*laughing pathetically* would you believe I didn't know you were the author of Grace until this post? Haven't paid attention on the website as to who it belonged to and from your post I didn't get that it was yours. *kicks himself in the (_|_) a couple times more* ;-). I haven't looked at the code however either. I'm sure then I would have recognized you and your high code quality :-). -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com "Stephen Leake" wrote in message news:u4qxuei06.fsf@nasa.gov... > I've made a new release of Grace, _the_ community Ada library :). > Config_Files has been improved. See > http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/grace/. > > > In the context of the long-lasting "yet another Ada library" thread, > remember all the discussion a couple years ago about Grace? How many > people have contributed? Two. > > If we do get a community library going, let's at least use the name > Grace (for Grace Hopper), and not CAL or whatever. > > -- > -- Stephe