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From: (Michael Feldman)
Subject: December 1990 Validated Compiler List
Date: 21 Dec 90 22:04:53 GMT	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

File VAL-COMP.HLP: List of Ada
Compilers for December 1990.
(Form G10-1290, V10-1290;
AdaIC point of contact: Michele Kee)

     The following are Ada compilers that have been validated by the Ada Joint
Program Office (AJPO).  Compilers are listed in order of vendor.  The list is
updated monthly, and presently includes 72 base compilers and 9 compilers
derived from base implementations, 47 compilers scheduled for on-site testing
and 8 compilers that have completed on-site testing.  For the most current
information on validated Ada compilers, please contact the Ada Information
Clearinghouse at (703) 685-1477.

     With the removal of all implementations that were validated under ACVC
1.10, the Validated Compilers List is considerably smaller.  This may give an
inaccurate impression of the Ada compiler industry--considerable implementation
efforts continue -- so, we are here taking the exceptional step of including
current implementation efforts.  Future versions of the Validated Compilers
List will include many more implementations as the current efforts complete

     Besides listing all currently validated compilers, this list contains
information about implementations that have recently completed validation
testing or are scheduled for validation testing.  The information has been
obtained from the five Ada Validation Facilities (AVFs).  Information about any
further implementation efforts may be provided by individual compiler vendors. 
As described by the Ada Compiler Validation Procedures, Version 2.1, section
5.7, the confirmation by an AVF of a vendor's completion of particular events
in the validation process may be given if the vendor has provided a waiver of
confidentiality.  (The particular events that may be confirmed by an AVF as per
section 5.7 are the AVF receipt of:  a formal agreement for validation testing;
the pre-validation results; and the validation testing (on-site) results.)  AVF
confirmation is made without expressed or implied judgement concerning the
success of these events. An implementation is not validated unless a
certificate has been awarded for it (and is not expired), or it has been
registered (based on a validated implementation).

For background information, please see "An Introduction to the Validation
Process", which follows at the end of the compiler list.

(Key:  * = Validated through Registration, base system above)
(Key:  (#YYMMDDFX.XXNNN):  YYMMDD is the date on-site testing was completed;
                           F is the Ada Validation Facility; 
                           X.XX is the ACVC Version;
                           NNN is a unique sequence number that is assigned by 
                           the AVO)

For example, the certificate number #890113W1.10024 means the compiler
completed on-site testing January 13, 1989, at Wright-Patterson AFB under ACVC

All Ada Validation Certificates issued for validations completed with
ACVC Version 1.10 expired on December 1, 1990.  All Ada Validation
Certificates issued for validations completed with ACVC Version 1.11 will
expire on June 1, 1992.

                      Ada COMPILERS LIST--1 December 1990
Vendor &            HOST                           TARGET
Compiler            Machine                        Machine

**Completed on-site testing
AETECH              Unisys PW/2 386 under SCO      Same as Host
IntegrAda,          Unix 3.2
Version 5.1.0

**Completed on-site testing
AETECH              Northgate 386/25 under Phar    Northgate 386/25 under MS
IntegrAda 386,      Lap/DOS 3.3                    Dos 3.3
Version 5.1.0

Aitech Defense      VAXstation 3100 Cluster        Tadpole TP880V (88100-based
Systems, Inc.       (under VMS 5.3)                VME board) (bare machine)
Version 2.4

*Validated by Registration
Aitech Defense      All DEC MicroVAX,              Tadpole TP880V (88100-based
Systems, Inc.       VAXstation, VAXserver,         VME board) & Motorola
AI-ADA/88K,         VAX-11, VAX 8xxx & VAX 6xxx    MVME181 (88100-based VME
Version 2.4         series (under VMS versions     board) (bare machines)
(BASE               5.0, 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3, as
#900930W1.11030)    supported)

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Alsys               IBM PS/2 Model 80 under        Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_003        LynxOS v1.2

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Alsys               CompuAdd 325 under DOS 3.3     Intel iSBC 386/12 (bare)

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Alsys               MULTITECH 1100 under SCO       Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_034        Unix v.3.2

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Alsys               PC-AT under MS/DOS v3.3        Motorola 68020 with ARTK
AlsyCOMP_028,                                      v5.3 (bare machine)
Version 5.3

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Alsys               SUN 3/140 under SunOS 4.1      Intel iSBC 386/116 (bare)

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Alsys               MicroVAX 3400 under VMS 5.2    Intel iSBC 386/31 (bare)

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Alsys               Apple Macintosh IIcx under     Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_043        v6.0.3

Alsys               IBM 9370 Model 90 (under       Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_042,       AIX/370 Version 1.2)
Version 5.3

Alsys               Sun-3/60 (under SunOS,         Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_026,       Version 4.0.3)
Version 1.82

Alsys               MIPS M/120-5 (under            Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_025,       RISC/os, Version 4.0)
Version 1.83

Alsys               Sony NEWS NWS-1850 (under      Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_046,       NEWS-OS 3.3)
Version 5.3

Alsys               Apollo DN4000 (under           Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_004,       Domain/OS SR10.2)
Version 5.3

Alsys               Bull DPX/2 320 (under          Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_050,       B.O.S. 02.00.05)
Version 5.3

Alsys               HP 9000s350 (under HP-UX       Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_002,       6.5)
Version 5.3

Alsys               Sun-3/260 (under SunOS 3.2)    Same as Host
Version 5.3

Alsys               CETIA Unigraph 6000 (under     Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_035,       Unigraph/X 3.1)
Version 5.3

