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From: "Tim Behrendsen" <>
Subject: Re: What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?]
Date: 1996/09/18
Date: 1996-09-18T00:00:00+00:00	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <01bba50d$b4e0a640$> (raw)
In-Reply-To: 51b8i4$

Richard A. O'Keefe <> wrote in article
> "Tim Behrendsen" <> writes:
> >Does it fail?  I suggest that your machine is equivalent to a
> >CPU with a single instruction.  The single instruction calculates
> >a particular mathematical formula.  I could simulate this using
> >pencil and paper.
> Does the word *continuous* convey nothing to you?

I simply don't understand the resistance to the idea that a
procedure could consist of a continuous medium.  In fact, the
computer you're typing on uses a continuous flow of electrons
to give to process algorithms.

> No, you *couldn't* simulate the machine using pencil and paper.
>> An optical computer works in the *real* (\br{R}) world.

> >Note that it does *not* say that I have to do the operations using
> >exactly the same method, only the same operations.  Your light
> >based algorithm is simply a mathematical operation, which I
> >can do using pencil and paper quite easily.
> Here you are making a claim to be able to compute non-computable
> functions.  I don't believe you. 

As I understood what you wrote, your optical computer was
modulating a signal based on refraction index of a medium.  This
sounds calculable to me, assuming we know how the refraction
function of your crystal is set up.  We are getting a bit
beyond my knowledge;  I don't know if you mean that the
mathematics is unknown, or unknowable, but let me take both

Unknown: Just because a natural law is not understood, doesn't
mean there is not an algorithm behind it.

Unknowable: There are certainly cases in physics where the
underlying algorithm is not predictable; for example, the
output of a geiger counter could not be simulated using pencil
and paper (that we know of, anyway).  Now, this is a much more
interesting question.  Is there an algorithm behind atomic
decay?  There must be a *method*, even if it is not predictable
(or known).  Your author's definition obviously wasn't designed
to handle questions of this type; I think it comes down to
opinion whether this fits a definition of algorithm.

> >Try this on for size:
> >1. There are two ways an algorithm can be expressed:
> >   a. Using a methodology that expresses a path of execution (aka
> >      procedural languages).
> >   b. Using a methodology that does *not* specify a path of
> >      execution (aka non-procedural languages).
> This is false.  If I write a Horn clause program, one person will
> look at it and say "ah hah, that is a Prolog program, it specifies
> a path of execution, it is procedural", while another will look at
> it and say "ah hah, that is a logical formulal, it expresses a
> timeless truth which can be computed in many ways."  They are both
> right.  Take for example a Definite Clause Grammar written in pure
>  - as a top-down recursive descent parser (Prolog execution)
>  - as a left-corner parser (I've got parsers running this way; this
>    is not a theoretical point)
>  - as a chart parser (XSB execution).
> Take another example.  There is a programming language called Euclid.
> Euclid is in the Pascal family.  It's full of records, arrays, pointers,
> assignment statements, all that stuff.  But there was a paper from Xerox
> showing how a Euclid program could be *naturally* and *directly* viewed
> as a pure functional program.  ONE form of expression, but BOTH a
> "procedural" reading AND a "declarative" reading.  Heck, it's more than
> 30 years since (de?) Bakker showed how to view an Algol 60 "procedural"
> program as a lambda-calculus "declarative" formula.  For another example,
> you accepted SQL as a non-procedural form of expression, but I countered
> that I can "see" an imperative reading.
> The point that I am making is that the distinction you are trying to make
> is _not_ a distinction that is present in the forms of expression themselves;
> the procedural and declarative views are ways that human beings _choose_ to
> read texts which are themselves neutral. 
> I must stress that this is not a theoretical point.  There are a couple of
> companies making what seemed to me at the time "big bucks" taking COBOL
> programs, *viewing* them as declarative expressions, and emitting new COBOL
> code with the same _declarative_ meaning but different _procedural_ form
> and behaviour.  And there are people using functional languages to design
> VLSI circuits.

I probably should have said "some proportion of ..."

Even a C program has "non-procedural" elements, if you take look
at a function call such as printf as an atomic operation where
you do not specify how to do it, only what you want to be done.
In fact, "function call" pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

I was mostly referring to the "pure" non-procedural languages
that have *zero* procedural elements to it, and it's completely
up to the compiler/interpreter to figure it out.  Past that,
you have to give up some control of the procedure at some

As far as SQL goes, it is a pure mathematical statement, with
no procedural element at all (assuming we are not talking about
cursors, etc.).  It simply describes a function on one or more
matrices.  In fact, joins are usually described in terms of
cartesian products, but we all know the implementation tries
to avoid the cartesian product at all costs.  There are entire
industries devoted to getting an SQL engine to do what *you* want
it to do, not what *it* wants to do. :)

> >2. Algorithms can execute *only* using a time-based mechanism.
> You are taking "we can only _tell_ that an algorithm has executed
> by contrasting a later situation with an earlier one" for a property of
> algorithms rather than a property of human perception and embedding in
> the world.  You may be right, but we can only notice *anything* by
> contrasting earlier and later situations (I am using "situations" in
> a Barwisian sense here).  That doesn't mean that it is the most fruitful
> way to think about everything.  One very important computing technique,
> after all, is converting time to space.  (What else is parallelism?)

