"Simon Wright" a �crit dans le message de news: x7vd6kdx3n1.fsf@smaug.pushface.org... > martin.dowie@baesystems.com (Martin Dowie) writes: > > > I'm looking for a utility that is almost the opposite of gnatchop. I > > have a large number of packages each with a large number of > > separates. I would like to re-combine them such that there is only > > one file per package body. > > I don't know if J-P.R's adasubst/adadep at > http://www.adalog.fr/compo2.htm#Semtools would do the job? Not exactly. These tools are intended to help in reorganizing projects, typically when you break a package into a parent and various child units. It will automatically make the necessary changes into all clients of the package. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr