"Petter Fryklund" wrote in message news:63bee5dc-51c0-4092-8e46-69e0301f1427@googlegroups.com... ... >I don't think the U2200 is weird, it is or was actually a very nice >machine. Well, the actual machine code is very weird; it was weird enough that they provided our project with a guy whose main job was to figure out what was happening at the lowest level and feed it back to the rest of us working in the "normal" world. >Unfortunately most of the Unisys Linköping people where kicked out >before we could try Ada, but we where very interested in it then. I for a >while maintained the local releases of COBOL before going in to >performance analysis and cache-disk simulations. So far as I know, no one ever used the Ada 95 compiler we built for Unisys. (I hope not, 'cause we never got paid for one. :-) It was a lot harder project than we predicted and it didn't get done fast enough for the prospective customers. A very interesting project, though. >Is there any U2200 out there? comp.sys.unisys talks a lot about virtual >ones. Dunno. I haven't heard from any of that group in many years. Randy.