Hi all, The next Ada Conference UK 2009 (March 24, in London), is to highlight the increased relevance of Ada in safety-and security-critical programming. Software reliability and conformance are the Ada's raison d'�tre and the main objectives of software engineering. Base on that, safety engineering is focusing on the global system vision (e.g.: unforeseen interactions of reliable sub-systems, modifications to the system, changes to the operational environment.) About safety, does Ada need to still evolve, or engineers being more responsible? The SPARK Ada enhancement was recently brought to our attention, (from an open-source mini demonstrating project named Tokeneer). Based on a subset of Ada, SPARK code "should be correct by virtue of the techniques used in its construction". Tookeneer might, but not iFACTS (a medium term flight conflict detection system "scheduled for delivery by Dec-07, re-approved by the NATS Board in January 2008, with a revised cost, delivery and benefits profile". ("re-planned again for 2009, and now with an optimised schedule of Winter 2010"). In regards to the Tokeneer mini-project findings, were the safety critical iFACTS project's delays and deficiencies predictable? That should be one of the main Ada Conference safety concerns. (Tookeneer and SPARK are both in the Ada conference program, but not iFACTS yet!). Cheers, Michael