Alsys               Compaq Deskpro 386 (under      Same as Host
ALSYS_COMP_C16-38   MS-DOS 3.30, Phar Lap 2.0)

Alsys               CompuAdd 320 (under MS-DOS     Same as Host
ALSYS_COMP_C16-38   3.30, Phar Lap 2.0)

Alsys               ALR Power Veisa 486 (under     Same as Host
ALSYS_COMP_C16-38   MS-DOS 3.30, Phar Lap 2.0)

Alsys               HP Vectra RS/25C (under        Same as Host

Alsys               Zenith Z-248 Model 50          Same as Host
ALSYS_COMP_C03-AD   (under MS-DOS 3.30)

Alsys               INMOS T800 transputer on a     INMOS T800 transputer on a
Alsycomp_037,       B403 TRAM (bare) with an       B403 TRAM (bare) using an
Version 5.2         INMOS B008 Communications      IBM PC/AT under MS-DOS 3.1
(#901114N1.11065)   link implemented in an IBM     running INMOS Iserver 1.3
                    PC/AT (under MS-DOS 3.1 and    for file-server support via
                    INMOS Iserver V1.3)            an INMOS B008 board link

Alsys               HP 9000s350 (under HP-UX       Motorola MVME101 (68000)
AlsyCOMP_012,       6.5)                           (bare machine, using ARTK
Version 5.3                                        Version 5.3)

Alsys               Apollo DN4000 (under           Motorola MVME147-1
AlsyCOMP_036,       Domain/OS SR10.2)              (68030/68882) (bare machine,
Version 5.3                                        using ARTK Version 5.3)

Alsys               Sun 3/260 (under SunOS 3.2)    Motorola MVME121 (68010)
AlsyCOMP_015,                                      (bare machine, using ARTK
Version 5.3                                        Version 5.3)

Alsys               MicroVAX II (under VMS         INMOS T425 transputer on a
Alsycomp_017,       V5.3)                          B403 TRAM (bare) using the
Version 5.2                                        Host running INMOS Iserver
(#901118N1.11064)                                  1.3 for file-server support
                                                   via a CAPLIN QT0 board link

Alsys               MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS       Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_018        5.3)
Version 5.2

Alsys               IBM 9370 Model 90 (under       Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_006,       VM/IS CMS release 5.1)
Version 5.3

Alsys               IBM 370 3084Q (under MVS/XA    Same as Host
AlsyCOMP_023,       release 3.2)
Version 5.3

Alsys               VAX 6210 (under VMS 5.2)       Motorola MVME135-1
AlsyCOMP_011,                                      (68020/68881) (bare machine,
Version 5.3                                        using ARTK Version 5.3)

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Concurrent          Concurrent Computer            Same as Host
Computer            Corporation 3280 MPS under
Corporation         OS/32, Version R08-03.2
C3 Ada, Version

Concurrent          Concurrent Computer            Same as Host
Computer            Corporation 8400 (MIPS
Corporation         R3000/3010) (under RTU
C3Ada, Version      Version 5.1)

*Validated by Registration
Concurrent          Concurrent Computer            Same as Host
Computer            Corporation 8500 (MIPS
Corporation         R3000/R3010) (under RTU
C3Ada, Version      Version 5.1)

CONVEX Computer     CONVEX C220 (under ConvexOS    Same as Host
Corporation         8.1)
Version 2.0

DDC-I               VAX 8530 (under VMS Version    Same as Host
International A/S   5.3)
Native Ada
Compiler System,
Version 4.6

DDC-I               MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS       Motorola MVME133 board
International A/S   Version 5.3)                   (68020/68881) (bare machine)
68020 Bare Cross
Compiler System,
Version 4.6

**Scheduled for on-site testing
DDC-I, Inc.         VAX 8530 running VMS           Same as Host
DACS VAX/VMS to     Version 5.3
80386 PM Bare Ada
Cross Compiler
System, Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
DDC-I, Inc.         VAX 8530 runninb VMS           Bare Board iSBC 186/03A
DACS VAX/VMS to     Version 5.3
80186 Bare Ada
Cross Compiler
System with Rate
Version 4.6

**Scheduled for on-site testing
DDC-I, Inc.         VAX 8530 running VMS           Bare Board iSBC 186/03A
DACS VAX/VMS to     Version 5.3
80186 Bare Ada
Cross Compiler
System, Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
DDC-I, Inc.         VAX 8530 running VMS           Bare Board isBC 386/21
DACS VAX/VMS to     Version 5.3
80386 PM Bare Ada
Cross Compiler
System with Rate
Version 4.6

**Scheduled for on-site testing
DDC-I, Inc.         Sun3/60 running SunOS,         Same as Host
DACS Sun3/SunOS     Version 4.0_Export)
Native Ada
Compiler System,
Version 4.6

**Scheduled for on-site testing
DDC-I, Inc.         IBM PS/2 Model 80-311          Same as Host
DACS 80386 DMS/OS   running LynxOS 386/PS2,
Ada Compiler        Vresion 2.0A
System, Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
DDC-I, Inc.         ICL DRS300 running DRS/NX,     Same as Host
DACS 80386 UNIX V   Version 3.2 (UNIX System
Ada Compiler        V/386 release 3.2)
System, Version

Digital Equipment   VAX 8800 (under VMS Version    Same as Host
Corporation         5.4)
VAX Ada, Version