I don't think I'm looking at in a perceptual sense; relativity tells
us that signals cannot propagate faster than the speed of light.
To execute an algorithm requires signals to move through space
and change energy states in some manner.  Since propagation is
required, time is required.

I look at parellelism as simply simultaneous signals flowing
through an algorithmic system.

> You are also not confronting your assumption that the most important
> thing to understand about an algorithm is its _execution_.
> >Now, as for education, I submit that at the beginning it is more
> >important to focus on what execution means 
> I _really_ don't get you here.  The phrase is actually ambiguous.
> I don't understand either of the readings.
> If you mean "it is important for students to understand what it is like
> when a machine executes a program", fine, we agree that it is important,
> but why is it the _most_ important thing?
> Case in point:  I learned matrix algebra before I learned about machines.
> I know what the execution of a Gaussian elimination "means" because I
> know matrix algebra, not because I know machines (though I do know both).
> If I just knew machines, I wouldn't have the faintest notion what a
> Gaussian elimination meant. 

There may come a day when non-procedural languages can be used
for more than very specialized uses, but let's fact it; the
"normal" procedural languages such as C are domininant at this
point in our computer history.  As such, I think it's very
important to give the student a grounding in this type of thinking.
This doesn't preclude them from learning more exotic types of
languages, but we should give them a foundation based on where
the state of the art is.

And there's a reason for the dominance of procedural languages
such as C.  They are simply the most efficient way (in an
execution sense) to express algorithms at this point.  There
may come a time when they are less important, but we are
far off from the point, and we do disservice to students when
we try and give them exotic thinking modes as the primary
outlook.  Secondarily is OK, to give them a balanced viewpoint,
but the primary viewpoint should be procedural.

> >Certainly
> >you need some form of expression, but it should be kept as
> >simple as possible to get the student brain into the general
> >concept of a flow of execution without the distraction of
> >methodologies.
> "Methodologies" is not a word that I use; it is pretentious.

I suppose it *is* right up there with "paradigm" (one of my
personal favorites).

> Do we teach children about the mechanics of speech before they
> learn to talk?

I think I am taking exactly the opposite viewpoint.  I want to
focus on the basics of execution. It sounds you like you want to
teach them about the abstraction of phonemes and language
construction before they learn to talk.

> When I was taught to play the piano as a child, I was taught about
> forms of expression (how to read music), not about how to build a
> piano or what happens when you press a key.

Yes, but first you were taught how to move your fingers in
sequence and rhythm.  You were not taught the abstraction of
composition first.  Perhaps later, but not at first.

> When my wife bought a knitting machine as a teenager, she was taught
> how to read patterns, and how to control the machine, not how the
> machine is constructed or operates.

Exactly.  She focused on the practical aspects of taking the
pattern and executing the steps.  Same principle.

> When you are taught to drive a car, you are taught the rules of the
> road and a few heuristics for operating the machine.  You are not
> taught the theory of combustion; you are not shown the wiring diagram
> of the car.  Heck, people these days don't even learn what gears _are_,
> let alone how they work.
> I got a ham license without having to learn what actually goes on inside
> a valve or transistor.

Yes, but drivers don't "program" the car.  These both are more the
"user" model than the "programmer" model.

> What is so different about computing?

You make my point for me.  You argue above that teaching at
a high level of abstraction is good, kind of like having your
wife learn the theory of clothing design before she starts
to sew.  I say that starting with basics of execution is a
much better foundation to build on, because you don't overwhelm
them with the entire world of possibilities.

Limiting the view of the entire picture when you're first
learning something is not a bad thing; it's necessary in order
to give a "foothold" on the concepts, and to give the student
something to compare everything else to.

Just because you teach procedural concepts doesn't preclude
the student from learning non-procedural concepts.

> >In fact, the algorithm definition you posted above is a good
> >one.  Do you use that in your classes?  
> As I don't teach first year, no.  It is, of course, Knuth, The Art
> of Computer Programming, Volume 1.

Erg; pretty heavy duty.  I always wondered if anyone used them
as textbooks.  A better or more complete textbook there couldn't
be, but they are, shall we say, difficult to approach. :)

