"Hibou57 (Yannick Duch�ne)" wrote in message news:141823e0-535d-4468-95b1-d826f7efb115@n7g2000yqb.googlegroups.com... >A persistent Ada rumor which was at least still there at the year of > 2004 (I'm quoting) : > >> I've also heard rumor that Ada is so complex that no >> single programmer fully understands it, and so the military >> uses it, but that smacks of Urban Legend to me... Your point is? [This is true of C++ also, let alone C++0X]/ What matters is that the language is so complex that most programmers that use don't fully understand it. Before people get excited, AFAICT, this is true of virtually every programming language on the planet. It isn't so a much a property of the langauge, but rather of nature of the average programmer. What this means to me is that you should choose a well designed language in which to build your systems. Its the one thing you have a chance of controlling. Management won't let you choose the programmers. -- IDB