*Validated by Registration
Digital Equipment   VAX 4000 Model 300; VAX        Any Host
Corporation         6000 Model 200, 300 & 400
VAX Ada Version     Series; VAX 8200, 8250,
2.2                 8300, 8350, 8500, 8530,
(BASE               8550, 8600, 8650, 8700,
#901109S1.11053)    8800, 8810, 8820, 8830,
                    8840, 8842, 8974 & 8978;
                    VAX 9000-210, -410, -420,
                    -430 & -440; VAX-11/730,
                    /750, /780, /785;MicroVAX
                    II, 2000, 3100, 3300, 3400,
                    3500, 3600, 3800 & 3900;
                    VAXstation II, 2000, 3100
                    series, 3200, 3500, 3520 &
                    3540; VAXserver 3100, 3300,
                    3400, 3500, 3600, 3602,
                    3800, 3900; VAXserver
                    6000-310, 6000-410 &
                    6000-420; Ratheon Military
                    VAX Computer Model 860
                    (under VMS Version 5.4)

Digital Equipment   VAX 8800 (under VMS Version    MicroVAX II (under VAXELN
Corporation         5.4)                           Version 4.1, using VAXELN
VAX Ada, Version                                   Ada Version 2.2)

*Validated by Registration
Digital Equipment   VAX 6000 Model 200, 300 &      VAX 6000 Model 200, 300 &
Corporation         400 Series; VAX 8200, 8250,    400 Series; VAX 8200, 8250,
VAX Ada Version     8300, 8350, 8500, 8530,        8500, 8530, 8550, 8700, 8800
2.2                 8550, 8600, 8650, 8700,        & 8810; VAX-11/730 & /750;
(BASE               8800, 8810, 8820, 8830,        MicroVAX II, 2000, 3100,
#901109S1.11054)    8840, 8842, 8974 & 8978;       3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3800
                    VAX-11/730, /750, /780,        & 3900; VAXstation 2000,
                    /785; MicroVAX II 2000,        3100, 3150, 3200, 3500 &
                    3100, 3300, 3400, 3500,        II/GPX; VAXserver 3100,
                    3600, 3800 & 3900;             3300, 3400, 3500, 3600,
                    VAXstation II, 2000, 3100      3602, 3800, 3900; VAXserver
                    series, 3200, 3500, 3520,      6000 Models 210, 220, 310,
                    3540 & 8000; VAXserver         320, 410 & 420; Ratheon
                    3100, 3300, 3400, 3500,        Military VAX Computer Models
                    3600, 3602, 3800, 3900;        810 & 860; Norden Systems:
                    VAXserver 6000-310,            Mil Vax II, IVAX 620 & 630;
                    6000-410 & 6000-420;           VAX RTA; KA620-BA, rtVAX
                    Ratheon Military VAX           630, 1000, 3200, 3300, 3305,
                    Computer Model 860 (under      3400,3500, 3600, 3800, 8550,
                    VMS Version 5.4)               8700, rtVAX 6000 Model 200,
                                                   300 & 400 Series &
                                                   rtVAXstation 3100 Models 30
                                                   & 38 (under VAXELN Version
                                                   4.1, using VAXELN Ada
                                                   Version 2.2)

E-Systems/ECI       Tolerant Eternity (under       Same as Host
Division            TX, 5.4.0)
Tolerant Ada
System, Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Encore Computer     Series 91 under UMAX V         Series 91 under uMPX
Corporation         Revision 3.0                   Revision 1.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Encore Computer     Concept under MPX-32           Same as Host
Corporation         Revision 3.5
revision 2.3

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Encore Computer     Sun3 under Sun Unix            Concept under MPX-32
Corporation                                        Revision 3.5
revision 2.3

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Encore Computer     Series 91 under UMAX V         Same as Host
Corporation         Revision 3.0

Harris              Harris NH-4400 (under CX/UX    Same as Host
Corporation,        5.1)
Computer Systems
Harris Ada 5.1

*Validated by Registration
Harris              Harris NH-4400 (under CX/UX    Any Host
Corporation,        5.1, CX/RT 5.1, OR CX/SX
Computer Systems    5.1)
Harris Ada 5.1

Harris              Harris NH-3800 (under CX/UX    Same as Host
Corporation,        5.1)
Computer Systems
Harris Ada 5.1

*Validated by Registration
Harris              Harris NH-1200, NH-3400 &      Any Host
Corporation,        NH-3800 (under CX/UX 5.1,
Computer Systems    CX/RT 5.1, OR CX/SX 5.1)
Harris Ada 5.1

Hewlett-Packard     HP 9000 Series 300 Model       Same as Host
Company             370 (under HP-UX, Version
HP 9000 Series      A.07.00)
300 Ada Compiler,
Version 5.35

*Validated by Registration
Hewlett-Packard     HP 9000 Series 300 & 400,      Any Host
Company             all models (under HP-UX,
HP 9000 Series      Version A.B7.03)
300 Ada Compiler,
Version 5.35

**Completed on-site testing
International       RISC System/6000, model        Same as Host
Business Machines   7013-530, AIX 3.1
AIX Ada/6000
Release 2,

**Scheduled for on-site testing
ELEKTRONIK GMBH                                    MPR 2300 (under EOS 2300
KRUPP ATLAS                                        Version 1.4)
Compiler VVME

Meridian Software   Sun-3/260 (under SunOS,        Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       Version 4.1)
Meridian Ada,
Version 4.1

Meridian Software   Sun-4/110 (under SunOS,        Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       Version 4.1)
Meridian Ada,
Version 4.1

Meridian Software   DECstation 3100 (under         Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       Ultrix, Version 3.0)
Meridian Ada,
Version 4.1