> >Well, I have to admit that when I think about an algorithm,
> >I visualize data flowing through the algorithm undergoing
> >transformations until it's what I want.  I start with the
> >highest level "black box" transformations, and then gradually
> >break down each black box in greater and greater detail until
> >I have C code (or whatever).
> >This is certainly not the only way to look at problems, but it
> >is the closest to the reality of how algorithms execute.  And
> >I submit that it is the most straightforward to understand.  I
> >admit, though, that I have a natural bias toward this point of
> >view.
> Just at the moment I'm playing around with trying to speed up
> back-propagation neural nets.  A student here has NN programs
> that regularly take 4 hours.  So far I've worked on just one
> stage, but already that stage goes 5 times as fast.  (That's
> the practical ceiling for that stage.)  What's the trick?  To
> step *BACK* from the procedural view; with considerable effort
> to figure out that the bulk of the work goes on in what _should_
> have been two calls to SGEMV and one call to SGER (level-2 BLAS).
> (Well, actually I'm using APL notation, not calls to the BLAS.)
> Then you notice that there are a SAXPY and SDOT lying around that
> could be fused with the SGER and one of the SGEMVs (making this
> decision _solely_ on the timeless mathematics), and then you
> see that two loops can be fused making it possible to eliminate
> a vector store and reload, and before you know it, almost all of
> the branches have gone.  The bit I've looked at is one of the
> SGEMV steps, and the speed of that chunk has gone from 8 Mflops
> to 40 Mflops on the same machine.  (To start with, one branch
> per 50 instructions.)
> I am already aware of one bottleneck that makes it unlikely that
> the whole NN training phase will speed up that much.  (Anyone know
> a really fast way to compute a reasonable approximation to a logistic
> function?)
> The point here is that people before me had already tried to write
> good code, but their minds were straitjacketed by thinking the way
> you want them to think.  I had to think at the (timeless) mathematical
> level to see how to reorganise this code. 

Well, I'm not familiar with the concepts in that juicy of
detail, but come on; this is sort of a specialized application.
There are certainly times that a mathematical view can provide
insight into a particular problem.

But even your neural net is composed of stages, and in fact,
the vast majority of problems break down the way I outlined.

> >Hmm; I'm not sure if I view it the same way or not.  If I
> >visualize Quicksort, for example, I visualize a big block of data
> >that I divvy into two parts.  Each of those parts get divided,
> >and so on.  To map into the computer domain, I think about a
> >black box that does the divvying process, and then each piece
> >gets put back through the black box.  I suppose my core metaphor
> >is also spatial, but I'm not sure if it's the same way.
> >The point is that I (at least) don't view Quicksort as a
> >static "hall of mirrors", everything reflecting back and forth
> >with no sense of execution.  I see a "movie" of the data breaking
> >down section by section, and I can see the pattern between
> >each break and generalize it.
> Done much parallel programming yet?  You are describing an approach
> to understanding algorithms which makes parallel programming _very_
> difficult.

Not at all.  I can visual parallel processing very easily.  I
simply have multiple transformations of data happening
simultaneously.  In fact, I usually visualize Quicksort
happening in parellel (although the implementation is linear,
of course. :) ).

Let's take the brain.  I submit my visualization of the brain
as a huge collection of "black box" neurons with signals
flowing between them is more accurate (and practical) than
a view of the brain in terms of mathematical formulas.  The
latter seems to me a complete failure if someone ever wants
to really understand what's going on.

