 help / color / mirror / Atom feed
From: (Peter Richtmyer)
Subject: Re: Standard Ada Preprocessor
Date: 25 Jan 2004 20:00:00 -0800
Date: 2004-01-25T20:00:00-08:00	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: bujt8s$l3l$

I have not read the entire thread. Bottom lines for me:
    1) too bad Ada does not have a preprocessor
    2) I needed one, so I created one

It has served me well for 4 years on Win2000, Solaris, HP/UX,
and LynxOS. Not elegant but very useful to me, to take code
home at night, develop/test on Win2000, then back to work with the
same source code (preparsed) to continue to develop/test on Solaris 
(or other). 

I have included some files:    -- the preprocessor      -- checks for conditionals
   and some sample DOS batch files

Use if you like, ignore otherwise           :-)
I hope it will help someone out there.


======================== ==========================
#!/usr/bin/perl -s

package Devel::PreProcess;
#IO:   use IO::File;
#use vars qw( $Conditionals $StripPreserve $StripDelete );
#use vars qw( $CMNT $CNDT $GenAda $fh $fhout $to_file $line_number );

$RETURN_CODE = 0;    # code returned to system or caller
#              0  -  OK  
#             -1  -  Command Line option error.
#             -2  -  Could not open the input file or none specified.
#             -3  -  Could not open the output file or none specified.

goto PAST_HELP;  #### We put 'HELP' up here so you can see it easily. 

   print <<"END_HELP";

                            v  1.7   01/25/04
            Generate conditional compile code for source code   

From a command line,

    sh> perl -s Devel/ -Flags sourcefile > targetfile
    sh> perl -s Devel/ -Flags sourcefile  [targetfile]
Or in a Perl script,

    use Devel::PreProcess qw( Flags );
    Devel::PreProcess::parse_file( $sourcefile [, $targetfile]  );


This package processes source files and outputs a modified version
according to several user-setable option flags, as detailed below.

Each of the flag names listed below can be used as above, with a
hyphen on
the command line, or as one of the arguments in an import statement.
of these flags are mapped to the scalar package variable of the same

Option -Conditionals 

  (True is the default)
  (Use Noconditionals to turn it off)

  If true, parse_file will utilize a simple conditional inclusion
scheme, as follows.

    --#__COND__ if expr1
    --#__COND__ elsif expr2
    --#__COND__ else
    --#__COND__ endif

  The "elsif" line is optional, and there may be more than one such
  The "else" line is optional.

  The provided Perl expression (expr1) is evaluated, and unless it is
  everything up to the next conditional declaration is made into
special comment
  lines ("--#"). If "false" then sucessive elsif conditionals, if
preset, are
  evaluated as in any "if ... elsif  ... else ... endif" logic. 
  In addition, a single line may be conditional'd using the following

   --#{expr3} source code first line here;
   some more source code on second line; --#{expr4}

  When these expressions (expr3 and expr4) are evaluated, when True
then the line
  will be output in the format of the second line above so that the
Ada code is
  active. When an expression is False, then the output will be in the
format of
  the second above. 

  For example, lines below were preprocessed with "-demo" on command
     -- TESTING: this is demo line   --#{$demo}
     --#{!$demo}    -- TESTING: not a demo line  

  WARNING: This does not work correctly in some environments unless
there are
  spaces after the "}" and/or before the "--#" when at the end of a

  The conditional functionality can be combined with Perl's -s switch,
  which allows you to set flags on the command line, such as:

    perl -s Devel/  -Switch filter.test

  You can use any name for your switch, and the matching scalar
  will be set true; the following code will only be used if you supply
  the argument as shown below.

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
    --#   put_line ("you hit the switch!");
          put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

  If the Switch variable (entered on the command line as in the
example above)
  is true then the output file will contain:

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
       put_line ("you hit the switch!");
          put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

  Thus, the two Ada lines of code will be compiled.
  If the Switch variable is false then the output file will contain:

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
    --#   put_line ("you hit the switch!");
    --#      put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

  Since the "if" and "elsif" conditions are Perl conditionals, they
  be compound conditionals. Use "&&" for AND, "||" for OR, etc. And
  the "!" for NOT. For example:

    --#__COND__ if ($green && ! ($apple || $pear))

  In addition, the "if ... endif" blocks can be nested.

  In reality, it is legal to have white-space between the "--#" and
the "__COND__"
  portions of a conditional statement.

  It should be noted that one of the strengths of this preprocessor is
that the
  output from one "run" can be used as the input to the next run. For
example, if
  code is being developed on two different computing environments
(e.g. home and
  work), then the code can be generated using a "-home" switch. The
code would be
  developed and tested some at home, with changes made. Then the code
would be
  run through with the "-work" switch set, and development and test
would continue
  on the same source code at work.  

Option -StripPreserve

  This option will cause all lines beginning with the Conditional
Comment prefix
  ("--#"  or its replacement using option "CMNT" described below) on
the output
  side of the logic to be replaced with a blank line in the output

Option -StripDelete

  This option will cause all lines beginning with the Conditional
Comment prefix
  ("--#"  or its replacement) on the output side of the logic to be
deleted, that
  is, not written to the output stream.

Option -CMNT="comment-string"

  This option will replace the Conditional Comment string "--#" with
  "comment-string" provided. Thus  -CMNT="--$$$" would specify an
alternative for
  conditional comment string for Ada, while  -CMNT="#*#*" could be
used to
  specify a conditional comment string when preparsing Perl source

Option -CNDT="conditional-string"

  This option will replace the Conditional string "__COND__" with the 
  "conditional-string" provided. This is the string that comes after
the CMNT
  string to specify a line with "if", "elsif", "else" and "endif"

Option -LEFT="left-side"

  This option will replace the "{" as the string on the left side of a
  conditional with "left-side"

Option -RIGHT="right-side"

  This option will replace the "}" as the string on the right side of
a single-line
  conditional with "right-side"

  So, if entered " -LEFT="{{"  -RIGHT="}}" then the single-line
  would be similar to:  --#{{expr5}}

  Care must be taken, certain special charaters need to be "escaped".
For example,
  a left paren by itself will not work (you will get a program error).
        -LEFT="("  will not work,  use  -LEFT="\("


Option Flags -CMNT and -CNDT msy not work when calling from another
Perl script. (Workaround: just make a separate copy of the pgm that
the desired defaults.)

