"M�rio Amado Alves" wrote in message news:4a4de33a.0309040356.6706bdc4@posting.google.com... ... > Time is an issue here because the Ada 2005 process includes really > near deadlines now. Particularly, the first deadline for the standard > container library proposal is the end of this monht (September 2003). > That deadline has something to do with AI302, I'm not sure what and > how exactly, and how exactly the Bases relate to the AI302 > processwise, and in fact I'm hoping people more knowledgeable of this > here on CLA will help here. To clarify this: The end of September deadline is for the submission of issues/proposals from "non-invited" groups. (That is, the general public.) The basic idea is to stop looking at new ideas at that point and start deciding on exactly what will be in the Amendment. There is a secondary deadline of the end of December for "invited" groups -- which means all proposals need to be submitted by then, or there is little chance that they would be included in Ada 200Y. That even includes Tucker. :-) The basic reason for the deadlines is the need to cut off input so that we can really finish a document in the intended timetable. If we got input forever, we'd never really have a chance to finish. In any case, which deadline a particular proposal falls under depends on whether prior arrangements have been made with the ARG. AI-302-01 (Jeffrey Carter's proposal) is essentially complete, so it is obviously on time. (I still have a lot of editing to do on it, but that is not Jeff's fault.) But (complete) alternative proposals would need to be submitted before the appropriate deadline. Randy.