-- Tim Behrendsen (

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     [not found] <>
     [not found] ` <4rs76l$>
1996-07-15  0:00   ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Ralph Silverman
1996-07-15  0:00     ` Steve Sobol
1996-07-16  0:00     ` Lee Crites
1996-07-17  0:00       ` David Verschoore
1996-07-17  0:00         ` Anthony Kanner
1996-07-17  0:00         ` Mark McKinney
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Philip Brashear
1996-07-23  0:00             ` John A Hughes
1996-07-26  0:00               ` Randy Kaelber
1996-07-29  0:00                 ` Ralph Silverman
1996-08-06  0:00                 ` StHeller
1996-07-20  0:00         ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-20  0:00           ` Andy Askey
1996-07-20  0:00             ` steidl
1996-07-21  0:00               ` Andy Askey
1996-07-20  0:00           ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-22  0:00             ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-23  0:00             ` Ken Garlington
1996-07-20  0:00           ` Mark Eissler
1996-07-25  0:00             ` Erik Seaberg
1996-07-26  0:00             ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-27  0:00               ` Rick Elbers
1996-07-28  0:00                 ` J. Christian Blanchette
1996-07-28  0:00                   ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-29  0:00                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-30  0:00                     ` Arra Avakian
1996-07-31  0:00                       ` James Youngman
1996-07-31  0:00                       ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-02  0:00                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-05  0:00                         ` Henrik Wetterstrom
1996-08-05  0:00                         ` Fergus Henderson
1996-08-06  0:00                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-06  0:00                             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-06  0:00                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-06  0:00                                 ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-07  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-07  0:00                                     ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00                                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00                                             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-14  0:00                                             ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-16  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-20  0:00                                                 ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-20  0:00                                                   ` Alan Bowler
1996-08-21  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Bengt Richter
1996-08-22  0:00                                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-31  0:00                                                         ` Bengt Richter
1996-09-01  0:00                                                           ` Maurice M. Carey IV
1996-08-26  0:00                                                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-26  0:00                                                       ` madscientist
1996-08-29  0:00                                                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-26  0:00                                                       ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-30  0:00                                                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-30  0:00                                                           ` Peter Seebach
1996-09-03  0:00                                                             ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-09-01  0:00                                                           ` Joe Keane
1996-09-04  0:00                                                             ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-03  0:00                                                           ` Arkady Belousov
1996-08-30  0:00                                                         ` Kaz Kylheku
1996-08-26  0:00                                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-29  0:00                                                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-29  0:00                                                           ` Craig Franck
1996-08-30  0:00                                                           ` system
1996-08-31  0:00                                                             ` Kenneth Mays
     [not found]                                                           ` <01bb95ba$9dfed580$496700cf@ljelmore.montana>
1996-08-30  0:00                                                             ` Steve Heller
1996-08-31  0:00                                                             ` Clayton Weaver
1996-09-01  0:00                                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-31  0:00                                                       ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-09-04  0:00                                                         ` Tom Payne
1996-09-04  0:00                                                       ` Patrick Horgan
1996-09-05  0:00                                                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-05  0:00                                                           ` deafen
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-08  0:00                                         ` telnet user
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` Ed Hook
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00                                         ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-10  0:00                                             ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-12  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-12  0:00                                                 ` Bob Kitzberger
1996-08-22  0:00                                                   ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-23  0:00                                                     ` Steve Heller
1996-08-12  0:00                                                 ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-12  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-13  0:00                                                     ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-13  0:00                                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-13  0:00                                                         ` Giuliano Carlini
1996-08-14  0:00                                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-15  0:00                                                         ` Mike Rubenstein
     [not found]                                                     ` <32 <01bb8923$e1d34280$>
1996-08-14  0:00                                                       ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-14  0:00                                                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-14  0:00                                                           ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-12  0:00                                                   ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-13  0:00                                                     ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-15  0:00                                                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-07  0:00                                     ` Dan Pop
1996-08-08  0:00                                       ` Christopher R Volpe
1996-08-08  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00                                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00                                           ` Randy Kaelber
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` J. Blustein
1996-08-11  0:00                                             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-09  0:00                                           ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-10  0:00                                             ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-11  0:00                                               ` Dan Pop
1996-08-12  0:00                                                 ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-15  0:00                                                   ` Bob Hoffmann
1996-08-12  0:00                                                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-11  0:00                                               ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-09  0:00                                         ` Dan Pop
1996-08-11  0:00                                           ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-19  0:00                                             ` James Youngman
1996-08-11  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-11  0:00                                             ` Dan Pop
1996-08-13  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-13  0:00                                                 ` Giuliano Carlini
1996-08-14  0:00                                                 ` Dan Pop
1996-08-14  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-16  0:00                                                   ` Dik T. Winter
1996-08-12  0:00                                             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-13  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-18  0:00                                         ` Sam B. Siegel
1996-08-19  0:00                                           ` Dan Pop