    exit ($RETURN_CODE);
################3############## Change History

# ver    date                           description
# ---  --------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 1.7  01/25/04  Editorial changes only
# 1.6  07/10/03  Minor pattern-matching change
# 1.5  03/26/01  If the output is a directory, then use the same
#                as the input, for writing to the output directory.
# 1.4b 11/07/00  Some clean-up, comments, deleted code, ... 
# 1.4a  9/26/00  Corrected "help"
# 1.4  09/25/00  Had to make changes to work with perl5 on HP.
# 1.3a  9/25/00  Documentation update only. No CODE changes.
# 1.3  03/06/00  Adding the single-line conditional.     --#{$test}
# 1.2  02/28/00  Clean up.
# 1.1 02/27/00  Commenting out the "IO::File" logic with #IO:  prefix
#               replacing it with old-style I/O so I can run for now
on systems
#               that do not have the IO package.
# 1.0 02/26/00  Original
# Change the variables below to change the "syntax" of the
$CMNT         = "--#";
$CNDT         = "__COND__";
$LEFT         = "{";
$RIGHT        = "}";
$Conditionals = 1;   

# @psuedo_INC - directories to search for modules
#use vars qw( @psuedo_INC );

# really constants below - is there better way of making constants in
Perl 5?
#use vars qw( $EOF $ELSIF $ELSE $ENDIF );
     $EOF    = 1;
     $ELSIF  = 2;
     $ELSE   = 3;
     $ENDIF  = 4;

# %Importers - maps file inclusion keywords to their import methods
#use vars qw( %Importers );
#%Importers = (
#  'require' => '',
#  'use' => 'import',
#  'no' => 'unimport',

# Devel::PreProcessor->import( 'StripPreserve', 'Conditionals', ... );
sub import {

  my $package = shift;
  foreach ( @_ ) {
    if ( m/Conditionals/i )        {
      $Conditionals = 1;
    } elsif ( m/Noconditionals/i ) {   ### PMR not tested yet
      $Conditionals = 0;               ### PMR not tested yet
    } elsif ( m/h/i )  {
      goto PRINT_HELP;
    } elsif ( m/help/i )  {
      goto PRINT_HELP;
    } elsif ( m/StripPreserve/i )  {
      $StripPreserve = 1;
    } elsif ( m/StripDelete/i )    {
      $StripDelete = 1;
    } elsif ( m/LibPath:(.*)/i )   {
      @INC = split(/\:/, $1);
    } elsif ( m/CMNT=(.*)/)        {   ### PMR not tested yet
      $CMNT = $1;                      ### PMR not tested yet
    } elsif ( m/CNDT=(.*)/)        {   ### PMR not tested yet
      $CNDT = $1;                      ### PMR not tested yet
    } elsif ( m/RIGHT=(.*)/)       {
      $RIGHT = $1;    
    } elsif ( m/LEFT=(.*)/)        {
      $LEFT = $1;       
    } else                         {
      die "unkown import";

# If we're being run from the command line, look for certain options 
# on the command line after program name.
unless ( caller ) {

  goto PRINT_HELP                          if ( $main::help ||
$main::h ) ;
  goto PRINT_HELP                          if ( $main::Help ||
$main::H ) ;
  $Conditionals    = 0                     if ( $main::Noconditionals
  $Conditionals  ||= $main::Conditionals;
  $StripPreserve ||= $main::StripPreserve;
  $StripDelete   ||= $main::StripDelete;
  $CMNT            = $main::CMNT           if ($main::CMNT);
  $CNDT            = $main::CNDT           if ($main::CNDT);
  $LEFT            = $main::LEFT           if ($main::LEFT);
  $RIGHT           = $main::RIGHT          if ($main::RIGHT);
  my $in_source    = shift @ARGV;       # input filename
  my $out_source   = shift @ARGV;       # output filename

  parse_file ( $in_source,  $out_source  );
# ------------------------------ parse_file
# Calling:   parse_file ( $infilename [,  $outfilename] );
# This routine is called by the mainline above. But it can also be
# by an external program.
sub parse_file {
    # before doing much, let's make sure that any overrides to
    # matching variables are legal.
## NEED to get this to work, and one for the {$test}

    if ( eval ("$line =~ /$CMNT\s*$CNDT/") )  {
        print "ERROR: You entered an illegal string for CMNT or CNDT
        print "       CMNT='$CMNT', CNDT='$CNDT' \n";
        print "       Use a backslash '\\' before certain special
characters. \n";
        die   "Try Again";

    my $infilename  = shift;                       # the file to
    #IO:  $fh     = IO::File->new($infilename);          # global
inputfile handle
    open ( INPUT, $infilename )  ||  die "Unable to open input file
    my $outfilename = shift;                       # the file to write
    if ($outfilename) {                            # if output file
        # -----------------------------------------------------------
        # if the output filename is a directory, just use it and 
        # the input filename for the complete output name.
        # -----------------------------------------------------------
        if (-d $outfilename) {
          @inparts = split(/[\\\/]/, $infilename);   # split into
parts separated by "\" or "/"
          $fname = $inparts[$#inparts];              # the last part
is the input file name
          $outfilename .= "/$fname"; 
        #IO:   $fhout  = IO::File->new("> $outfilename"); #     open
output file
        open ( OUTPUT, "> $outfilename" )  ||  die  "Unable to open
output file $outfilename" ;
        $to_file = 1;                              #     "writing to
    } else {                                       # else
        $to_file = 0;                              #     "writing to
    my $top_eof = parse_block ( 1, 1 );      # parse entire file 
    die "Program terminating before End-of-File - too many endif's ? "
 if ($top_eof != $EOF);
# ------------------------------ parse_block
#  $rtn = parse_block ( $level, $GenAda );
# Parses a "block" of code. If "$level" = 1, then this "block" is the
entire file.
# Since we always want to generate Ada for the file-level, $GenAda = 1
for level = 1.
# While parsing lines in a block, if we find a "conditional if", then
that is
# the start of an embedded block, and this routine is called
recursively to parse
# that block. 
# $rtn - these are the values that can be passed back from
parse_block, and they
#        tell you why we returned from the routine. If not "EOF", then
$_ has the
#        line of source code with the Conditional Commented statement,
and it has
#        not been printed yet.
#           $EOF    = 1;
#           $ELSIF  = 2;
#           $ELSE   = 3;
#           $ENDIF  = 4;
sub parse_block {

    my $level  = shift;   # What level of recursion (1 = outermost)
    my $GenAda = shift;   # Whether it is OK to generate Ada
                          #   out of cond-commented code

