wrote in message news:1b5ff139-fc0d-4c36-8298-2cde80ecc70e@googlegroups.com... Le jeudi 8 juin 2017 03:04:56 UTC+2, Randy Brukardt a écrit : ... >> pragma Profile (No_Implementation_Extensions); > >Thank you Randy for the update. >This is my first contact with Ada 2012, as I am out of the programming >field since 2007. >I plan to read this week-end some overview to discover the gems of Ada >2012. You have lots of reading ahead!! Another item that would help for this sort of thing is pragma Restrictions (No_Dependence, ); which prevents any use of the named package (which doesn't actually have to exist anywhere). For instance, pragma Restrictions (No_Dependence, GNAT); prevents any use of package GNAT or any of its children in your program. (Which will get rid of a lot of GNAT-defined facilities.) In your case, one can use it to prevent using various locally defined packages that might not be portable. Randy.