"Baptiste Fouques" wrote in message news:26839fca-37be-4c24-bb04-57fb527e8b66@s2g2000vby.googlegroups.com... >Hi all, > >I am looking for a referenced list of errors whose detection is >required by the Ada Standard. (either 95 or 2005). > >The RM, �1.1.3 is clear on the point that compliant compiler is >required to detect every error specified in the standard (RM, that >is). The next chapter in the RM gives a classification of errors, >mainly by the detection point, and the expected behaviour after the >detection. > >Then, all over the RM chapters, there is the specification of expected >checks at any relevant point. By the way, those checks are not linked >to the error classification. > >I am looking for a single list of those checks. > >Given this list, it is easy to demonstrate that no other tool than a >compliant compiler is required to prove the absence of given type of >errors (depending on the list). I can't find such a list. > >If you know where I can find this list, please give me the link ... So far as I know, no such list exists. It would be helpful in verifying the coverage (or lack thereof) of the ACATS test suite. [Which, BTW, is a redundancy: the "TS" in ACATS stands for "Test Suite"; but if I just write "ACATS" half of the people don't know what I mean.] Probably the closest thing that exists is the Test Objective spreadsheets that I created for the Ada 2005 test suite, in order to gauge coverage. Those list all of the objectives for particular sections, which include checks (both compile-time and run-time) that need to be tested. But those only cover a small fraction of the language (about 12% of the core) - there hasn't been enough time or money to do more. You can find those objectives at http://www.ada-auth.org/acats.html -- look for the link to "Test Objective Files" at the very bottom of the page. [There are newer versions of these files that have never been posted - ask if you want the newer versions.] Note that what you are asking for is a *very* long list. For Ada 2005, I have objectives created for 36 clauses out of 292 core clauses. This resulted in 875 total objectives. Extrapolating over the entire standard, that would result in 7100 objectives for the core alone (for Ada 2012, there are 468 clauses, giving an estimate of 11,300 objectives for the entire standard). Not all of these objectives relate to "checks" of course, but a large fraction do (most of rest relate to run-time semantics, for instance checking that the correct limb of a case statement is selected). Randy. Thanks.