1996-08-08  0:00                                     ` Teaching sorts [was Re: What's the best language to start with?] Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-09  0:00                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-10  0:00                                       ` Al Aab
1996-08-10  0:00                                       ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-12  0:00                                       ` Steve Heller
1996-08-12  0:00                                         ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-16  0:00                                           ` Steve Heller
1996-08-16  0:00                                             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-18  0:00                                               ` Steve Heller
1996-08-18  0:00                                                 ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-18  0:00                                                   ` Steve Heller
1996-08-18  0:00                                                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-20  0:00                                                       ` Steve Heller
1996-08-16  0:00                                             ` Adam Beneschan
1996-08-18  0:00                                               ` Steve Heller
1996-08-18  0:00                                                 ` Jeff Dege
1996-08-18  0:00                                                   ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-16  0:00                                             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-17  0:00                                               ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-17  0:00                                               ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-20  0:00                                                 ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-20  0:00                                                   ` Dann Corbit
1996-08-21  0:00                                                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-21  0:00                                                       ` Dann Corbit
1996-08-22  0:00                                                       ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-22  0:00                                                         ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-23  0:00                                                           ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-25  0:00                                                         ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-21  0:00                                                   ` Dik T. Winter
1996-08-21  0:00                                                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-21  0:00                                                       ` Pete Becker
1996-08-22  0:00                                                         ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-22  0:00                                                           ` Pete Becker
1996-08-22  0:00                                                           ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-21  0:00                                                       ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-22  0:00                                                         ` Dann Corbit
1996-08-22  0:00                                                         ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-21  0:00                                                       ` Matt Austern
1996-08-21  0:00                                                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-22  0:00                                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-24  0:00                                                         ` Joe Keane
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-21  0:00                                                 ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-21  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-21  0:00                                                   ` Adam Beneschan
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Andrew Koenig
1996-08-24  0:00                                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-22  0:00                                                     ` Christian Bau
1996-08-22  0:00                                                       ` Larry Kilgallen
1996-08-23  0:00                                                         ` Tim Hollebeek
1996-08-24  0:00                                                           ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-24  0:00                                                         ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-22  0:00                                                       ` (topic change on) Teaching sorts Marcus H. Mendenhall
1996-08-27  0:00                                                         ` Ralph Silverman
1996-08-23  0:00                                                       ` Teaching sorts [was Re: What's the best language to start with?] Andrew Koenig
1996-08-18  0:00                                               ` Steve Heller
1996-08-21  0:00                                               ` Matt Austern
1996-08-23  0:00                                               ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-23  0:00                                                 ` Adam Beneschan
1996-08-14  0:00                                       ` Stephen Baynes
1996-08-14  0:00                                         ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-16  0:00                                           ` Dik T. Winter
1996-08-16  0:00                                             ` Joe Foster
1996-08-18  0:00                                           ` Glenn Rhoads
1996-08-19  0:00                                           ` Stephen Baynes
1996-08-19  0:00                                             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-19  0:00                                             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-19  0:00                                           ` Richard A. O'Keefe
     [not found]                                             ` <dewar.840491732@schonberg>
1996-08-19  0:00                                               ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-22  0:00                                                 ` Stephen Baynes
1996-08-27  0:00                                                 ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-14  0:00                                         ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-13  0:00                                     ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-13  0:00                                       ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-14  0:00                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-13  0:00                                     ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-14  0:00                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-15  0:00                                       ` Tom Payne
1996-08-14  0:00                                     ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-15  0:00                                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-15  0:00                                     ` Blair Phillips
1996-08-27  0:00                                     ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-29  0:00                                     ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-30  0:00                                       ` Steve Heller
1996-08-30  0:00                                     ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-07  0:00                                 ` What's the best language to start with Ian Ward
1996-08-08  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00                                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-11  0:00                                 ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Jerone A. Bowers
1996-08-06  0:00                             ` Fergus Henderson
1996-08-07  0:00                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00                                 ` Thomas Hood
1996-08-09  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-17  0:00                                 ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-17  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-19  0:00                                     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-19  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-19  0:00                                         ` Tim Hollebeek
1996-08-20  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-20  0:00                                         ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-21  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-22  0:00                                             ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-22  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-04  0:00                                             ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-09-04  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-06  0:00                                                 ` Bob Gilbert
1996-09-06  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-09  0:00                                                     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-09-11  0:00                                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-10  0:00                                                   ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-11  0:00                                                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-10  0:00                                                   ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-10  0:00                                                     ` Kaz Kylheku
