On 26-Jun-01 Frank wrote: > Mike Nowak and I have had the following e-mails (added to this posting) > regarding my issue Subject: "Simple Producer/Consumer with Annex E" on > 19.jun-2001 in this newsgroup. > > It seems to us that the files that are added here > works for Mike Nowak and not for me. Nowak has rewritten my example slightly > (as described in the emails), he has not added a Makefile, but use mine as > the source code of the original problem is added to this email also. > > He has a RedHat 6.0 and I have RedHat 6.2 (versions og gnat's speciefied in > emails) > Could anyone try this source code on other configurations of Ada? > (Unless you see the problem of course :-) > Hi, sorry for not answering earlier. I�ve tried the code of your first mail, added the delay too and removed the "gtkada"-option too and the problem persisted -- then I put it aside to take a closer look later when I have more time (just wait until I�m 65 :-)) ). So the situation now is: it doesn�t work (the "124" doesn�t show up) and I don�t know why. I�m using SuSE 7.1 (Kernel 2.4.2-suse) and the ALT-packages: gnat Version: 3.13p Release: 5 gnat-3.13p-runtime Version: 1 Release: 5 gnat-glade Version: 3.13p Release: 5 Wilhelm