"Yannick Duch�ne (Hibou57)" wrote in message news:op.v91cleyiule2fv@douda-yannick... >Here is a quote, I'm curious to read comments about (may be from Randy ?) > >> According to Andrew Appel, "Part of Leroy's achievement is that he >> makes it look like it's not so difficult after all: now that he's >> found the right architecture for building verified compilers, >> everyone will know how to do it." >Quote source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compcert > >What do you think of this sentence, "now that he's found the right >architecture for building verified compilers, everyone will know how to do >it?" Why would anyone want to do it? This is *not* a problem area in compilers (at least in my experience). When we introduced an intermediate code to separate semantics from optimization from code generation, one of the unexpected benefits was that code generation bugs dropped to almost none. The intermediate code is far simpler than Ada (or any other high-level language), and it is thus easy to translate correctly. Bugs come from incorrectly converting semantics (which could not be "verified" unless a formal description of the source language exists, and that has proven too hard to do for any real programming language - "a subset of C" not counting as such a language!). And most of all from optimizations; perhaps an optimizer could be formally verified but I suspect doing so would take 3 times as much work as fixing the bugs as they're found. In any case, no one is going to run out and totally rebuild their compiler because someone has found a supposedly "better" architecture for it. There were many such better architectures when I started out (supposely everything was going to be table-driven and automatically generated), and they're all long gone. No reason to assume that anything is different here. Randy.