Meridian Software   IBM PS/2 Model 60 (with        Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       Floating-Point
Meridian Ada,       Co-Processor) (under IBM
Version 4.1         PC-DOS 3.30)

Meridian Software   IBM PS/2 Model 30 (with        Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       Floating-Point
Meridian Ada,       Co-Processor) (under IBM
Version 4.1         PC-DOS 3.30)

Meridian Software   ITT XTRA/286 (with             Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       Floating-Point
Meridian Ada,       Co-Processor) (under MS-DOS
Version 4.1         3.20/OS286)

Meridian Software   80 Data 386/25 (under          Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       386/ix 1.0.6)
Meridian Ada,
Version 4.1

Meridian Software   Apple Macintosh II (under      Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       System 6.0.3)
Meridian Ada,
Version 4.1

Meridian Software   Apple Macintosh II (under      Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       A/UX 2.0)
Meridian Ada,
Version 4.1

Meridian Software   Stardent Titan P3 (under       Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       Stardent/Unix 3.0)
Meridian Ada,
Version 4.1

Meridian Software   MicroVAX 3100 (under Ultrix    Same as Host
Systems, Inc.       3.1)
Meridian Ada,
Version 4.1

Meridian Software   MicroVAX II (under VMS 5.2)    Same as Host
Systems, Inc.
Meridian Ada,
Version 4.1

MIPS Computer       MIPS M/2000 (under RISC/os     R3200-6 CPU board (bare
Systems             4.50)                          machine)

MIPS Computer       MIPS M/2000 (under RISC/os     Same as Host
Systems             4.50)
MIPS Ada 3.0

**Completed on-site testing
R.R. Software,      Northgate 386/25 under SCO     Same as Host
Inc.                Unix 3.2
Version 2.2.0

**Completed on-site testing
R.R. Software,      IBM PS/2, Model 80 under       IBM PS/2, Model 80 under MS
Inc.                Phar Lap/DOS 3.3               DOS 3.3
Version 2.2.0
Phar Lap/DOS

SD-Scicon UK Ltd    VAX Cluster (comprising        Motorola MVME133XT board
XD Ada MC68020,     VAXserver 3600, MicroVAX       (MC68020) (bare machine)
Version 1.2         2000 (2) & MicroVAX II
(#901007N1.11042)   machines) (under VMS
                    Version 5.3)

**Scheduled for on-site testing
SD_Scicon plc       Local area digital VAX         Fairchild F9450 on a SBC-50
XD Ada              Cluster comprising a VAX       board (MIL-STD-1750A) (bare
MIL-STD-1750A       Server 3600, 2 microVAX        machine)
V1.2                2000's and 1 microVAX II

**Scheduled for on-site testing
SD_Scicon plc       Local area digital VAX         MC68000 processor on an
XD Ada MC68000      Cluster comprising a VAX       MVME117-3FP MPU VME module
V1.1                Server 3600, 2 microVAX        (bare machine)
                    2000's and 1 microVAX II

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Siemens AG          Siemens 7.590G (under          Same as Host
Siemens BS 2000     BS2000/V9.0)
Ada Compiler V2.0

Silicon Graphics    Iris-4D/380 (under IRIX        Same as Host
Computer Systems    Release 4D-3.3)
4D ADA 3.0

Silicon Graphics    Iris-4D/220S (under IRIX       Same as Host
Computer Systems    Release 4D-3.3)
4D ADA 3.0

Silicon Graphics    Iris-4D/25 (under IRIX         Same as Host
Computer Systems    Release 4D-3.3)
4D ADA 3.0

SYSTEAM KG          VAX 8530 (under VMS,           Same as Host
SYSTEAM Ada         Version 5.1)
Compiler VAX/VMS,
Version 1.82

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Tartan              Sun 3/60 (under Sun OS         Same as Host
Laboratories        Version 3.5)
Tartan Ada
Sun/Sun, Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Tartan              VAXstation 3200 (under         Fairchild F9450
Laboratories        MicroVMS 4.7)                  (MIL-STD-1750A) (bare
Incorporated                                       machine)
Tartan Ada
Version 2.11

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Tartan              VAXstation 3200 (under         Intel 80960MC on an Intel
Laboratories        MicroVMS 4.7)                  EXV80960MC board (bare
Incorporated                                       machine)
VMS Ada960MC
Compiler R1.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Tartan              SUN 3/50 (under SunOS 3.5)     Intel 80960MC on an Intel
Laboratories                                       EXV80960MC board (bare
Incorporated                                       machine)
SUN Ada960MC
Compiler V2.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Tartan              VAXstation 3100 (under VMS     320C30 on TI Application
Laboratories        5.1B)                          Board (bare machine)
Tartan Ada
VMS/C30, Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Tartan              Sun 3/60 (under SunOS 3.5)     320C30 on TI Application
Laboratories                                       Board (bare machine)
Tartan Ada
Sun/C30, Version

**Completed on-site testing
TeleSoft            IBM 3083 under VM/SP HPO       Same as Host
IBM Ada 370,        Release 5.0
Version 1.1.0

**Completed on-site testing
TeleSoft            IBM 4381 under MVS/XA          Same as Host
IBM Ada/370,        Release 3.8
Version 1.1.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
TeleSoft            VAXserver 3800 (under          Motorola MVME133A-20
TeleGen2 Ada        VAX/VMS Version 5.2)           (MC68020) (bare machine)
System for VAX to
E68K, Version 4.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
TeleSoft            Sun-4/280 SPARC Processor      Same as Host
TeleSoft TeleGen2
Sun-4 Ada
System, Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
TeleSoft            Sun-4/280 SPARC Processor      Same as Host
TeleSoft TeleGen2
Sun-4 Ada
System, Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
TELESOFT            VAXserver 3602 (under          Same as Host
TeleGen2 Ada        VAX/VMS Version 5.0)
System for
VAX/VMS, Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
TELESOFT            Apple Macintosh IIx (under     Same as Host
TeleGen2            Apple A/UX release 1.1)
Macintosh Ada
System Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
TELESOFT            Sun-4/280 (SPARC Processor)    Same as Host
TeleGen2 Sun-4      (under Sun UNIX Version
Ada Development     4.2, Release 4.0.3)
System Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
TELESOFT            Sun-3/280 (under Sun UNIX      Same as Host
TeleGen2 Sun-3      4.2 Release 3.5)
Ada Development
System Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
TELESOFT            Sun-4/260 (SPARC Processor)    Motorola MVME133A-20
TeleGen2 Ada        (under Sun UNIX Version        (MC68020) (bare machine)
Development         4.2, Release 4.0)
System, Version

**Scheduled for on-site testing
TELESOFT            Sun-3/280 (under Sun UNIX      Motorola MVME133A-20
TeleGen2+ Ada       4.2 Release 3.5)               (MC68020) (bare machine)
System, Version

Texas Instruments   MIPS M/2000 (under RISC/os     TI DP32 R3000 Processor
MIPS-Ada, Version   4.02)                          (bare machine, using TI DP32
3.0                                                RTE Version 1.0)

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Verdix              Sun4 (under SunOS 4.1)         SPARC bare machine (Sun
Corporation                                        SPARCengine 1E board)
Version 6.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Verdix              AT&T 3B/600G (Unix System      Same as Host
Corporation         V, rel 3.2)
3B/600G, UNIX
Version 6.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Verdix              Sequent Balance 8000           Same as Host
Corporation         (Sequent Dynix 3.0.4)
VADS Sequent
Balance 8000,
Version 6.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Verdix              HP 9000/300 (HP-UX, version    Motorola 68020/68030 bare
Corporation         7.0)                           machine, Motorola MVME
VADS                                               133A-10 (68020)
(or 68030),
Version 6.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Verdix              Sun 4 (under SunOS 4.1)        Sun 3 (under SunOS 4.0)
VADS Sun-4=>Sun3,
Version 6.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Verdix              Intel 303 (Unix System         Same as Host
Corporation         V/386 rel 4)
VADS Intel 303,
UNIX SysV 4,
Version 6.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Verdix              MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS       Intel iSBC386/116; 386 bare
Corporation         5.2)                           (with WEITEK floating point
VADS                                               add-on)
Version 6.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Verdix              Data General Aviion (DG/UX     Same as Host
Corporation         release 4.20)
VADS Data General
Aviion, DG/UX
Version 6.0

**Scheduled for on-site testing
Verdix              Sun 4 (under SunOS 4.1)        Motorola 68020/68030 bare
Corporation                                        machine, Motorola MVME 147
VADS SUN-4=>68020                                  (68030)
(or 68030),
Version 6.0

Verdix              DECstation 3100 (under         Same as Host
Corporation         ULTRIX 3.1)
Version 6.0.2

*Validated by Registration
Verdix              DECstation 2100, 5000;         Any Host
Corporation         DECsystem 5400, 5810, 5820,
VAda-110-6161,      5830, 5840 (under ULTRIX
Version 6.0.2       3.1)

Verdix              VAXsystem 3100 (under          Same as Host
Corporation         ULTRIX 3.1)
Version 6.0

Verdix              Sun 3/280 (under SunOS 4.0)    Same as Host
VADS Sun3 SunOS,
Version 6.0

Verdix              IBM PS/2 Model 80 (under       Intel iSBC 386/12 (bare
Corporation         AIX 1.1)                       machine)
=> Intel 80386,
Version 6.0

Verdix              IBM PS/2 Model 80 (under       Motorola MVME133A-20
Corporation         AIX 1.1)                       (MC68020) (bare machine)
=> 68K,
Version 6.0

Verdix              Sun 4/280 (under SunOS 4.0)    Same as Host
VADS Sun-4 SunOS,
Version 6.0

*Validated by Registration
Verdix              Sun-4/20, /65, /110, /150 &    Any Host
Corporation         /260; SPARCserver 310, 330,
VAda-110-4040,      370, 390, 470 & 490;
Version 6.0         SPARCstation SLC, 1, 1+, 2,
(BASE               310, 330 & 370; and
#900510W1.11006)    SPARCengine 1 VME (under
                    SunOS 4.1)

Verdix              Sun 3/280 (under SunOS 4.0)    Motorola MVME147 (MC68030)
Corporation                                        (bare machine)
=> 68K,
Version 6.0

Verdix              IBM RISC System/6000 Model     Same as Host
Corporation         530 (under AIX 3.1)
System/6000, AIX
Version 6.0

Verdix              HP 9000/350 (under HP-UX       Same as Host
Corporation         7.0)
VADS HP 9000/300,
HP-UX 7.0,
Version 6.0

Verdix              Prime EXL/320 (under UNIX      Same as Host
Corporation         System V/386 3.2)
VADS Prime
System V/386 3.2,
Version 6.0

Verdix              MicroVAX 3100 (under           Same as Host
Corporation         VAX/VMS V5.2)
Version 6.0

Verdix              MicroVAX 3100 (under           Motorola MVME147 (MC68030)
Corporation         VAX/VMS V5.2)                  (bare machine)
Version 6.0

Verdix              MicroVAX 3100 (under           Intel iSBC 386/32 (bare
Corporation         VAX/VMS V5.2)                  machine)
386, VMS 5.2,
Version 6.0

Verdix              MicroVAX 3100 (under Ultrix    Tektronix MV System, MV
Corporation         3.1)                           68020 Support System, using
VADS                                               TekDB Version 5.0.2
VAX/Ultrix=>68k,                                   emulation software (bare
Ultrix 3.1,                                        machine simulation)
Version 6.0

Verdix              DECstation 3100 (under         Motorola MVME147 (MC68030)
Corporation         Ultrix 3.1)                    (bare machine)
Ultrix 3.1,
Version 6.0

Verdix              IBM RISC System/6000 Model     Motorola MVME147 (MC68030)
Corporation         530 (under AIX 3.1)            (bare machine)
AIX 3.1,
Version 6.0

Verdix              IBM RISC System/6000 Model     Intel iSBC 386/116 (bare
Corporation         530 (under AIX 3.1)            machine)
AIX 3.1,
Version 6.0

**Completed on-site testing
Wang                Wamg VS 84xx under Wang VS     Same as Host
Laboratories,       OS
Wang VS Ada,
Version 5.00.00

York Software       Intergraph InterPro 3050       Same as Host
Engineering         Workstation (under CLIX
Limited             R3.1)
York Ada Compiler
Environment (ACE)
Release 5


                        CONTACT NAMES, ADDRESSES
                           AND PHONE NUMBERS 
                          FOR COMPILER VENDORS

  COMPANY                       POINT of CONTACT    PHONE NUMBER

  AETECH                        James Dorman        (619) 755-1277
  380 Stevens Ave., Suite 212
  Solana Beach, CA 92075

  Aitech Systems Ltd            Gabriel Leemor      (408) 720-9400
  1250 Oakmead Pkwy #210
  Sunnyvale, CA 94086

  Alliant Computer Systems      Paul Rubin          (508) 486-4950
  1 Monarch Dr.
  Littleton, MA 01460

  Alsys                         Lori Heyman         (617) 270-0030
  67 South Bedford Street
  Burlington, MA 01803-5152

  Apollo Computer               Roberta Anslow      (508) 256-6600
  330 Billerica Rd.                                 ext: 4445
  Chelmsford, MA 01824

  BBN Advanced Computers        Joe Walters         (617) 873-3229
  10 Fawcett St.
  Cambridge, MA 02138

  BiiN                          Support POC Unknown

  Computer Sciences Corp.       Ralph Mattei        (609) 234-1100
  Integrated Systems Division
  304 West Rt. 38, P.O. Box N
  Moorestown, NJ 08057

  Concurrent Computer Corp.     Michael Devlin      (201) 758-7531
  106 Apple St.
  Titon Falls, NJ 07724

  Control Data                  Robert Cunius       (301) 468-8067
  6003 Executive Blvd.
  Rockville, MD 20852

  CONVEX Computer Corp.         Larry Grossman      (214) 497-4383
  3000 Waterview Parkway
  P.O. Box 833851
  Richardson, TX 75083

  Cray Research                 Sylvia Crain        (505) 988-2468
  500 Montezuma, Suite 118
  Sante Fe, NM 87501

  Data General Corp.            John Doyle          (508) 366-8911
  4400 Computer Dr.                      
  Westboro, MA 01580

  DDC International             Mike Turner         (602) 944-1883
  P.O. Box 37767
  Phoenix, AZ 85069

  Digital Equipment Corp.       Ms. Pat Bernard     (603) 881-0247
  MS:  ZK2-1/M11
  110 Spit Brook Rd.
  Nashua, NH 03062

  Elxsi                         Support POC Unknown (203) 661-9645

  Encore Computer               Gary Beerman        (305) 587-2900
  6901 W. Sunrise Blvd.                             ext: 5866
  Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33313

  Evans & Sutherland            Ian Crook           (801) 582-5847
  P.O. Box 8700                                     ext: 5523
  580 Arapeen Drive
  Salt Lake City, UT 84108

  Gould                         Gary Beerman        (305) 587-2900
  (now Encore)                                      ext: 5866
  6901 W. Sunrise Blvd.                                       
  Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33313

  Harris                        Georgeanne Chitwood (305) 977-5573
  2101 W. Cypress Creek Rd
  Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309

  Hewlett-Packard               Dave Graham         (408) 725-8111
  19447 Pruneridge Ave.
  MS: 47LH
  Cupertino, CA 95014

  Honeywell Bull                Milada Williamson   (703) 827-3010
  Honeywell Federal Systems Co., Inc.
  7900 Westpark Drive
  McLean, VA 22102

  IBM                      James Hamilton (AIX OS)  (416) 448-2113 
  IBM Canada Ltd           Antony Niro (VM & MVS OS)     (416) 448-2031   
  844 Don Mills                           
  North York, Ontario
  M3C 1V7  Canada

  Intel Corporation             Ellen Deleganes     (503) 629-7600
  Intel Scientific Computers
  15201 NW Greenbrier Parkway
  Beaverton, OR 97006
  InterACT                      Paul Houlihan       (212) 696-3700
  417 Fifth Ave.
  New York, NY 10016

  Intermetrics, Inc.            Burr Tupper         (617) 661-1840
  733 Concord Ave.
  Cambridge, MA 02138

  Irvine Compiler               Joe Kohli           (714) 250-1366
  18021 Sky Park Circle                   
  Suite L
  Irvine, CA 92714

