the Ada Maintenance Organization (AMO) and the  Ada 
      Validation   Facility   (AVF)  Managers  in  the   ACVC   process. 
      Furthermore,  the ACVC Reviewers will review ACVC test  objectives 
      and tests prior to each public review period.

                 ___________       __________      __________
                l Ada BOARD l ---  l   AJPO   l ---l ISO WG9 l
                l __________l      l__________l    l_________ l
                                l      l       l   
                                l      l       l
                             ______   ______   ___________
                             l AVO l  l AMO l  l  ACVC    l
                             l_____l  l_____l  l REVIEWERSl
                                l        l     l _________l
                                l        l
                             ______   _______
                             l AVFs l l ACVC l
                             l_____ l l TEAM l
      During  the Ada 9X revision process, a workshop will be  conducted 
      for  educators and authors to present changes to the  language  as 
      they may impact current Ada curricula and text books.   Suggested 
      teaching  aids such as illustrative programming examples will  be 
      The  language reference manual and rationale document for Ada  9X 
      will  be made available to the general public at low cost as  for 
      Ada 83.  They will be available in electronic and hard copy form.  
      Permission will be freely granted to copy either document in  its 
      entirety without alteration or as altered by (1) adding text that 
      is  clearly marked as an insertion; (2) shading  or  highlighting 
      existing text; or (3) deleting examples. 
      A  body of language experts ( the Ada Rapporteur Group [ARG]  and 
      the  Uniformity  Rapporteur Group [URG] working as part  of  ISO-
      IEC/JTC1/SC22/WG9) has been the authority on interpreting the Ada 
      83 standard in cases of ambiguities and resolving  contradictions 
      in the standard.  It is envisioned that this process will contin-
      ue,  with  essentially  an unaltered charter,  to  perform  these 
      maintenance activities for the Ada 9X standard. It is also  envi-
      sioned  that a very close connection will exist between  ISO  WG9 
      and the Ada validation process.  Specifically the Ada Maintenance 
      Organization  (AMO), the ACVC Team and the ACVC  Reviewers  shall 
      ensure  that  ISO WG9 language interpretations are  reflected  in 

      ACVC tests (either by adding or removing tests). Furthermore, the 
      Ada  Validation Office (AVO) shall ensure that test disputes  are 
      passed to ISO WG9 in a timely and appropriate manner so that they 
      may be considered in the interpretation process.
      The AJPO as the ANSI agent for Ada 9X will monitor the status  of 
      Ada  usage  and  determine at the five year  anniversary  of  the 
      standard  if  reaffirmation/revision is in  order,  and  initiate 
      appropriate action as necessary.
      The existence of Ada 9X associated/secondary standards will  play 
      a  vital  role  in the successful transition to Ada  9X.   It  is 
      envisioned  that  ISO WG-9 will hasten the development  of  these 
      standards to the maximum extent possible.  

             reply	other threads:[~1991-03-24 22:05 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 20+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
1991-03-24 22:05 Michael Feldman [this message]
1991-03-26  2:39 ` Ada9x Transition Plan (443 lines) ftp-ed from AJPO Jim Showalter
1991-03-26 14:45   ` Michael Feldman
1991-03-26 17:10     ` Cheap/Free Ada (was: Ada9x Transition) Jerry Callen
1991-03-26 21:32       ` Michael Feldman
1991-03-26 23:22       ` Dan L. Pierson
1991-03-27 21:00         ` Jim Showalter
1991-03-27 18:58       ` Jim Showalter
1991-03-29  1:47         ` Jerry Callen
1991-03-26 17:38     ` Ada9x Transition Plan (443 lines) ftp-ed from AJPO Steve Vestal
1991-03-26 21:28       ` Michael Feldman
1991-03-27 20:58         ` Jim Showalter
1991-03-28 14:24           ` Dennis Doubleday
1991-03-29  3:31             ` Jim Showalter
1991-03-29  5:55             ` Michael Feldman
1991-03-29 21:29               ` Jim Showalter
1991-03-26 22:50     ` jncs
1991-03-27  3:15     ` Jim Showalter
1991-03-31 14:47       ` Ralph Reid III
1991-03-26 20:33   ` ACVC policy (was Re: Ada9x Transition Plan) madmats
replies disabled

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