"Yannick Duch�ne (Hibou57)" wrote in message news:op.wwqiolpeule2fv@cardamome... >Le Tue, 07 May 2013 23:03:17 +0200, Jacob Sparre Andersen news > a �crit: ... >> Moreover, the use of access parameters and SAOAATs should be avoided > >What is "SAOAATs"? A Baird-ism that the ARG has adopted: "Stand-Alone Object of an Anonymous Access Type". There's no shorter way to refer to it (I did write it out at the beginning of my message, but I wan't going to repeat that over and over ...) >> unless you really need dynamic accessibility. >What I'm trying to achieve, is to have access to the object storage >designated by the access, while preventing manipulation (including copying >at any life-time scope) of this access value, only dereference. The only >way I know to achieve this, is by passing `Element.all` to an >out/in-out/in parameter of a callback, but I would like to avoid control >inversion (this breaks the flow). My point was that you get the static checks you want so long as no access parameters and SAOAATs exist in your program. (They're accessibility checks, but are required to be made at compile-time.) You could use AdaControl or even restrictions pragmas to enforce that. That's probably better than trying to "roll-your-own" checks. OTOH, the strategy you laid out after the above quote might be better for other reasons. Randy.