Hi Alessio Take a look at the learning center of my website (http://www.adaworld.com and click on the learning center) you'll see tutorials and free donwloadable PDF files you can get. Since you know C/C++ I suggest reading Ada Distilled (available in the free books section) which is specifically made for experienced programmers in other languages. -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com "Alessio Sangalli" wrote in message news:bpo0h6$1q1u45$1@ID-157791.news.uni-berlin.de... > Hi, I would like to learn the ADA language. Woudl you suggest me a > couple of books I could begin to read? I'm an experienced programmer in > C, C++, Java etc. > > I'd use gnat in a Linux environment to learn the language. > > Thank you > Alessio Sangalli > >