1996-09-11  0:00                                                     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-09-11  0:00                                                   ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-11  0:00                                                   ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-05  0:00                                               ` Mark Wooding
1996-09-06  0:00                                                 ` Bob Cousins
1996-09-06  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-07  0:00                                                     ` Craig Franck
1996-09-08  0:00                                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-08  0:00                                                         ` Craig Franck
1996-09-09  0:00                                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-10  0:00                                                             ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-10  0:00                                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-11  0:00                                                         ` John Burdick
1996-09-13  0:00                                                 ` Bengt Richter
1996-09-14  0:00                                                   ` Craig Franck
1996-09-06  0:00                                         ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-09-06  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-11  0:00                                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-11  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-12  0:00                                             ` Peter Seebach
1996-09-18  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-12  0:00                                             ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-13  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-13  0:00                                                 ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-18  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen [this message]
1996-09-19  0:00                                                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-17  0:00                                             ` George
1996-09-19  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-24  0:00                                                 ` Matthew M. Lih
1996-09-25  0:00                                                   ` Bjarne Stroustrup
1996-09-26  0:00                                                     ` Bengt Richter
1996-09-28  0:00                                                     ` Dan Pop
1996-09-25  0:00                                                   ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-26  0:00                                                     ` Mark Wooding
1996-09-26  0:00                                               ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-26  0:00                                                 ` Dann Corbit
1996-09-27  0:00                                                 ` Jay Martin
1996-09-27  0:00                                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-30  0:00                                                     ` Art Schwarz
1996-09-27  0:00                                                   ` Kent Budge
1996-09-27  0:00                                                     ` George Haddad
1996-09-27  0:00                                                       ` George Haddad
1996-09-27  0:00                                                     ` George Haddad
1996-09-28  0:00                                                       ` Matthew Heaney
1996-09-27  0:00                                                     ` George Haddad
1996-09-27  0:00                                                     ` George Haddad
1996-09-28  0:00                                                     ` Steve Heller
1996-10-01  0:00                                                       ` DJ Kindberg
1996-09-27  0:00                                                 ` Craig Franck
1996-09-27  0:00                                                   ` Bob Cousins
1996-09-28  0:00                                               ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-11  0:00                                         ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-11  0:00                                         ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-11  0:00                                           ` Craig Franck
1996-09-11  0:00                                             ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-17  0:00                                           ` George
1996-09-24  0:00                                             ` Joel VanLaven
1996-09-27  0:00                                               ` Dann Corbit
1996-09-27  0:00                                               ` Tom Payne
1996-09-28  0:00                                                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-09-18  0:00                                         ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-26  0:00                                         ` Jon S Anthony
1996-10-01  0:00                                           ` Andrew Gierth
1996-08-22  0:00                                     ` Bengt Richter
1996-08-22  0:00                                       ` Frank Manning
1996-08-31  0:00                                         ` Bengt Richter
1996-08-31  0:00                                           ` Frank Manning
1996-08-31  0:00                                             ` Frank Manning
1996-09-02  0:00                                             ` deafen
1996-09-03  0:00                                               ` Frank Manning
1996-09-03  0:00                                               ` Steve Howard
1996-09-03  0:00                                               ` Bob Kitzberger
1996-09-03  0:00                                               ` Phil Barnett
1996-09-03  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-22  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-23  0:00                                         ` Larry J. Elmore
1996-08-08  0:00                               ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
     [not found]                               ` <01bb846d$ <>
1996-08-09  0:00                                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00                               ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-09  0:00                                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-06  0:00                             ` Dan Pop
1996-08-06  0:00                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-06  0:00                                 ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-07  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-07  0:00                                     ` James A. Squire
1996-08-07  0:00                                     ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00                                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00                                     ` David Weller
1996-08-09  0:00                                     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-10  0:00                                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-11  0:00                                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-11  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-12  0:00                                             ` Alf P. Steinbach
1996-08-12  0:00                                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-13  0:00                                             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-11  0:00                                         ` Craig Franck
1996-08-11  0:00                                           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-07  0:00                                 ` Mark Eissler
     [not found]                               ` <01bb83cc$fb <>
1996-08-07  0:00                                 ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-12  0:00                             ` Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-05  0:00                         ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-06  0:00                           ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-13  0:00                       ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-16  0:00                         ` Steve Heller
1996-08-16  0:00                           ` John Hobson
1996-07-31  0:00                   ` AJ Musgrove
1996-08-01  0:00                     ` Tim Hollebeek
1996-08-01  0:00                     ` Ken Pizzini
1996-08-01  0:00                     ` Sam Harris
1996-08-02  0:00                       ` Eric W. Nikitin
1996-08-03  0:00                     ` Raffael Cavallaro
1996-08-05  0:00                       ` Chris Sonnack
1996-07-31  0:00                   ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-08  0:00                   ` William Clodius
1996-08-08  0:00                   ` William Clodius
1996-08-11  0:00                     ` Dik T. Winter
1996-08-11  0:00                     ` Fergus Henderson
1996-08-13  0:00                   ` Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen FOU.TD/DELAB
1996-08-14  0:00                   ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-15  0:00                   ` Teaching sorts [was Re: What's the best language to start with?] Norman H. Cohen
1996-08-16  0:00                     ` Steve Heller
1996-08-19  0:00                   ` Ted Dennison
1996-08-23  0:00                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-23  0:00                       ` Ted Dennison
