I would add a small symbol however :-). 100% Ada = 0% Bugs ?? ;-) -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com "Robert I. Eachus" wrote in message news:3F95475C.2010004@comcast.net... > Marius Amado Alves wrote: "100% Ada, 0 bugs." > > If you don't intend to copyright that, look for it to show up as my next > .sig. No smilely. That is the campaign that Ada needs. We could argue > details like "0 bugs" vs. "no bugs" vs. "zero bugs." but that is a > minor detail. > > -- > Robert I. Eachus > > "Quality is the Buddha. Quality is scientific reality. Quality is the > goal of Art. It remains to work these concepts into a practical, > down-to-earth context, and for this there is nothing more practical or > down-to-earth than what I have been talking about all along...the repair > of an old motorcycle." -- from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle > Maintenance by Robert Pirsig >