"Larry Elmore" a �crit dans le message news: 3B706ADC.B4847AC3@home.com... >From your statements > relating to economics, I'd guess you either have nothing to do with the > business side of your company, or else it's customers consist mostly of > government agencies or other companies dealing mostly with government > agencies. Sorry to disapoint you ... We are a company small enough so that no side of the company is really far from anybody. Almost all our customers are private companies ready to jump to your competitor if he is better or cheaper than you. Or sometimes just because he feels like it, even if your product is far better I've learned about all that visiting customers and factories throughout the world to understand prospects and customers needs. I can assure you that investing unsuccessfully, in order to try to turn a prospect in a customer, is not that uncommon. I'll be curious to know what's your job, and how close you are of the business side, to think otherwise ...