  Krupp Atlas Elektronik GmbH   Dieter Weigel       +49-241/457-3058
  Sebaldsbruecker Heerstr. 235
  P.O. Box 44 85 45
  D-2800 Bremen 44

  Meridian Software Systems     Eric Olsen          (800) 221-2522
  10 Pasteur St.                                    (714) 727-0700
  Irvine, CA 92718

  MIPS Computer Systems         Ankur Saha          (408) 524-8095
  928 Arques Ave.
  Sunnyvale, CA 94086

  MODCOMP                       Alan Scharf         (305) 977-1317
  1650 W. McNab Rd.
  Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33340-6099

  MOTOROLA, Inc.                Mr. Jesse Winters   (602) 438-3576
  Motorola Micro-Computer Division
  2900 South Diablo Way
  Tempe, AZ 85282

  NEC Corporation               Mr. Noboru Kotani   +81 3-456-7443
  14-22 Shibaura 4-Chome,
  Tokyo 108, Japan

  New York University           Bernard Banner      (212) 998-3480
  251 Mercer Street
  New York, NY 10012

  NIPPON TELEGRAPH &       Mr. Shigeru Nishiyama    +81-3-740-5717
  NTT Software Laboratories
  NTT TWINS Data Bldg 8F
  1-9-1 Kohnan Minato-ku
  Tokyo 108 Japan

  Proprietary Software Systems  Joel Fleiss         (213) 394-5233
  429 Santa Monica Blvd
  Suite 430
  Santa Monica, CA 90401

  Pyramid Technology Corp.      Cheryl Archer       (415) 335-8912
  1295 Charleston Road
  Mountain View, CA 94043 

  R.R. Software                 Paul Fuller         (608) 244-6436
  2317 International Lane, Suite 212
  Madison, WI 53704

  Rational                      Diana Martin        (408) 496-3990
  3320 Scott Blvd.
  Santa Clara, CA 95054-3197

  Ready Systems                 Liz Parrish         (408) 736-2600
  470 Potrero Ave.
  Sunnyvale, CA 94086

  Rockwell International        Don Stover          (319) 395-5648
  L Station 124-211
  400 Collins Rd. NE
  Cedar Rapids, IA  52498

  ROLM Mil-Spec Computers       Jon Elliott         (408) 432-7701
  3151 Zanker Rd.
  San Jose, CA 95134-1928

  SD_SCICON plc                 Bill Toscano or     (617) 273-3030
  (Systems Designer Software)   Bill Mclaughlin
  8 New England Executive Park
  Burlington, MA 01803
  Siemens AG                    Dr. Hoyer           +49-89-63644234
  ZFE F2 SOF21
  Postfach 83 09 55
  D-8000 Muenchen 83

  Silicon Graphics              Dave Bagshaw        (415) 960-1980
  2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.                
  P. O. Box 7311
  Mountain View, CA 94039-7311

  SofTech                       Mark Moore          (617) 890-6900
  460 Totten Pond Rd.
  Waltham, MA 02254-9197

  Software Leverage             Glenn Allin         (617) 648-1414
  485 Massachusetts Ave.
  Arlington, MA 02174

  STERIA                        Patrick Chemla      +33 1 39 46 97 97
  26, Avenue de l'Europe
  F-78140 Velizy

  SYSTEAM KG                    Lori Heyman         (617) 270-0030
  (now Alsys Gmbh)
  67 South Bedford Street
  Burlington, MA 01803-5152

  Tandem Computers              Brian Ball          (408) 725-6000
  19191 Dalco Parkway
  Cupertino, CA 95014 

  Tartan, Inc.                  Susan Englert       (412) 856-3600
  300 Oxford Drive
  Pittsburgh, PA 15146

  TeleSoft                      Tom Dent or         (619) 457-2700
  5959 Cornerstone Court West   Karen Johnson
  San Diego, CA 92121

  THOMSON-CSF,                  Alain Kron          +33 1 47 60 30 00
  Parc d'Activites Kleber
  160, Boulevard de Valmy
  B.P. 82
  F-92704 Colombes Cedex

  TLD Systems                   Ms. Terry Dunbar    (213) 542-5433
  3625 Del Amo Blvd.
  Suite 100
  Torrance, CA 90503

  Tolerant Systems              Thelma Bataille     (408) 433-5588
  81 East Daggett Drive
  San Jose, CA 95134

  U.S. NAVY                     Bill Wilder         (703) 602-8204
  U.S. Navy NAVSEA PMS-412
  Washington, D.C. 20362-5101

  UNISYS Corp                   Jack Dobratz        (215) 542-6209
  Unisys U.S. Information Systems
  P.O. Box 500, MS: B360
  Blue Bell, PA 19424

  Verdix                        Roger Baker         (703) 378-7600
  14130 A Sullyfield Circle
  Chantilly, VA 22021

  Wang Laboratories             Fred Rozakis        (508) 967-7002
  One Industrial Ave.
  MS: 019-890
  Lowell, MA 01851

  York Software Engineering Ltd Prof. I.C. Wand     +44 904 432725
  University of York
  York, YO1 5DD, ENGLAND


An "Ada implementation" is an Ada compiler, linker and any other 
necessary software with both its host computer (on which the compiler 
is run)  and the target computer (on which the generated code will be 

The purpose of validation is to encourage conformity of Ada 
implementations with the standard -- the Ada Programming Language; 
also referred to as ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A (1983).  However, users are 
cautioned that the yardstick of conformity testing is the collection 
of test programs contained in the Ada Compiler Validation Capability 
(ACVC).  Thus, compliance is measured only within the limits of these 

Also, characteristics not specified by the standard, such as 
performance or suitability for a particular application, are outside 
the scope of Ada validation. 

