"Pascal Obry" a �crit dans le message news: upua8tadu.fsf@wanadoo.fr... > I agree. The trouble is that again the equation is not fair. > Java = SUN > Ada = ACT, Aonix, Rational... You forget there was a big fight between Microsoft and Sun about Java and things are not as simple as you say Anyway there is nothing about being fair or not. Developpers need tools, they have to choose the right ones, not being kind with one company or the other, whatever it is, Microsoft, Sun, Aonix, Rational, ACT, or whatever you want. > It is always easier to be the only driver :) One of JCP faq is : Q: What prevents Sun from controlling or dominating the groups that develop and maintain Java specifications? well that's not as simple as that, but at least they understood that was their only chance against Microsoft.