Here's my experience on Binding Ada and C++ (this doesn't talk about Binding Ada to C which is much more natural). My experience comes from Ada and the Pascal/Delphi worlds (Ada being in essense a superset of Pascal/ObjectPascal I believe it can apply here as experience)..:-). If FLTK is as streamlined as it seems to be (yes I've been to their webstie and downloaded and been studying it a bit so that I can at least look like I know what I'm talking about hehehe....) It would be like trying to bind Ada to wxWindows (another GUI). My advice is you'd be better off porting the library rather than binding to it. C++ in it's OOP paradigm and different tecniques and language features work differently than ada (or pascal) would when dealing with events, tasks and threading, they all can do it, but they address these issues differently by definition. If the CodeBase to FLTK isn't too big for you, I would advice porting it to Ada instead of binding Ata to FLTK. IT is of course my humble advice, don't take it as the 11th commandment. But it is what I would do. I call upon the Oracle of Ada knowledgable people here to flame me badly and torture me if I have said blasphemis in suggesting to Port FLTK rather than Binding it. :-) -- St�phane Richard Senior Software and Technology Supervisor For all your hosting and related needs "Adrian Knoth" wrote in message > Preben Randhol wrote: > > >> Has anyone here played with FLTK? > > No and I never will. > > Good point. It's like women, you don't need hundreds of good friends, > you only need a real relationship (girlfriend). > > > >> Any opinions on it? > > There are a ton of different GUI toolsets out there. The problem is that > > most are half hearted attempts and some die out as they do not get used. > > ... and one is lacking this feature, the other that and so on. > I'm thinking of a X11-based drag&drop-protocol, i.e. a pointer to > memory which contains the "shared" data. But I'm actually not quite > sure how this could be done for remote-applications. > > Being part of the core X-protocol drag&drop would be possible between > different widgets and there would be no need for huge environment-libs > like kdelibs or gnomelibs. > > Does M$-Windows has such a centralized drag&drop-functionality? > > >> Any suggestions? > > Use GtkAda. > > ACK. > > It does the job well, it is portable, it is widely used. Perhaps it's > the only Ada-GUI worth thinking about. > > Like always, there is so much rubbish out there. It should all be cleaned > away and concentrated work should be done for the remaining usable code :) > > > -- > mail: PGP: v2-key via keyserver > > Wem nicht zu helfen ist, ist vielleicht zu schaden!