On 19-Jun-01 Carsten Freining wrote: > That is something, where Professor Winkler has another opinion. Talkng about > a Program, the 'Underscore' is a problem. Telling somebody that Integer > 'Underscore' Access 'Underscore' Type is more confusing. So he set the rule, > that the Names in the program should be without the 'underscore'. It makes > the Program a little less readable, but better 'talkable' what is for > Exercises or courses a little better to work with. I think this is a problem depending on the language used to build the variable names. In english you can simply say "Integer Access Type" without mentioning underscores -- this will not cause any problems. The rule to put underscores between words _is_ confusing using languages like german (or AFAIK swedish): Some people will write "Programming_Language" as "Programmiersprache" and some will write "Programmier_Sprache" -- the first one is a correct german word (containing two words) and the second one has underscores between the words (in swedish "Programspr�k" or "Program_Spr�k"). Personally, I like to replace blanks and hyphens by underscores but never put additional underscores into the variable name. So we have something in common as far as "Programmiersprache" is concerned -- but I wouldn�t write "BesteProgrammierSprache" or "Beste_Programmier_Sprache" but "Beste_Programmiersprache". Wilhelm