Will do, I've heard about Adahome not being updated dead links and the likes...sorta my inspiration for my new site :-) -- St�phane Richard Senior Software and Technology Supervisor http://www.totalweb-inc.com For all your hosting and related needs "Jeffrey Creem" wrote in message news:m2v%a.131363$It4.52988@rwcrnsc51.ops.asp.att.net... > > "Stephane Richard" wrote in message > news:k6t%a.501$Ck2.286@nwrdny03.gnilink.net... > > have a complete list of Ada Stuff :-). So if you guys could, give me a > few > > suggestions as to what the site could have without any (or minimal) > > conflicts of contents with the already popular website....sso that users > > have a possibly different reasont o visit my website. as well as the > > existing ones :-) > > > > > > Something that would be nice would be the ability to have outsiders post > package abstracts and links semi-automatically. Something like > a freshmeat.net directory for Ada only would be useful. > > > Make sure not to link (at least via a real link) to www . ada home . com > > Since google includes in its site weight scores how many people link to a > site. > >