Hello! I'm trying to make an interface to a c-dll that connects to an OPC-server (WTclient.dll) It wants a pointer to a procedure, which I can provide with an access value to a procedure in a protected object. The problem is, how can I stop the console application and wait for callbacks? I can, by debuging the dll and the opc-server, see that it calls the callback procedure, but only sometimes the ada code responds. I tried establishing the callback, and then have the main task hang on a protected entry whose guard is released by the callback, but no luck. I also tried having a task watch for the callback, but no luck. I also dribbeled with having the guard a global varable, in another protected object, in the same protected object as the waiting entry, but still no luck. I should say that i get the callbacks occationly, but just about every 30th time I run the program. It seems to me that the callback doesn't get cpu-time most of times? Lately, i threw in a pragma Interrupt_priority in the protected object, but still no luck? Anyone with suggetions/pointers? /Bj�rn