"Preben Randhol" wrote > You say a small package. Did you also make a main program? ------------------------------------------------------------- If I failed something like that (wich seems very likely) then I think I am not prepared yet to start compiling examples. I have to find time for keep reading the docu I have downloaded, cause I am missing something (a lot actually). Although I'm very satisfied with what I've seen about the language implementation, so far. My code example is that one (totoloto is some form of loto and chave is the group of balls extracted - just forget any non-sense of the design) I only wrote two very simple files totoloto.ads and totoloto.adb like this: totoloto.ads -------------------------------- package Totoloto is Ultima_Bola : Integer := 49; --last ball number Numero_Bolas_Chave : Integer := 7; --number of balls normally extracted type Chave is array (1 .. 7) of Integer; function Sorteia_Chave return Chave; end Totoloto; -------------------------------- totoloto.adb -------------------------------- with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; package body Totoloto is Chave2: Chave; function Sorteia_Chave return Chave is -- extracts some balls Chave1: Chave; begin Chave1(1):=6; Chave1(2):=32; return Chave1; end Sorteia_Chave; begin -- I suposed that was the main progam ! Chave2:= Sorteia_Chave; Ada.Integer_Text_Io.Put(Chave2(1),Chave2(2)); --print 2 extracted balls end Totoloto; ------------------------------------------------ building... "totoloto.ali" being checked ... End of compilation Completed sucessfully. (and nothing more) Jo�o Dias