    while( 1 ) {
      # Get a new line of code. If we hit eof, then return EOF.
      #IO:  return ($EOF) if (! defined ($_ = $fh->getline) ); 
      return ($EOF) if (! ($_ = <INPUT>) );       
      $line_number ++;
      # if this is a COND "endif", "elsif", or "else" then
      #    return to previous block with the code for this line
      return ($ENDIF) if ( $_ =~ /^\s*$CMNT\s*$CNDT\s*endif/i );  
      return ($ELSIF) if ( $_ =~ /^\s*$CMNT\s*$CNDT\s*elsif\s+/i );  
      return ($ELSE)  if ( $_ =~ /^\s*$CMNT\s*$CNDT\s*else\s+/i );
      # If this line is a special conditional "if"
      #     evaluate the conditional that is on the 'if'
      #     write it if writeing cond comments
      #     call this routine recursively with level nbr and
conditional results
      if ( $Conditionals && /^\s*$CMNT\s*$CNDT\s?(.*)$/i ) {
          my $conditional = $1;
          if ( $conditional =~ s/^if //i ) {

              write_if ("$_");               # write cond "if" line
"as-is" (unless stripping)
              my $This_GenAda = eval "package main;\n$conditional";
              my $We_Had_GenAda = 0;
              # Why $We_Had_GenAda ?
              # If this "if block" turns out ot be a complex block
such as "if-elsif-else"
              # Then we need to keep track of whether or not we have
had one "true"
              # sub-block within it. After one true sub-block, all
others must be false.
              # Once we have had that "true" sub-block, $We_Had_GenAda
will = true.
              while ( 1 ) {
                 my $eob = parse_block ( ($level + 1), ($This_GenAda
&& $GenAda && (not $We_Had_GenAda ))  );
                 $We_Had_GenAda  = ($This_GenAda && $GenAda) || 
                 die "End-of-File reached while in a Conditional
Compile block" if ($eof);
                 write_if ("$_"); # write line that ended block /
                 next LINE       if ($eob == $ENDIF);  # done with
entire block

                 if ($eob == $ELSE) {
                     $This_GenAda = ! $We_Had_GenAda;    # set up this
block GenAda
                     #$This_GenAda = not $We_Had_GenAda;    # set up
this block GenAda
                     next SUB_BLOCK;                       # parse the
"else" subblock
                 die "Program error - bad EOB" if ($eob != $ELSIF);
                 # Parse the "condition" part out of line and evaluate
it true / false
                 $conditional = "$1";
                 $This_GenAda = eval "package main;\n$conditional";
                 # will loop back to SUB_BLOCK and parse this "elsif"
          } else {
              print "$_";
              die "conditional above is out of place";
      # look for a single line conditional.
      local ($SCOND) = "";
      local ($SLINE) = "";
      if ( /^(\s*$CMNT\s*$LEFT.*$RIGHT)(.*)$/ ) {
         #print "TEMP found $1 in --#\${LEFT}xxxx\$RIGHT} line and $2
after it\n";
         $SCOND = $1;
         $SLINE = $2;
      if ( /^(.*)($CMNT\s*$LEFT.*$RIGHT\s*)$/ ) {
         #print "TEMP found '$1' before '$2' \n"; 
         $SCOND = $2;
         $SLINE = $1;
      if (  $SCOND  )  {
          $SCOND =~ /$CMNT\s*$LEFT(.*)$RIGHT/;
          if ( eval "package main;\n$1" )  {
              &write_if ("$SLINE $SCOND\n");          
          } else {
              &write_if ("$SCOND $SLINE\n");
          next LINE;
      # If we are in the outer level (not within a COND block), then
we do not even
      # have to look at the line of code. Just write it (if..)
      if ($level == 1) {
          # We could make a check here for a "--$COMM" line. That
would be a straggler,
          # outside of a conditional, so we could alert the officials
about it.
          write_if ("$_");    # local routine to write if OK to write
          next LINE;
      # $GenAda can only be true if we are processing conditionals and
we found
      # a conditional that evaluated True.
      ##print "                            \$GenAda = $GenAda \n";
      if ($GenAda)   {
          # This line must NOT be a COND comment. If it is now, 
          # then remove the COND part.
          if ( /^\s*$CMNT(.*)$/i ) {
              write_if ("$1\n");
          } else {
              write_if ("$_");
          next LINE;
      # If we are processing conditionals and this line should be
commented out,
      # then make sure that it is a conditional comment before calling
write routine.
      #if ($Conditionals && not $GenAda) {
      if ($Conditionals && ! $GenAda) {
          if ( /^\s*$CMNT/ ) {
              write_if ("$_");
          } else {
              write_if ("$CMNT$_");
          next LINE;                
      die "We found a condition that this humble programmer did not
  } # end loop  

}  # end sub parse_block

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#sub write_if ($line);
#  write the line unless the "StripPreserve" or "StripDelete" flag is
#  and this is a conditional comment. 
sub write_if {

   $_ = shift;                            #
   if ( /^\s*$CMNT/ ) {                   # if a cond commment
      return if ($StripDelete);           #     delete the line if we
are strip-deleting.
      if ($StripPreserve) {               #     if strip-replacing
with blank line
          write_line ("\n");              #         substitute a blank
          return;                         #
      }                                   #
   # If this is NOT a comment, but has the "one-line" conditional at
the right end
   # and we are stripping comments, Then we want to keep the line
except for the
   # conditional at the right end.
   if ( /^(.*) ($CMNT\s*$LEFT.*$RIGHT\s*)$/ ) {
       if ( $StripDelete  ||  $StripPreserve ) {
          write_line ("$1\n");
   write_line ("$_");                     # write the line as-is
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Write it to stdout or the file (if specified).
sub write_line {

    my $line = shift;
    if ( $to_file ) {
       #IO:  $fhout->print ($line);
       print OUTPUT "$line";
    } else {
       print "$line";



=head1 NAME

Devel::PreProcess -  Source code preprocessing.


From a command line,

    sh> perl Devel/ -Flags sourcefile > targetfile
    sh> perl Devel/ -Flags sourcefile  [targetfile]

Or in a Perl script,

    use Devel::PreProcess qw( Flags );
    Devel::PreProcess::parse_file( $sourcefile [, $targetfile]  );


This package processes source files and outputs a modified version
according to several user-setable option flags, as detailed below.

Each of the flag names listed below can be used as above, with a
hyphen on
the command line, or as one of the arguments in an import statement.
of these flags are mapped to the scalar package variable of the same

=over 4

=item Conditionals 

(True is the default)
(Use Noconditionals to turn it off)

If true, parse_file will utilize a simple conditional inclusion
scheme, as follows.

    --#__COND__ if expr1
    --#__COND__ elsif expr2
    --#__COND__ else
    --#__COND__ endif

The "elsif" line is optional, and there may be more than one such
The "else" line is optional.

The provided Perl expression (expr1) is evaluated, and unless it is
everything up to the next conditional declaration is made into comment
lines. If "false" then sucessive elsif conditionals, if preset, are
as in any "if ... elsif  ... else ... endif" logic. 

The conditional functionality can be combined with Perl's C<-s>
which allows you to set flags on the command line, such as:

    perl -s Devel/ -Conditionals -Switch filter.test

You can use any name for your switch, and the matching scalar variable
will be set true; the following code will only be used if you supply
the argument as shown below.

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
    --#   put_line ("you hit the switch!");
          put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

If the Switch variable is true then the output file will contain:

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
       put_line ("you hit the switch!");
          put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

Thus, the two Ada lines of code will be compiled.
If the Switch variable is false then the output file will contain:

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
    --#   put_line ("you hit the switch!");
    --#      put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

Since the "if" and "elsif" conditions are Perl conditionals, they can 
be a compound conditional. Use "&&" for AND, "||" for OR, etc. For

    --#__COND__ if ($green && ($apple || $pear))

In addition, the "if ... endif" blocks can be nested.

In reality, it is legal to have white-space between the "--#" and the
portions of a conditional statement.

=item StripPreserve

This option will cause all lines beginning with the Conditional
Comment prefix
("--#"  or its replacement) on the output side of the logic to be
replaced with
a blank line in the output stream.

=item StripDelete

This option will cause all lines beginning with the Conditional
Comment prefix
("--#"  or its replacement) on the output side of the logic to be
deleted, that
is, not written to the output stream.

=item CMNT="comment-string"

This option will replace the Conditional Comment string "--#" with the
"comment-string" provided. Thus  -CMNT="--$$$" would specify an
alternative for
conditional comment string for Ada, while  -CMNT="#*#*" could be used
specify a conditional comment string when preparsing Perl source code.

=item CNDT="conditional-string"

This option will replace the Conditional string "__COND__" with the 
"conditional-string" provided. This is the string that comes after the
string to specify a line with "if", "elsif", "else" and "endif"




Option Flags -CMNT and -CNDT may not work when calling from another
Perl script. (Workaround: just make a separate copy of the pgm that
the desired defaults.)


This package should run on standard Perl 5 installations, but 
may not run on earliest Perl 5 releases or incomplete installations.


This release of Devel::PreProcess is intended primarily for limited
use. Not all options (especially "caller" options) have been tested.


This program was adapted from a from 
Evolution Online Systems, Inc. E<lt>www.evolution.comE<gt>, which had
Copyright restrictions on it. It is felt that the changes to it are 
significant enought that the Copyright is not applicable.
credit is given to them for the basic program structure. Also, an
email from them said it is OK to use it in this way. 

The modifications were made by Peter Richtmyer, RISYS, Portsmouth, RI.
Others may use and modify it, just don't sell it or package it for

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -s

package Devel::PreCheck;
#IO:   use IO::File;
#use vars qw( $Conditionals $StripPreserve $StripDelete );
#use vars qw( $CMNT $CNDT $GenAda $fh $fhout $to_file $line_number );

$RETURN_CODE = 0;    # code returned to system or caller
#              0  -  OK  
#             -1  -  Command Line option error.
#             -2  -  Could not open the input file or none specified.
#             -3  -  Could not open the output file or none specified.

goto PAST_HELP;  #### We put 'HELP' up here so you can see it easily. 

   print <<"END_HELP";

                                 v  2.1
              Check for conditional compile code in source code   

From a command line,

    sh> perl -s Devel/ -Flags sourcefile 
Or in a Perl script,

    use Devel::PreProcess qw( Flags );
    Devel::PreProcess::parse_file( $sourcefile );


This package processes source files and outputs a 
   0 - no conditional statements found
   1 - found 

Each of the flag names listed below can be used as above, with a
hyphen on
the command line, or as one of the arguments in an import statement.
of these flags are mapped to the scalar package variable of the same

Option -Conditionals 

  (True is the default)
  (Use Noconditionals to turn it off)

  If true, parse_file will utilize a simple conditional inclusion
scheme, as follows.

    --#__COND__ if expr1
    --#__COND__ elsif expr2
    --#__COND__ else
    --#__COND__ endif

  The "elsif" line is optional, and there may be more than one such
  The "else" line is optional.

  The provided Perl expression (expr1) is evaluated, and unless it is
  everything up to the next conditional declaration is made into
special comment
  lines ("--#"). If "false" then sucessive elsif conditionals, if
preset, are
  evaluated as in any "if ... elsif  ... else ... endif" logic. 
  In addition, a single line may be conditional'd using the following

   --#{expr3} source code first line here;
   some more source code on second line; --#{expr4}

  When these expressions (expr3 and expr4) are evaluated, when True
then the line
  will be output in the format of the second line above so that the
Ada code is
  active. When an expression is False, then the output will be in the
format of
  the second above. 

  For example, lines below were preprocessed with "-demo" on command
     -- TESTING: this is demo line   --#{$demo}
     --#{!$demo}    -- TESTING: not a demo line  

  WARNING: This does not work correctly in some environments unless
there are
  spaces after the "}" and/or before the "--#" when at the end of a

  The conditional functionality can be combined with Perl's -s switch,
  which allows you to set flags on the command line, such as:

    perl -s Devel/  -Switch filter.test

  You can use any name for your switch, and the matching scalar
  will be set true; the following code will only be used if you supply
  the argument as shown below.

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
    --#   put_line ("you hit the switch!");
          put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

  If the Switch variable (entered on the command line as in the
example above)
  is true then the output file will contain:

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
       put_line ("you hit the switch!");
          put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

  Thus, the two Ada lines of code will be compiled.
  If the Switch variable is false then the output file will contain:

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
    --#   put_line ("you hit the switch!");
    --#      put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

  Since the "if" and "elsif" conditions are Perl conditionals, they
  be compound conditionals. Use "&&" for AND, "||" for OR, etc. And
  the "!" for NOT. For example:

    --#__COND__ if ($green && ! ($apple || $pear))

  In addition, the "if ... endif" blocks can be nested.

