"Yannick Duch�ne (Hibou57)" wrote in message news:op.wdeqz6wkule2fv@douda-yannick... Le Fri, 27 Apr 2012 01:50:07 +0200, Randy Brukardt a �crit: >> I tried to suggest making objects overloadable >I'm not sure to see. Objects of the same name with different types in the >same declaration list? > > E : Cat_Type; > E : Rabbit_Type; > >? I don't think I went that far, but they would be overloadable for the purposes of resolution. So you would not get a conflict if those two objects were declared in different packages made visible by use-clauses. This is essentially the idea that you (was it you?) have talked about about making functions and constants work the same. It wouldn't make sense to do that for *only* constants (changing something from a constant to a variable shouldn't break any uses!), but it could make sense for all objects. >> Probably this would have to wait for Ada-prime (or perhaps Bob Duff's >> language :-). >He did design one? Where can we read about? I think it's only in his head. He mentions it here from time-to-time. Randy.