1996-08-24  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-27  0:00                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-09-02  0:00                           ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-07-28  0:00                 ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Mark Eissler
1996-07-28  0:00               ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-29  0:00                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-30  0:00                   ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-30  0:00                   ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Paul Campbell
1996-07-30  0:00                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-02  0:00                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-03  0:00                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-04  0:00                           ` Alf P. Steinbach
1996-08-04  0:00                             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-04  0:00                               ` Jerry van Dijk
1996-08-05  0:00                               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-04  0:00                                 ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-05  0:00                                   ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-05  0:00                                     ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-07  0:00                                       ` Tom Watson
1996-08-05  0:00                                     ` Tim Hollebeek
1996-08-10  0:00                                       ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-06  0:00                                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-03  0:00                     ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-04  0:00                       ` Kurt E. Huhner
1996-07-31  0:00                   ` Arne W. Flones
1996-08-02  0:00                   ` David Wheeler
1996-08-02  0:00                     ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-02  0:00                       ` Gary M. Greenberg
1996-08-03  0:00                       ` Alf P. Steinbach
1996-08-02  0:00                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-05  0:00                       ` Chris Sonnack
1996-08-05  0:00                         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-06  0:00                     ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pasca StHeller
1996-08-06  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-06  0:00                 ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Robert I. Eachus
1996-08-06  0:00                 ` Conrad Herrmann
1996-08-06  0:00                 ` Alf P. Steinbach
1996-07-29  0:00               ` Byron B. Kauffman
1996-07-30  0:00               ` Alan Peake
     [not found]               ` <dewar. <>
1996-07-31  0:00                 ` P. Cnudde VH14 (8218)
1996-07-31  0:00                   ` Nicolas Devillard
1996-08-02  0:00                   ` Matt Austern
1996-08-15  0:00                     ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-07-31  0:00                 ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-02  0:00                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-05  0:00                     ` Mark McKinney
1996-08-05  0:00                     ` Mark McKinney
1996-08-05  0:00                     ` Mark McKinney
1996-07-31  0:00                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-22  0:00           ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-23  0:00             ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-18  0:00       ` Carlos DeAngulo
1996-07-18  0:00         ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Jon Bell
1996-07-22  0:00             ` Tim Oxler
1996-07-22  0:00               ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-30  0:00                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-31  0:00                 ` Patrick Horgan
1996-07-22  0:00               ` Janus
1996-07-22  0:00               ` Stig Norland
     [not found]           ` <01bb7588$236982e0$7b91f780@deangulo>
1996-07-19  0:00             ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-20  0:00             ` steidl
1996-07-19  0:00         ` Dirk Dickmanns
     [not found]         ` <01bb7591$83087d60$>
1996-07-19  0:00           ` johnf
1996-07-19  0:00             ` Jeremy Nelson
1996-07-19  0:00             ` Jason Alan Turnage
1996-07-19  0:00               ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-20  0:00                 ` Jon Bell
1996-07-20  0:00                   ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-21  0:00                     ` Alexander Vrenios
1996-07-21  0:00                   ` Steve Tate
1996-07-21  0:00                     ` Phil Howard
1996-07-21  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-22  0:00                         ` Steve Tate
1996-07-21  0:00                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-22  0:00                   ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-25  0:00                   ` ++           robin
1996-07-20  0:00                 ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-22  0:00                   ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-20  0:00                 ` Crash
1996-07-20  0:00                   ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-23  0:00                 ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-22  0:00               ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-22  0:00                 ` Jeremy Nelson
1996-07-22  0:00                   ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-20  0:00             ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-22  0:00             ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-23  0:00               ` Joe Gwinn
1996-07-24  0:00                 ` John A Hughes
1996-07-24  0:00                 ` Theodore E. Dennison
1996-07-23  0:00             ` John A Hughes
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Craig Franck
1996-07-18  0:00       ` Walter B. Hollman Sr.
1996-07-18  0:00       ` Patrick Horgan
1996-07-18  0:00         ` Jason Alan Turnage
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-20  0:00             ` steved
1996-07-19  0:00               ` Peter Seebach
1996-07-20  0:00                 ` Jon Bell
1996-07-20  0:00                   ` Andy Askey
1996-07-20  0:00                 ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-22  0:00                   ` steidl
1996-07-22  0:00                     ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-23  0:00                       ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-07-23  0:00                         ` Michael Ickes
1996-07-25  0:00                           ` Andy Askey
1996-07-24  0:00                         ` system
1996-07-23  0:00             ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Vic Metcalfe
1996-07-18  0:00         ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-19  0:00           ` Billy Chambless
1996-07-19  0:00         ` Reto Koradi
1996-07-23  0:00           ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-19  0:00         ` Scott McMahan - Softbase Systems
1996-07-20  0:00           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-21  0:00             ` Rich Maggio
1996-07-21  0:00               ` Robert Dewar
1996-07-22  0:00             ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-23  0:00               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-07-20  0:00           ` steidl
1996-07-19  0:00         ` Andrew Gierth
1996-07-23  0:00     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-07-16  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-07-24  0:00   ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-17  0:00 ` Aron Felix Gurski
1996-07-19  0:00 ` Andrew Gierth
1996-07-19  0:00 ` Andrew Gierth
1996-07-19  0:00 ` Andrew Gierth
1996-07-21  0:00 ` Laurent Guerby
1996-07-22  0:00   ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-07-21  0:00 ` Wayne
1996-07-22  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-07-22  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-07-23  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-07-24  0:00   ` Andrew J Steinbach
1996-07-24  0:00     ` Jon Bell
1996-07-24  0:00     ` John A Hughes
1996-07-24  0:00     ` system
1996-07-24  0:00   ` Ralph Silverman
1996-07-24  0:00     ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-07-24  0:00   ` Michael Feldman
1996-07-24  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-07-25  0:00   ` Andy Askey
1996-07-26  0:00     ` Mark Eissler
1996-08-02  0:00   ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-04  0:00     ` Gary M. Greenberg
     [not found]     ` <4u76ej$>
1996-08-06  0:00       ` Ralph Silverman
1996-08-12  0:00         ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-13  0:00           ` Darin Johnson
1996-08-13  0:00             ` What's the best language to learn? [was Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-14  0:00               ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-14  0:00                 ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-14  0:00                   ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-14  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-14  0:00                     ` Dan Pop
1996-08-14  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-15  0:00                     ` Joe Foster
1996-08-14  0:00                   ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-14  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-14  0:00                       ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-15  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-16  0:00                         ` Joe Foster
1996-08-18  0:00                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-20  0:00                           ` James Youngman