  In reality, it is legal to have white-space between the "--#" and
the "__COND__"
  portions of a conditional statement.

  It should be noted that one of the strengths of this preprocessor is
that the
  output from one "run" can be used as the input to the next run. For
example, if
  code is being developed on two different computing environments
(e.g. home and
  work), then the code can be generated using a "-home" switch. The
code would be
  developed and tested some at home, with changes made. Then the code
would be
  run through with the "-work" switch set, and development and test
would continue
  on the same source code at work.  

Option -CMNT="comment-string"

  This option will replace the Conditional Comment string "--#" with
  "comment-string" provided. Thus  -CMNT="--$$$" would specify an
alternative for
  conditional comment string for Ada, while  -CMNT="#*#*" could be
used to
  specify a conditional comment string when preparsing Perl source

Option -CNDT="conditional-string"

  This option will replace the Conditional string "__COND__" with the 
  "conditional-string" provided. This is the string that comes after
the CMNT
  string to specify a line with "if", "elsif", "else" and "endif"

Option -LEFT="left-side"

  This option will replace the "{" as the string on the left side of a
  conditional with "left-side"

Option -RIGHT="right-side"

  This option will replace the "}" as the string on the right side of
a single-line
  conditional with "right-side"

  So, if entered " -LEFT="{{"  -RIGHT="}}" then the single-line
  would be similar to:  --#{{expr5}}

  Care must be taken, certain special charaters need to be "escaped".
For example,
  a left paren by itself will not work (you will get a program error).
        -LEFT="("  will not work,  use  -LEFT="\("


Option Flags -CMNT and -CNDT msy not work when calling from another
Perl script. (Workaround: just make a separate copy of the pgm that
the desired defaults.)

    exit ($RETURN_CODE);
################3############## Change History

# ver    date                           description
# ---  --------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
# 1.0 03/26/00  Original, copied from
# 2.0 06/08/03  In addition to looking for a string like "--#__COND__"
#               at the beginning of a line, must also look for a 
#               string like "--#{...}" at the beginning or end of a
# 2.1 07/10/03  Minor pattern-matching change

# Change the variables below to change the "syntax" of the
$CMNT         = "--#";
$CNDT         = "__COND__";
$LEFT         = "{";
$RIGHT        = "}";
$Conditionals = 1;   

# @psuedo_INC - directories to search for modules
#use vars qw( @psuedo_INC );

# %Importers - maps file inclusion keywords to their import methods
#use vars qw( %Importers );
#%Importers = (
#  'require' => '',
#  'use' => 'import',
#  'no' => 'unimport',

# Devel::PreProcessor->import( 'StripPreserve', 'Conditionals', ... );
sub import {

  my $package = shift;
  foreach ( @_ ) {
    if ( m/Conditionals/i )        {
      $Conditionals = 1;
    } elsif ( m/Noconditionals/i ) {   ### PMR not tested yet
      $Conditionals = 0;               ### PMR not tested yet
    } elsif ( m/h/i )  {
      goto PRINT_HELP;
    } elsif ( m/help/i )  {
      goto PRINT_HELP;
    } elsif ( m/LibPath:(.*)/i )   {
      @INC = split(/\:/, $1);
    } elsif ( m/CMNT=(.*)/)        {   ### PMR not tested yet
      $CMNT = $1;                      ### PMR not tested yet
    } elsif ( m/CNDT=(.*)/)        {   ### PMR not tested yet
      $CNDT = $1;                      ### PMR not tested yet
    } elsif ( m/RIGHT=(.*)/)       {
      $RIGHT = $1;    
    } elsif ( m/LEFT=(.*)/)        {
      $LEFT = $1;       
    } else                         {
      die "unkown import";

# If we're being run from the command line, look for certain options 
# on the command line after program name.
unless ( caller ) {

  goto PRINT_HELP                          if ( $main::help ||
$main::h ) ;
  goto PRINT_HELP                          if ( $main::Help ||
$main::H ) ;
  $Conditionals    = 0                     if ( $main::Noconditionals
  $Conditionals  ||= $main::Conditionals;
  $CMNT            = $main::CMNT           if ($main::CMNT);
  $CNDT            = $main::CNDT           if ($main::CNDT);
  $LEFT            = $main::LEFT           if ($main::LEFT);
  $RIGHT           = $main::RIGHT          if ($main::RIGHT);
  my $in_source    = shift @ARGV;       # input filename

  parse_file ( $in_source  );
# ------------------------------ parse_file
# Calling:   parse_file ( $infilename );
# This routine is called by the mainline above. But it can also be
# by an external program.
sub parse_file {
    # before doing much, let's make sure that any overrides to
    # matching variables are legal.
## NEED to get this to work, and one for the {$test}

    if ( eval ("$line =~ /$CMNT\s*$CNDT/") )  {
        print "ERROR: You entered an illegal string for CMNT or CNDT
        print "       CMNT='$CMNT', CNDT='$CNDT' \n";
        print "       Use a backslash '\\' before certain special
characters. \n";
        die   "Try Again";

    my $infilename  = shift;                       # the file to
    #IO:  $fh     = IO::File->new($infilename);          # global
inputfile handle
    #print ("open ( INPUT, $infilename ) \n"); 
    open ( INPUT, $infilename )  ||  die "Unable to open input file

    while (<INPUT>) {
      # print "looking for $CMNT$CNDT in: $_\n";
      if (  /^\s*$CMNT\s*$CNDT/i ) {
         print "Found conditional in: file $infilename \n";
         close (INPUT);
         exit 1;          # found conditional 
      # print "looking for $CMNT$LEFT...$RIGHT at beginning of: $_\n";
      if ( /^(\s*$CMNT\s*$LEFT.*$RIGHT)(.*)$/ ) {
         print "Found conditional in: file $infilename \n";
         close (INPUT);
         exit 1;          # found conditional 

        print "looking for $CMNT$LEFT...$RIGHT at end of: $_\n";

      if ( /^(.*)($CMNT\s*$LEFT.*$RIGHT\s*)$/ ) {
         print "Found conditional in: file $infilename \n";
         close (INPUT);
         exit 1;          # found conditional 

    print "DID NOT FIND CONDITIONAL in FILE: $infilename \n";
    close (INPUT);
    exit 0;               # no conditionals found



=head1 NAME

Devel::PreProcess -  Source code preprocessing.


