In article <9ssu29$150jnq$>, Nick Roberts says... >I actually intended the 'horrible' choice of an array where the first list >item is stored in the first element of the array, the second in the second, That's what I was initially thinking too. >Possibly we need a different nomenclature, e.g. Bounded_List for the classic >implementation, and maybe Bounded_Vector for the na�ve? Or Packed_List? Precisely. This gets back to the issue of how we want to approach the other packages. Should there be a "Lists.Bounded" that has all the same attributes as Unbounded, or should we instead redesign things a bit around what can be done better with a bounded structure, which would be something like a circular queue or a STL-style "vector"? If we were to do the latter, then we would probably not want to stick with the bounded/unbounded nomenclature, because that implies a certian consistency that isn't there. --- T.E.D. homepage - No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.