"Stéphane Rivière" wrote in message news:pcs570$jp2$1@gioia.aioe.org... > Patrick, > > If you search for similar old Ada 83 and Ada 95 sources, I have 2,2 Go of > (compressed) "Ada Documentation, information and source code organized by > Richard Conn" who is the author of PAL... > > Thoses datas come from the "Walnut Creek CDROM company" with "a catalog of > PAL, including 1200 pages covering the 2 CDROM set"... > > It was the... Ada CDROM November 1994 edition... > > I can put it on the web the next weekend, if you need this... This (the last Walnut Creek CD set) has been available on Dirk's site and in the AdaIC archives for many years, so putting it up again is rather a waste of time. The link on the AdaIC site is: http://archive.adaic.com/ase/index.html Randy Brukardt.