From a command line,

    sh> perl Devel/ -Flags sourcefile > targetfile
    sh> perl Devel/ -Flags sourcefile  [targetfile]

Or in a Perl script,

    use Devel::PreProcess qw( Flags );
    Devel::PreProcess::parse_file( $sourcefile [, $targetfile]  );


This package processes source files and outputs a modified version
according to several user-setable option flags, as detailed below.

Each of the flag names listed below can be used as above, with a
hyphen on
the command line, or as one of the arguments in an import statement.
of these flags are mapped to the scalar package variable of the same

=over 4

=item Conditionals 

(True is the default)
(Use Noconditionals to turn it off)

If true, parse_file will utilize a simple conditional inclusion
scheme, as follows.

    --#__COND__ if expr1
    --#__COND__ elsif expr2
    --#__COND__ else
    --#__COND__ endif

The "elsif" line is optional, and there may be more than one such
The "else" line is optional.

The provided Perl expression (expr1) is evaluated, and unless it is
everything up to the next conditional declaration is made into comment
lines. If "false" then sucessive elsif conditionals, if preset, are
as in any "if ... elsif  ... else ... endif" logic. 

The conditional functionality can be combined with Perl's C<-s>
which allows you to set flags on the command line, such as:

    perl -s Devel/ -Conditionals -Switch filter.test

You can use any name for your switch, and the matching scalar variable
will be set true; the following code will only be used if you supply
the argument as shown below.

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
    --#   put_line ("you hit the switch!");
          put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

If the Switch variable is true then the output file will contain:

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
       put_line ("you hit the switch!");
          put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

Thus, the two Ada lines of code will be compiled.
If the Switch variable is false then the output file will contain:

    --#__COND__ if $Switch
    --#   put_line ("you hit the switch!");
    --#      put_line ("so these two lines will be printed"); 
    --#__COND__ endif

Since the "if" and "elsif" conditions are Perl conditionals, they can 
be a compound conditional. Use "&&" for AND, "||" for OR, etc. For

    --#__COND__ if ($green && ($apple || $pear))

In addition, the "if ... endif" blocks can be nested.

In reality, it is legal to have white-space between the "--#" and the
portions of a conditional statement.

=item StripPreserve

This option will cause all lines beginning with the Conditional
Comment prefix
("--#"  or its replacement) on the output side of the logic to be
replaced with
a blank line in the output stream.

=item StripDelete

This option will cause all lines beginning with the Conditional
Comment prefix
("--#"  or its replacement) on the output side of the logic to be
deleted, that
is, not written to the output stream.

=item CMNT="comment-string"

This option will replace the Conditional Comment string "--#" with the
"comment-string" provided. Thus  -CMNT="--$$$" would specify an
alternative for
conditional comment string for Ada, while  -CMNT="#*#*" could be used
specify a conditional comment string when preparsing Perl source code.

=item CNDT="conditional-string"

This option will replace the Conditional string "__COND__" with the 
"conditional-string" provided. This is the string that comes after the
string to specify a line with "if", "elsif", "else" and "endif"




Option Flags -CMNT and -CNDT msy not work when calling from another
Perl script. (Workaround: just make a separate copy of the pgm that
the desired defaults.)


This package should run on standard Perl 5 installations, but 
may not run on earliest Perl 5 releases or incomplete installations.


This release of Devel::PreProcess is intended primarily for limited
use. Not all options (especially "caller" options) have been tested.


This program was adapted from a from 
Evolution Online Systems, Inc. E<lt>www.evolution.comE<gt>, which had
Copyright restrictions on it. It is felt that the changes to it are 
significant enought that the Copyright is not applicable.
credit is given to them for the basic program structure. Also, an
email from them said it is OK to use it in this way. 

The modifications were made by Peter Richtmyer, RISYS, Portsmouth, RI.
Others may use and modify it, just don't sell it or package it for

============================ BAT_PREP.BAT
 echo off
 REM   03/26/01
 REM   04/12/01 added .txt files for help template
 REM   11/07/01 added logic to create output dir if needed
 REM   06/08/03 chgd ".scr" to ".script"
 REM   need to call this with at least two parameters:
 REM     1 = sending directory
 REM     2 = receiving directory
 REM     3 - 9 = (optional) the Perl variable names for preprocessing.
 REM  for example:
 REM     bat_prep  D:\my_dir  D:\my_dir2  -demo   -gnat
 REM   remember we do not WANT TO COPY .BAT FILES
if not exist %1 echo #### ERROR in BAT_PREP.BAT, the Sending dir does
not exist: %1 ####
if not exist %1 pause

echo   ABOUT TO COPY ALL .ada, .adb, .ads, .script, .txt gnat.* FROM
%1 TO %2  CTL-C to QUIT

 rem the options like "-demo" must have a dash before them
 rem from %1 to %2 with booleans: %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9


 rem echo about to copy all %1\*.txt   to   %2
 rem pause
 copy %1\*.txt                 %2 

 rem echo about to copy all %1\*.script   to   %2
 rem pause
 copy %1\*.script              %2  

 rem echo about to copy all %1\gnat.*   to   %2
 rem pause
 copy %1\gnat.*                %2 


 for %%f in (%1\*.ada %1\*.ads %1\*.adb) do call bat_chk_convert.bat
%%f  %2   %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

 pause                                  -- check results

========================= BAT_CHK_CONVERT.BAT
 echo off
 REM   03/26/01
 REM   need to call this with at least two parameters:
 REM     1 = sending directory
 REM     2 = receiving directory
 REM     3 - 9 = (optional) the Perl variable names for preprocessing.
 REM  for example:
 REM     bat_chk_convert  D:\my_dir  D:\my_dir2  -demo   -gnat
 rem the options like "-demo" must have a dash before them
 rem from %1 to %2 with booleans: %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
 rem Note that we only want to preprocess if we have to.
 rem otherwise we use a "copy" command so the file date does not
 rem pause
  rem first see if there are any conditionals ("--#") in the file

  rem echo    calling %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9   %1
  perl -s C:\perl\bin\ %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9   %1    

  if not errorlevel 1 goto copyfile

 rem  echo   %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9   %1     %2

 perl -s C:\perl\bin\  %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9   %1     %2

 goto end


 copy %1  %2  


rem pause
======================= CREATE_DIR_IF_NEEDED.BAT
echo off
 REM   11/07/01 new
 REM   need to call this with parameters
 REM     1 = directory to check, and add if it does not exist
 REM  for example:
 REM    call  CREATE_DIR_IF_NEEDED  D:\my_dir  
if not exist %1 echo Creating the output dir: %1
if not exist %1 mkdir %1
if not exist %1 echo #### ERROR: could not create output dir: %1 ####
if not exist %1 pause

  reply	other threads:[~2004-01-26  4:00 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 294+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2004-01-17 11:15 why ada is so unpopular ? Szymon Guz
2004-01-17 13:53 ` Martin Dowie
2004-01-17 14:27 ` Dmytry Lavrov
2004-01-17 21:02   ` Szymon Guz
2004-01-17 22:36     ` Adrian Knoth
2004-01-18  9:21       ` Szymon Guz
2004-01-18 12:18         ` Luke A. Guest
2004-01-18 13:09           ` Ronald Dauster
2004-01-18 12:59         ` Ronald Dauster
2004-01-18 13:25           ` Stephane Richard
2004-01-18 14:17           ` Szymon Guz
2004-01-18 14:42             ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-18 15:23               ` Szymon Guz
2004-01-18 17:53                 ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-18 16:34               ` Preben Randhol
2004-01-19 12:59                 ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-19 13:06                   ` Preben Randhol
2004-01-19 13:28                     ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-19 13:37                       ` Preben Randhol
2004-01-20 12:38                         ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-20 17:31                           ` Standard Ada Preprocessor (Was: why ada is so unpopular ?) Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-20 18:50                             ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-26  4:00                               ` Peter Richtmyer [this message]
2004-01-26  5:01                                 ` tmoran
2004-01-26 12:01                                 ` Marin David Condic
2004-02-01 15:09                               ` Mark
2004-02-01 19:10                                 ` Frank J. Lhota
2004-02-02 16:48                                   ` Martin Krischik
2004-02-02 18:22                                     ` Frank J. Lhota
2004-01-21 12:39                             ` Standard Ada Preprocessor (Was: why ada is so unpopular ?) Marin David Condic
2004-01-21 13:12                               ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-22  0:05                               ` Standard Ada Preprocessor (Was: why ada is so unpopular ?) Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-22  5:59                                 ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-22 12:58                                   ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-22 17:25                                     ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-23 12:24                                       ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-23 13:46                                         ` Dmitry A. Kazakov
2004-01-23 17:16                                           ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-23 17:52                                             ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-23 21:57                                               ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-24  0:52                                                 ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-26 17:19                                                   ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27 12:24                                                     ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-27 19:03                                                       ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-24  1:34                                                 ` Standard Ada Preprocessor (Was: why ada is so unpopular ?) Marin David Condic
2004-01-26 17:27                                                   ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27 12:30                                                     ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-24  8:20                                                 ` Pascal Obry
2004-01-26 17:29                                                   ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-23 17:56                                             ` Larry Hazel
2004-01-24  1:36                                               ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-23 22:14                                             ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-23 22:42                                               ` tmoran
2004-01-26 17:50                                               ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-26 18:54                                                 ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-26 21:53                                                   ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27  0:00                                                     ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-27 17:30                                                       ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27 20:55                                                         ` Robert A Duff
2004-01-27 22:03                                                           ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-28 12:28                                                           ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-28 20:55                                                             ` Simon Wright
2004-01-29 12:40                                                               ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-29 18:08                                                                 ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-30 12:30                                                                   ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-29 20:45                                                                 ` Simon Wright
2004-01-29 23:12                                                                   ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-30 13:09                                                                     ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-30 18:06                                                                       ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-31  8:11                                                                         ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-30 12:36                                                                   ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-30 16:52                                                             ` Pascal Obry
2004-01-31  8:25                                                               ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-27 21:04                                                         ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-28 12:42                                                           ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-27 12:48                                                 ` Standard Ada Preprocessor (Was: why ada is so unpopular ?) Marin David Condic
2004-01-26  9:34                                             ` Dmitry A. Kazakov
2004-01-26 19:23                                               ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-23  2:47                                     ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-23 12:38                                       ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-24  5:23                                         ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-24 12:28                                           ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-24 15:32                                             ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-24 15:43                                               ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-25  4:24                                                 ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-25 16:24                                                   ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-29 11:17                                                 ` Jacob Sparre Andersen
2004-01-29 12:52                                                   ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-26 18:03                                           ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-26 19:14                                             ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-26 22:04                                               ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27  1:00                                                 ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-27  8:35                                                   ` Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen
2004-01-27 11:09                                                     ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-27 15:22                                                       ` Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen
2004-01-27 15:54                                                       ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-27 18:00                                                         ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27 19:19                                                           ` David Starner
2004-01-27 20:08                                                             ` Ludovic Brenta
2004-01-27 20:19                                                             ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-27 20:58                                                             ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-27 22:13                                                             ` Simon Wright
2004-01-27 23:04                                                               ` David Starner
2004-01-28  1:41                                                                 ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-28  2:26                                                                 ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-28  2:50                                                                 ` Stephen Leake
2004-01-28  3:21                                                                   ` Jeff C,
2004-01-28  3:57                                                                   ` David Starner
2004-01-29  3:03                                                                     ` Stephen Leake
2004-01-29  7:20                                                                       ` David Starner
2004-01-29 11:14                                                                         ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-29 18:56                                                                           ` David Starner
2004-01-29 19:41                                                                             ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-29 12:57                                                                       ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-29 13:51                                                                         ` Preben Randhol
2004-01-30  2:46                                                                           ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-28 20:34                                                                   ` Michael Bode
2004-01-29  3:06                                                                     ` Stephen Leake
2004-01-28 12:50                                                             ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-27 20:44                                                           ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-27 22:15                                                           ` Alexandre E. Kopilovitch
2004-01-29 17:31                                                             ` Standard Ada Preprocessor (conclusions) Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-29 19:44                                                               ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-30 13:25                                                               ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-30 13:29                                                                 ` Lutz Donnerhacke
2004-01-30 13:53                                                                   ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-30 14:14                                                                     ` Lutz Donnerhacke
2004-01-27 19:11                                                         ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-27 21:48                                                         ` Alexandre E. Kopilovitch
2004-01-28 16:26                                                           ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-29  2:51                                                             ` Alexandre E. Kopilovitch
2004-01-29 11:19                                                               ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-29 22:02                                                                 ` Nature of XML (was: Re: Standard Ada Preprocessor) Alexandre E. Kopilovitch
2004-01-30  8:53                                                                   ` Preben Randhol
2004-01-30 17:35                                                                     ` Alexandre E. Kopilovitch
2004-01-30 19:13                                                                       ` Preben Randhol
2004-01-31 16:04                                                                         ` Alexandre E. Kopilovitch
2004-01-31 16:45                                                                           ` Preben Randhol
2004-01-30 18:49                                                                   ` Nature of XML Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-30 19:16                                                                     ` Marius Amado Alves
2004-01-30 22:59                                                                       ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-31  1:26                                                                         ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-31 13:08                                                                           ` Nature of XML (ramblings) Marius Amado Alves
