Well I did a commercial Payroll system in my career...I know accounting, inventory management, and just about everything in between, I've dont a lot of industry specific application development. and I'm thinking of doign an OpenSource project :-)....that message on the group made me realize how much it was lacking, but I agree, we need to replace such things as MYOB Accounting or atleast have an equivalent of. We need business management software, stats and probabilities, trend analysis, financial advisory tools, and everything else that can be used in a business. so I'm game. Also done a Point of Sale commercial application which integrated accounting behind the scene. He is right, as much as we do need the people who are updating the kernel, coming up with server apps, programming languages sure that's all good. But I think we equally need business quality solutions. and that does lack....think about it, a lot of databases are available for Linux, but what applications make very good use of these databases? if not by us, by someone else, but that field does need to get covered. In my book :-)... -- St�phane Richard Senior Software and Technology Supervisor http://www.totalweb-inc.com For all your hosting and related needs "David Holm" wrote in message news:20030822005323.2ff66948.david@realityrift.com...