hreba writes: > On 04/10/2017 11:47 AM, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote: >> >> You also seem confuse project to build and project to use a library. >> They are not same! For a bindings library you need both. >> > > I don't understand that. If you're building a library project, you have to specify all sorts of things - particularly the compiler options, but you might for example have multiple source directories. Once the project has been built, this sort of thing isn't needed, you can use a different GPR to present just what's needed to use the library. Indeed, you can write an externally-built library GPR for a completely external library. If you're going to install the built library, the tool gprinstall knows what to do and will generate the necessary externally-built library GPR for you. But if you don't want to install the built library, your projects can just use the GPR you used for building it. I'm not quite sure what to do when using a two-layer library like your GSL binding! You can see a Makefile and GPR (complicated, I know) at . The resulting installed GPR is