2004-01-31 18:14                                                                             ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-02-03  1:35                                                                           ` Nature of XML Robert C. Leif
2004-02-03 14:23                                                                             ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-27 17:50                                                     ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27 20:42                                                       ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-27 21:41                                                         ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-28  9:10                                                           ` Dmitry A. Kazakov
2004-01-29 17:39                                                             ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-28 23:21                                                           ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-29 17:46                                                             ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-30  3:20                                                             ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-28 12:27                                                       ` Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen
2004-01-29 17:53                                                         ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27 17:33                                                   ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27 19:07                                                     ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-27 21:42                                                       ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27  2:35                                                 ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-27 21:47                                                   ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-28  1:19                                                     ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-28 12:30                                                       ` Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen
2004-01-28 23:35                                                     ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-29 10:16                                                       ` Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen
2004-01-29 17:58                                                       ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-29 23:19                                                         ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-27  3:54                                                 ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-27 21:53                                                   ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-28  1:27                                                     ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-29 18:02                                                       ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-28 20:35                                                     ` Pascal Obry
2004-01-29  0:53                                                       ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-28 23:41                                                     ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-29 18:04                                                       ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-30  2:33                                                       ` Chad R. Meiners
2004-01-30 18:00                                                         ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-30 22:52                                                           ` Blinking text Chad R. Meiners
2004-02-06 17:14                                                             ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27  7:41                                                 ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Pascal Obry
2004-01-27 21:53                                                   ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27  0:06                                               ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-27 21:55                                                 ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-28  1:34                                                   ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-30 17:19                                                     ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-30 19:06                                                       ` Frank J. Lhota
2004-02-10 11:18                                                         ` stephen.freeman9
2004-02-10 17:45                                                           ` Language Design (was Standard Ada Preprocessor) Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27  0:17                                               ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Alexandre E. Kopilovitch
2004-01-26 23:44                                             ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-27 22:04                                               ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-28  2:47                                                 ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-30 17:29                                                   ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-30 19:06                                                     ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-31  8:42                                                     ` Marin David Condic
2004-02-02 17:28                                                       ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27  0:15                                             ` Standard Ada Preprocessor (Was: why ada is so unpopular ?) Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-27 22:05                                               ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-24  8:17                                         ` Pascal Obry
2004-01-24 12:44                                           ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-24 15:39                                             ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-24 16:06                                               ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-26 11:28                                             ` Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen
2004-01-26 12:07                                               ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-23 16:38                                       ` Alexandre E. Kopilovitch
2004-01-23 17:54                                         ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-23 17:24                                       ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-23 22:30                                         ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-26 22:11                                           ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27  0:28                                             ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-27 22:13                                               ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-27  1:02                                             ` Jeffrey Carter
2004-01-22 14:13                                   ` Robert A Duff
2004-01-22 17:27                                     ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-23 12:54                                       ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-23 17:26                                         ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-23 12:52                                     ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-24  5:52                                       ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-24 12:56                                         ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-24 15:53                                           ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-30 17:39                                             ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-31  1:58                                               ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-02-02 17:55                                                 ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-02-04 18:36                                                   ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-02-06 17:27                                                     ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-02-07 13:18                                                       ` Marin David Condic
2004-02-09 17:37                                                         ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-02-10 14:59                                                       ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Jacob Sparre Andersen
2004-02-10 17:57                                                         ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-02-10 21:49                                                           ` Jacob Sparre Andersen
2004-02-11  8:34                                                             ` Dmitry A. Kazakov
2004-02-13 17:27                                                             ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-30 17:34                                           ` Standard Ada Preprocessor (Was: why ada is so unpopular ?) Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-22 12:47                                 ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-22 13:24                                   ` Jean-Pierre Rosen
2004-01-22 18:20                                     ` Robert A Duff
2004-01-23  9:18                                       ` Jean-Pierre Rosen
2004-01-23 12:59                                     ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-23 14:21                                       ` Jean-Pierre Rosen
2004-01-24  6:02                                       ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-24 13:09                                         ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-24 19:32                                           ` tmoran
2004-01-24 20:34                                             ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-22 17:29                                   ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-22 13:19                                 ` Standard Ada Preprocessor Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-22 13:49                                   ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-22 15:03                                     ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-22 17:33                                       ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-22 19:02                                         ` Georg Bauhaus
2004-01-23 17:35                                           ` Warren W. Gay VE3WWG
2004-01-24  1:50                                             ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-24  5:33                                               ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-24 13:28                                                 ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-24 15:58                                                   ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-24 16:11                                                     ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-24 19:32                                                   ` tmoran
2004-01-24 20:44                                                     ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-25  5:02                                                       ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-25 16:38                                                         ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-26 16:03                                                           ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-24 23:39                                                   ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-25 13:47                                                     ` Stephane Richard
2004-01-26 19:19                                                       ` Randy Brukardt
2004-01-24  6:08                                             ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-23 13:11                                       ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-22 14:12                                   ` Dmitry A. Kazakov
     [not found]                           ` <>
2004-01-21 12:20                             ` why ada is so unpopular ? Marin David Condic
2004-01-19 13:09                   ` Jeff C,
2004-01-19 23:03                     ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-20  1:10                       ` cl1
2004-01-20  5:34                         ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-20  7:37                           ` Preben Randhol
2004-01-20 16:41                             ` Robert I. Eachus
2004-01-20 23:59                             ` Stephen Leake
2004-01-21 10:29                               ` Preben Randhol
2004-01-17 23:01     ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-18  0:30       ` Hyman Rosen
2004-01-18  2:06         ` cl1
2004-01-18  3:12           ` Hyman Rosen
2004-01-18  3:28             ` cl1
2004-01-18 14:34         ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-19 23:46     ` chris
2004-01-18 18:41 ` Jano
2004-01-21  2:01 ` Luke A. Guest
2004-01-21 14:23   ` Hyman Rosen
2004-01-21 14:31   ` Ludovic Brenta
2004-01-21 15:15     ` Hyman Rosen
2004-01-21 18:40       ` Robert A Duff
2004-01-21 18:31   ` chris
2004-01-22 13:11     ` Marin David Condic
2004-01-22 23:33       ` Stephen Leake
2004-01-23 13:25         ` Marin David Condic
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2004-01-26 13:30 Standard Ada Preprocessor Lionel.DRAGHI
2004-01-26 16:10 ` Robert I. Eachus
replies disabled

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