----------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED Call for Participation *** Early registration DEADLINE May 20 *** 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2024) 11-14 June 2024, Barcelona, Spain www.ada-europe.org/conference2024 *** Extensive info and registration online *** *** Add tutorials and/or a workshop to your conference registration *** #AEiC2024 #AdaEurope #AdaProgramming Organized by Ada-Europe and Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), in cooperation with ACM SIGAda, ACM SIGBED, ACM SIGPLAN, and Ada Resource Association (ARA), supported and sponsored by ASCENDER project, Eurocity, Collins Aerospace, ACM-W, BSC Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, AdaCore, Rising STARS project, ACM-W Barcelona Chapter, and OpenMP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *** UPDATE Ada-Europe - AEiC 2024 early registration deadline imminent Come to the Ada-Europe conference in Barcelona, experience a packed program in an exciting town, benefit from tutorials or a hackaton on Tuesday, join a workshop on Friday, enjoy the social events and some sightseeing! Register now: discounted fees until May 20! Extra conference sponsorship allows for an extremely low 10 EUR fee for the AI Hackaton on Tuesday and the Ada Developers Workshop on Friday! See below for an overview, and visit our website for more details about accepted contributions, registration fees, social events and many more. *** General Information The 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2024) will take place in Barcelona, Spain. The conference schedule comprises a keynote and an invited talk, a panel with invited experts, a journal track, an industrial track, a work-in-progress track, a vendor exhibition, parallel tutorials and hackaton, and satellite workshops. There will be time for networking during breaks and lunches, as well as various social events. AEiC 2024 is the latest in a series of annual international conferences started in the early 80's, under the auspices of Ada-Europe, the international organization that promotes knowledge and use of the Ada programming language and reliable software in general, into academic education and research, and industrial practice. The Ada-Europe series of conferences has over the years become a leading international forum for providers, practitioners and researchers in reliable software technologies. These events highlight the increased relevance of Ada in general and in safety- and security-critical systems in particular, and provide a unique opportunity for interaction and collaboration between academics and industrial practitioners. The 2024 edition of the conference continues a number of important innovations started in previous years: - reduced conference registration fee for all authors; - low registration fee for all tutorials and workshops; - journal-based open-access publication model for peer-reviewed papers; - compact program with two core days (Wednesday & Thursday); - tutorials on Tuesday, followed by welcome event for all participants; - workshops on Friday, optional chill event on Thursday evening. *** Overview of the Week - Tue 11: 8 half-day tutorials, full-day hackaton, welcome reception - Wed 12: core technical program, conference banquet - Thu 13: core technical program, post conference chill-out - Fri 17: four full-day workshops Extensive information on AEiC 2024 is on the conference website, such as an overview of the program, the list of accepted papers and presentations, and descriptions of workshops, tutorials, hackaton, keynote and invited presentations, panel, and social events. Also check the conference site for registration, accommodation and travel information. The Final Program brochure will be available there as well. *** Venue The conference will take place in UPC Campus Nord, easily accessible by metro from the airport and city centre. If you can stay over before or after the conference, there's a lot to see around. Check the Practical Information section of the conference website for more info. *** Invited Speakers This year the conference will feature a keynote talk on the first day, and a panel with three invited speakers on the second, plus an invited talk. All will address topics of relevance in the conference scope, with time for questions and answers. - On Wed June 12, a keynote talk by Francisco J. Cazorla and Jaume Abella, from Barcelona Supercomputing Center, who will talk about "Strategies to Build Safety Relevant High-Performance HW/SW Platforms for Critical Embedded Systems". - On Thu June 13, a panel on "AI for Safety-Critical Systems: How 'I' Should the AI be?", moderated by Cristina Seceleanu, Mälardalen University, with three invited experts: Kerstin Bach (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Irune Yarza (Ikerlan), Marta Barroso (Barcelona Supercomputing Center). - And an invited talk by Rosa Maria Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, on "Simplifying the Life-Cycle Management of Complex Application Workflows". *** Conference Core Composition The core conference program features three distinct types of technical presentations, with different duration, in addition to the keynote talk and the pannel session: journal-track talks (25 minutes), industrial-track talks (15 minutes), work-in-progress-track talks (10 minutes). All papers presented in the journal track, the industrial track and the work-in-progress track have undergone peer review. Presentations are combined into by-theme and not by-track sessions, in order that authors and participants alike enjoy all flavors of the program in a mixed as opposed to segregated combination. Papers and Presentations: - 8 sessions with a mix of presentations on specific topics - 13 