-- if I add �use Setup;� in the Start procedure it -- works. Why do I have to do this? Is there a -- different way without using use. I�m just asking to - understand how this works with enumarated types This error is to do with the visibility of 'free' functions (i.e. functions that are declared implicitly on definition of a type), e.g. '=', '/=' etc. These functions have the same visibility rules as other sub-programs declared in a package. These rule apply regardless of the type of the type (if you see what I mean). Ways of avoiding 'use'*: 1. 'use type package.typename' 2. function '=' renames examiner.'=' Hope this helps, Hambut * Don't try and type these in as they probably won't work - I haven't checked the syntax. Hopefully they'll give a pointer. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals http://personals.yahoo.com