"Pascal Obry" writes: > Robert C. Leif, Ph.D. a �crit dans l'article > ... > > In order to be absolutely explicit, I have reproduced my form below. > > The question is: How do I get the string named test into the Ada program, > > HTML_Ada.exe? Is it via the command line or some other means? > > Well this is quite trivial, when you know :-) Pascal, I don't think it's as trivial as you think. Bob doesn't want to write a CGI program, he wants to include the web server in his application! Bob, the browser is going to connect to a TCP socket on your computer and send you requests in the form of text. I don't have a spec for HTTP but I'm sure one can be found .. You will need to be able to handle sockets, you'll need (the equivalent of the UNIX) socket(), bind(), listen(), accept(), read(), write() and close(). You may need select() too, unless your Ada implementation will let you block on accept() in a separate task while you carry on with the other work. The only tip I'd pass on from my very very limited experience is to read() the whole request from the accept()ed socket before close()ing it (my initial test just sent the response back using write() without bothering to see what the reauest was). You then have to parse the request and handle it as required; write() back any response; and close() the socket.