When a so called expert loses their cool and use bad language they lose their creditability in any court or discussion. So there is no need for anyone to lean a hand of aid or support. Plus, for those people who would speak in behalf, why would they speak here now and become targets for bulling by the others who do not agree with my speech. Of course most who were voicing their opinion were just upset because I was questioning the wisdom their Gods aka the ARG. And the courts also do not favor those who just blindly follow a group like ARG without questioning the groups wisdom from time to time. Or a group that does not accept criticism from the outside. And especially those groups that do not accept and truly evaluate input from that their community. If the ARG accepted input then it would be posted on a website for all to read and comment on that input. That way the ARG could judge the community desire for that request. It also seams that you did not do your homework there are a few that support my posts in the newsgroup. Some even tried to help in prior posts, when a guy was cutting me down for what I saying. Then about three to six month later wikileaks shows up and verified what I was saying. As a final word on this subject for now is what you should of done was ask a question instead of cutting some one down. That way it could be resolve in a tactful way that other could see that the ARG as a group listen to the Ada community and their concerns for the future of Ada. In , "J-P. Rosen" writes: >Le 30/11/2011 12:06, anon@att.net a �crit : >> I choose not to when "J-P. Rosen" basically called me a lier and worst >> with the usage of "FUD". And cutting down does not make what I say >> wrong it just means that you have no logical answer that would stand >> up in court. >> >In court I don't know (although courts generally use well recognized >experts, should the case happen, I bet they would get someone from the >ARG), but at least there is not a single post of yours that got support >from anyone else in this newsgroup. > >-- >--------------------------------------------------------- > J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) >Adalog a d�m�nag� / Adalog has moved: >2 rue du Docteur Lombard, 92441 Issy-les-Moulineaux CEDEX >Tel: +33 1 45 29 21 52, Fax: +33 1 45 29 25 00