journal-track talks - 8 work-in-progress reports - 5 industrial presentations and experience reports - submissions from around the world - accepted contributions by authors from Belgium, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA *** Tutorials Eight three-hour tutorials are offered on Tuesday 11th: - "Lock-Free Programming in Ada-2022: Implementing a Work-Stealing Scheduler for Ada-2022's Light-Weight Parallelism", by S. Tucker Taft, AdaCore, USA - "Ada for Business Applications", by Gautier de Montmollin, Ada-Switzerland, Switzerland - "Rust Fundamentals", by Luis Miguel Pinho and Tiago Carvalho, ISEP, Portugal - "Concurrency and Parallelism in Rust", by Luis Miguel Pinho and Tiago Carvalho, ISEP, Portugal - "Modeling Concurrent State Machines in TLA+", by J. Germán Rivera, Tesla, USA - "Introduction to the Development of Safety-Critical Software", by Jean-Pierre Rosen, Adalog, France - "METASAT: Programming High Performance RISC-V Technologies for Space", by Leonidas Kosmidis, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Alejandro Calderon, Ikerlan, Aridane Alvarez Suarez, fentISS, Lorenzo Lazzara, Collins Aerospace, Eckart Göhler, OHB - "Introduction to Certifiable General Purpose GPU Programming for Safety-Critical Systems", by Leonidas Kosmidis, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Rod Burns and Verena Beckham, Codeplay/Intel as well as a "hackaton": - "Optimizing AI-driven Workflows within a Mission-Critical Cyber-Physical System", if you're keen to explore the latest AI techniques for Adaptive Optics applications in giant telescopes with Damien Gratadour, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, France *** Satellite Events Four workshops are held on Friday 14th: - 3rd ADEPT workshop "AADL by its practitioners" - 9th International Workshop on "Challenges and New Approaches for Dependable and Cyber-Physical System Engineering" (DeCPS 2024) - "Enabling the use of AI in Safety-Critical Systems" - "Ada Developers Workshop", an informal yet dynamic gathering for developers in the Ada community to meet, share insights, and present their latest projects or project updates; a full "Ada day" with 9 presentations on various Ada-related topics by 8 authors from 5 countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, and USA. *** Social Program The conference provides several opportunities to socialize: - Each day: coffee breaks and lunches offer ample time for interaction and networking with participants and vendors. - Tuesday early evening: welcome reception at the picturesque gardens of Torre Girona. Guests will be treated to a curated selection of local wines paired with the globally renowned Iberian ham, and an array of delectable appetizers representing the rich culinary heritage of Catalonia and Spain. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to explore the cutting-edge facilities of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and marvel at its latest addition, the Marenostrum V supercomputer, and its predecessor, Marenostrum IV, housed within the historic chapel of Torre Girona. - Wednesday evening: Conference Banquet at the emblematic restaurant "7 portes". Attendees will have the opportunity to savor the finest flavors of the Catalan and Mediterranean cuisines, such as the renowned "Paella Perallada", a masterpice that harmoniously combines semi-dry rice with succulent peeliled shellfish, delectable seafood and tender meats. With a history spanning over 180 years, "7 portes" stands as a witness to the evolution of some of the most illustrious artists of their time, including Pablo Picasso and Antoni Tàpies. Their presence has left an indelible mark, forming a captivating small art gallery within the restaurant's walls, waiting to be discovered by guests. - Thursday evening: Chill event at the Moritz Barcelona Brewery, the brewery of the first beer of Barcelona. The event is divided in three parts: a visit to the brewery, a welcome drink at the Brasserie room, offering an exclusive vantage point overlooking the maceration tanks, and a banquet served within the same Brasserie room, by renowned chef Jordi Vilà, adorned with a Michelin star, promising a gastronomic experience to be savored and remembered. *** Further Information Registration: - registration information is provided at - early registration discount until Monday May 20, 2024 - payment possible by credit card or bank transfer - special low conference fee for authors - discount for Ada-Europe, ACM SIGAda, SIGBED and SIGPLAN members - registration includes coffee breaks, lunches and social events - low tutorial and workshop fees for all participants - strong discount on all fees for students - minimal fee for AI Hackaton and Ada Developers Workshop - see registration page for all details Promotion: - recommended Twitter hashtags: #AEiC2024 #AdaEurope #AdaProgramming The conference is organized by: - Ada-Europe - Barcelona Supercomputing Center in cooperation with: - ACM SIGAda - ACM SIGBED - ACM SIGPLAN - Ada Resource Association (ARA) supported and sponsored by: - ASCENDER project: - Eurocity - Collins Aerospace - ACM-W - BSC Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence - AdaCore - Rising STARS project - ACM-W Barcelona Chapter - OpenMP Please make sure you book accommodation as soon as possible. For more info and latest updates see the conference website at . We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona in June 2024! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. Please circulate widely. Dirk Craeynest, AEiC 2024 Publicity Chair Dirk.Craeynest@cs.kuleuven.be * 28th Ada-Europe Int. Conf. Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2024) * June 11-14, 2024, Barcelona, Spain, www.ada-europe.org/conference2024 (V8.1)