The validation process is carried out by the Ada certification body; 
this consists of: the Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO) for overall 
direction; the Ada Validation Organization (AVO) and the ACVC 
Maintenance Organization (AMO) for technical support; and the Ada 
Validation Facilities (AVFs) for performing validations. 

There are two ways of obtaining validated status: validation by AVF 
testing; and for "derived" compilers only, validation by registration. 


As indicated above, the Ada Compiler Validation Capability (ACVC) is a 
suite of programs (and support software) that are designed to test 
whether an Ada implementation complies with the Ada programming 

Before a new version of the ACVC test suite is used for validation, it 
is released for a public review period of six months.  During this 
period, a compiler implementor (developer/vendor) or any interested 
party may submit comments to the ACVC Maintenance Organization.  At 
the end of six months, the new version of the ACVC is released for 
validation use for a period of 18 months.  Effective October 1988, a 
compiler's validation certificate expires one year after the 
expiration date of the ACVC version used for the validation. 


In order to obtain a validation certificate, there are six steps that 
must be completed by a customer and the Ada certification body.  These 
steps are: 

     (1) A formal validation agreement between the customer and 
         an AVF -- this is required in order to obtain validation 

     (2) Prevalidation -- this consists of customer testing, 
         submission of results to the AVF, and resolution of any test 
         issues that may arise (for instance, a missing or incomplete 
         result to a test). 

     (3) Validation testing performed by an AVF at the customer's 

     (4) A Declaration of Conformance -- this is completed and signed 
         by the customer not later than at validation testing.  A 
         validation certificate will not be issued until a Declaration 
         of Conformance has been completed. 

     (5) A Validation Summary Report (VSR) -- this is prepared by the 
         AVF to document the validation by testing. 

     (6) A Validation Certificate -- this is issued by authority of 
         the AJPO for a successfully tested Ada implementation. 

For each certificate issued, the AJPO makes an entry in the list of 
validated Ada compilers.  This entry will be removed when the 
certificate expires. 


An Ada implementation may be "derived" from one that has been 
validated by testing (a base implementation).  The implementor of a 
derived compiler may request that it be validated by registration, 
rather than by AVF testing. 

For a implementation to be derived, four conditions must be true: 

     (1) the validation certificate for the base implementation has an 
         expiration date at least three months beyond the time of 

     (2) the host and target computer systems of both the base and 
         derived Ada implementations have compatible instruction sets 
         and operating systems; 

     (3) the derived Ada implementation contains an Ada compiler that 
         was obtained from the Ada compiler of the base implementation 
         by changes that are within the scope of accepted software 
         maintenance practices; and

     (4) the "result profile" for the Ada implementation is either the 
         same as the base implementation or, if there are minor 
         differences, these differences are justified as being within 
         the scope of accepted software maintenance practices. 

Two Ada implementations which pass a given ACVC version have the same 
"result profile" when: 

     (a) they use the same customized test suite; 

     (b) inapplicable test programs in the customized test suite are 
         the same for both implementations; 

     (c) inapplicable test programs are inapplicable for the same 
         reasons; and 

     (d) any implementation dependent characteristics tested for by 
         the customized test suite are the same for both 

The AVF will review registration requests for completeness and 
plausibility of information.  A derived compiler that is accepted by 
the AVF and the AVO will be forwarded to the AJPO to be added to the 
public list of validated Ada compilers. 


For further information, see "Ada Compiler Validation Procedures, 
Version 2.0, May 1989".  Copies are available through the Defense 
Technical Information Center (DTIC) and the National Technical 
Information Service (NTIS).  The accession number is ADA 210 406. 

   National Technical Information Service 
   U.S. Department of Commerce 
   5285 Port Royal Road 
   Springfield, Virginia  22161 
   (703) 487-4650 

   The National Technical Information Service sells documents to the 

   Defense Technical Information Center 
   Cameron Station 
   Alexandria, Virginia  22314 
   (703) 274-7633     AV 284-7633 

   The Defense Technical Information Center distributes documents only 
to Military, government, or defense contractors who are registered 
users of DTIC. 


Mr. Bobby Evans
Ada Validation Facility 
Language Control Facility ASD/SCEL 
Building 676, Room 135 
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 
Ohio 45433-6503 
(513) 255-4472

Ms. Jane Pink 
Mr. Mike Ryan 
The National Computing Centre, Ltd. 
Oxford Road 
England, M1 7ED 
+44 61 228 6333

Mr. Fabrice Garnier de Labareyre 
Tour Europe, Cedex 7 
F-92080 Paris la Defence 
+33 1 42 91 5960

Dr. William Dashiell 
National Institute of Standards and Technology 
National Computer Systems Laboratory 
Building 255, Room A266 
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 
(301) 975-2490

Mr. Michael Tonndorf
Einsteinstrasse 20 
W-8012 Ottobrunn
+49 89 6088 2477


      parent reply	other threads:[~1990-12-21 22:04 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 5+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
1990-12-20 11:50 AdaZ Validation? Walter Dence
1990-12-21 13:28 ` MUNTS PHILLIP A
1990-12-21 19:31 ` Richard Pattis
1990-12-21 22:03   ` Michael Feldman
1990-12-21 22:04   ` Michael Feldman [this message]
replies disabled

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