M�rio Amado Alves wrote in message ... >"Is there no way a generic type parameter can have a default value ?" >(LK) > >"Not a *type* parameter, no. Perhaps this is something that should be >looked at for the next Ada revision?" (TED) > >Hmmm... This is the essence of a previous thread initiated by myself on >'types as objects', which, if I remember correctly, lead to reflexion >with an example from an ASIS application. The subject dropped silently >then, so I should guess no, it will not make it into the next Ada >revision. Supporting default parameters for generic types would be (I think) a whole lot simpler than 'types as objects'. Ada has default parameters for generic subprogram parameters, why not types? Something like: type Count is (<>) use Natural; seems like it would work. Probably worth thinking about a bit. (Warning: I have made no effort to think about the ramifications of this idea!!) Randy.