"Gerhard H�ring" wrote in message news:3A58AFF3.C67CAB11@bigfoot.de... > Yes, but how does this have anything to do with Microsoft .NET? > Interfacing different languages via a message queue thru stdin/stdout? I > do not understand how you can compare that with Microsoft's .NET > technology. The core of .NET is the Common Language Runtime, and there > is already a competitor for this: it's called the Java platform :-) > Please elaborate on how you plan to implement a .NET equivalent. This looks really dumb (or is it just me?) why can't you use the commands with out giveing them to some server? is this a really dodgy multi threading with out multi threadding?(sort of the art of fighting with out fighting? :) also what is this .net crud that is the "new" buzzword.. some one mentioned it.. and I can't remember what he said :) some thing about a new message que to replace interprocess communications or some thing? but it's for multi computers or some thing?