"Rolf" wrote in message news:1138659171.491931.322480@g49g2000cwa.googlegroups.com... [snip] >In a stripped down version I can succesfully connect to the server >(using GNAT.Sockets) and either read the sensor data *or* write actor >data. The program is currently split in two tasks. One tasks contains >the application code and the actor communication (using >type_id'output(channel)). The second tasks gets started during program >initialisation. It reads the data from the socket via >type_id'input(channel) and provides the data to the application through >a protected object. > >The problem that I face is that the second task seems to starve the >first one. As soon as it is active, the application does not generate >debug output anymore. > >Some background info: gcc-3.4.4 on Windows XP. Java for the world >simulation. The simulator sends about 20 packages � 11bytes every >100ms. The application sends typically 2-3 packages per second. I have >delay statements in both main loops (varied between 0.0 and 0.2 >seconds). > >My questions: > - is that a reasonable tasking approach? > - I don't know much about sockets (or better I don't remember much). >Does a waiting read (in the second task) block a write in the first >task? > - how can I interrupt the waiting read task to force activity in the >main task? > - what other hints can you give me? > > >TIA > Rolf Your approach sounds reasonable to me. I wrote my own wrappers for Win32 sockets API before GNAT.Sockets was born, so I can't say much about their behavior... but, using the Win32 API, I have been able to have one task reading a socket and another task writing the same socket using blocking TCP/IP sockets with no issues of reads causing writes to block or vise-versa. I have seen the type of problem you describe with serial I/O on windows. With serial I/O you have to open the device file with an OVERLAPPED attirbute or one task pending on a read will cause a write to block As I mentioned earlier, I'm not familiar with the GNAT.Sockets implementation so it is entirely possible that you are seeing the same behavior because of the socket implementation. Steve (The Duck)