"Stephen Leake" a �crit dans le message news: uitg1gmzi.fsf@gsfc.nasa.gov... > All of the code in the GNU project is contributed either by > volunteers, or by companies being paid to produce GNU code (ACT, > RedHat). Volunteers do what they want; companies do what they are paid > for. Yes, that's a well known situation. I don't see how it is related with what we were talking about. > If you offer to pay money to ACT to maintain GNAT.Regexp in a way > that is compatible with Rational, they might consider it. If a large > number of people make the same offer, they will definitely consider > it. I don't need GNAT.Regexp ... > On the other hand, if you port GNAT.Regexp once to Rational.Regexp, > you are under no obligation to track future GNAT changes. You are also > free to submit it as a GNU library, so others can use it. Thanks I was aware of that :-) But that has nothing to do with what we were talking about ... Availability of standard libraries, independant of compilers and platforms, as a requirement for Ada to be a viable solution a few years from now.