"Michael Erdmann" a �crit dans le message de news:un82u-4kb.ln1@boavista.snafu.de... [SNIP] > Does any body know, what this loop causes?! I am not sure > if this is a bug or simply i missed the point. > You missed the point :-) Serialize is a general entry point, which dispatches to Write. If you call it again from Write, it will redispatch to Write, hence the loop. Now do you think that Write of B is really Serialize of A, plus something else? Isn't it *Write* of A, plus something else? If you change your package to package body B is procedure Write( This : in Object ) is begin A.Write( A.Object( This ) ); Put_Line( "Q =" & Natural'Image(This.Q)); end Write; end B; It will be OK. Oh, by the way, why do you need Serialize at all? Since all it does is call Write, why don't you call Write directly? -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr