Le Fri, 26 Jul 2013 20:42:21 +0200, Yannick Duchêne (Hibou57) a écrit: > Would be nice if there were some explanation somewhere, about how the RM > choose to assign their signification to Item and Element. Whether the > thing is named from the point of view of whom send or whom receive the > thing, is probably important too. You hardly follow a convention if you > don't understand it :-D "component" has a formal definition in Ada (3.2(2)); as do "subcomponent" and (unfortunately) "part". OTOH, "element" and "item" are just used in one of the predefined packages, which is a much more informal usage. You can find this out by looking in the index of the LRM; terms that have definitions are indexed to those definitions. While "component" is indexed to 3.2(2), "element" is just indexed to the containers and to storage pools (not a general term), and "item" doesn't appear at all. (It is only used in it's English sense.) Summary: You can try too hard to make sense of a pattern when there isn't any. :-) Randy.