1996-08-21  0:00                           ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-15  0:00                       ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-15  0:00                     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-18  0:00                       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-15  0:00                     ` DAVID A MOLNAR
1996-08-16  0:00                   ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-17  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-18  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-18  0:00                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-26  0:00                         ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-27  0:00                           ` Alan Peake
1996-08-27  0:00                             ` Steve Heller
1996-08-28  0:00                             ` Tom Watson
1996-08-28  0:00                               ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-30  0:00                               ` Alan Peake
1996-08-31  0:00                                 ` Robert Dewar
1996-09-03  0:00                                   ` Alan Peake
1996-09-07  0:00                                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-09-07  0:00                                 ` .
1996-08-28  0:00                             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-29  0:00                           ` Darin Johnson
1996-08-19  0:00                       ` John Hobson
1996-08-19  0:00                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-19  0:00                           ` John Hobson
1996-08-20  0:00                             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-27  0:00                               ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-23  0:00                           ` Alan Bowler
1996-08-16  0:00                   ` Dr. Richard Botting
1996-08-18  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-21  0:00                       ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-21  0:00                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-22  0:00                         ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-23  0:00                           ` Bengt Richter
1996-08-23  0:00                         ` Clayton Weaver
1996-08-14  0:00               ` Gabor Egressy
1996-08-15  0:00                 ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-17  0:00                   ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-17  0:00                     ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-20  0:00                       ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-16  0:00                 ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-17  0:00                   ` Dan Pop
1996-08-17  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-17  0:00                       ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-17  0:00                       ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-18  0:00                         ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-17  0:00                       ` Dan Pop
1996-08-18  0:00                         ` Mark Wooding
1996-08-20  0:00                           ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-21  0:00                           ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-21  0:00                             ` Adam Beneschan
1996-08-21  0:00                             ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-21  0:00                     ` Tanmoy Bhattacharya
1996-08-30  0:00                       ` Goto considered really harmful Patrick Horgan
1996-09-04  0:00                         ` Dennison
1996-08-21  0:00               ` What's the best language to learn? [any language except Ada] Bill Mackay
1996-08-22  0:00                 ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-22  0:00                 ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-23  0:00                   ` Larry J. Elmore
1996-08-24  0:00                 ` Alan Brain
1996-08-15  0:00             ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-17  0:00               ` Alexander J Russell
1996-08-17  0:00               ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-18  0:00                 ` Ken Pizzini
1996-08-19  0:00                 ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-23  0:00                   ` Joe Keane
1996-08-17  0:00               ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-16  0:00             ` Dr E. Buxbaum
1996-08-16  0:00               ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-16  0:00               ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-17  0:00                 ` Paul Hsieh
1996-08-17  0:00                   ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-19  0:00                     ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-20  0:00                       ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-22  0:00                         ` Richard A. O'Keefe
1996-08-22  0:00                           ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-20  0:00               ` Paul Schlyter
1996-08-20  0:00                 ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-21  0:00                 ` James Youngman
1996-08-22  0:00                   ` TRAN PHAN ANH
1996-08-22  0:00                     ` Dr E. Buxbaum
1996-08-27  0:00             ` Jeffrey C. Dege
1996-08-27  0:00               ` Steve Heller
1996-08-27  0:00               ` Craig Franck
1996-08-27  0:00                 ` Ted Dennison
1996-08-27  0:00                   ` John Hobson
1996-08-27  0:00               ` Ted Dennison
1996-08-27  0:00               ` Bob Cousins
1996-08-28  0:00               ` Robert Dewar
1996-09-01  0:00               ` Patrick Horgan
1996-09-12  0:00                 ` Delete - Don't Bother to Read This Charles H. Sampson
1996-08-13  0:00           ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Ralph Silverman
1996-08-16  0:00           ` What's the best language to learn? [was Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Darin Johnson
1996-08-16  0:00             ` system
1996-08-16  0:00             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-16  0:00           ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Darin Johnson
1996-08-20  0:00           ` Darin Johnson
1996-08-21  0:00           ` What's the best language to learn? [was Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Darin Johnson
1996-08-22  0:00           ` What's the best language to learn? [any language except Ada] Jon S Anthony
1996-08-23  0:00           ` Darin Johnson
1996-08-25  0:00             ` Robert Dewar
1996-08-24  0:00           ` Jon S Anthony
1996-08-05  0:00   ` Should I learn C or Pascal? Sherwin Anthony Sequeira
1996-07-24  0:00 ` Jon S Anthony
1996-07-25  0:00 ` ++           robin
1996-07-25  0:00 ` ++           robin
1996-07-30  0:00   ` Robert Barnes
1996-07-30  0:00     ` Rob(t.) Brannan
1996-08-01  0:00       ` Tony Konashenok
1996-08-04  0:00         ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-08-09  0:00         ` Verne Arase
1996-08-01  0:00       ` ++           robin
1996-08-01  0:00         ` Ralph Silverman
1996-08-06  0:00           ` ++           robin
1996-07-25  0:00 ` ++           robin
1996-07-31  0:00 ` What's the best language to start with? [was: Re: Should I learn C or Pascal?] Darin Johnson
1996-08-02  0:00   ` Alan Peake
1996-07-31  0:00 ` Darin Johnson
1996-08-01  0:00   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-01  0:00     ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-03  0:00       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-06  0:00         ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-05  0:00     ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-06  0:00       ` Dan Pop
1996-08-08  0:00         ` steidl
1996-08-06  0:00       ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-01  0:00 ` Stefan 'Stetson' Skoglund
1996-08-05  0:00   ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-06  0:00     ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-07  0:00       ` Stephen M O'Shaughnessy
1996-08-09  0:00         ` Bob Gilbert
1996-08-06  0:00   ` Patrick Horgan
1996-08-01  0:00 ` Andy Hardy
1996-08-07  0:00 ` Fergus Henderson
1996-08-07  0:00   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00     ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-08  0:00       ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00         ` Christopher R Volpe
1996-08-08  0:00         ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-08  0:00           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-08  0:00             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-09  0:00               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00                 ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-15  0:00                   ` James_Rogers
1996-08-17  0:00                     ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-10  0:00           ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-10  0:00             ` Peter Seebach
1996-08-11  0:00             ` Craig Franck
1996-08-08  0:00         ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-08  0:00           ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-09  0:00               ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-10  0:00                 ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-11  0:00                   ` Tim Behrendsen
1996-08-09  0:00           ` some days weren't there at all
1996-08-10  0:00           ` Mike Rubenstein
1996-08-11  0:00             ` Szu-Wen Huang
1996-08-17  0:00             ` Richard Chiu
1996-09-04  0:00               ` Lawrence Kirby
1996-09-02  0:00 Richard A. O'Keefe
     [not found] <01 <1996Sep24.133312 <JSA.96Sep26124243@alexandria>
1996-09-26  0:00 ` Adam Beneschan
1996-09-29  0:00   ` Spencer M. Simpson, Jr.
1996-09-30  0:00     ` Craig Franck
1996-09-28  0:00 ` Jon S Anthony
1996-09-28  0:00   ` Ilias Kastanas
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
1996-09-28  0:00 Jon S Anthony
replies disabled

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