Agreed, I've worked on a payroll program (for canada) (in visual basic 1.0 professional for DOS no less I can still feel the pain...hehe) and every year rates changes, salary margins change, everything changes...and then when income tax arrives everything seems to change again :-)'s not impossible to do, but it is an evolving software....however since payroll is usually targetted at accoutants, they'll know what to do with it, all we need is to provide a way for them to update these evolutionary changes....maybe a grid of salary margins to tax rates is all they need since they are usually displayed as a table on the official forms. then anyone can follow the dotted lines so to speak...and enter margins and rates the same way...Obviously, these rates/margins changes need to be saved for future reference and calculations... But that's one margin...I assume GNUCash is a opensource version of a POS software? (point of sale) with integrated accounting? (or should I shut up rigth now and google on it first so it looks like I know what I'm saying?) :-)... -- St�phane Richard Senior Software and Technology Supervisor For all your hosting and related needs "Adrian Hoe" wrote in message news:3f503d49$ > Marin David Condic wrote: > > That's why I suggested it as an opportunity to establish some major > > market sector as belonging to Ada. An open source accounting system - > > with add-ons for things like payroll, inventory, etc., would be a market > > niche that is not adequately addressed in the Linux/Open Source world. > > All you've got to do is figure out how to make it pay so its worth > > someone's time to do the development. > > > > MDC > > > > Stephane Richard wrote: > > > >> Food for Though indeed. :-)....he's not in orientation > >> wise....there's plenty of people working on the > >> servers/datbases/programming > >> languages etc etc....there's OpenOffice which is a good start for the > >> business world....but as far as payroll, inventory control, acounting, > >> receivables etc etc...aint much done in those fields as far as open > >> source > >> goes.... > >> > > > > > > > Yes, market niche it is. But take accounting software for instance, it > will require ten (10) years to be track proven (or at least 5 years). > Gnucash has not been track proven yet, but my company (and all > subsidiaries) are using it. Quite a nice software but it still cannot > handle some of our financial requirement. > > If we talk about payroll, situation becomes worst. Why? Every country > has different employment policy. Even in every states of US. And to make > things worst, employment policy changes over years if not months. > > These I call them "Business Software". Because they need to evolve with > businesses. >