In article <9hq5q2$85f$>, Jean-Pierre Rosen says... > > >"Ted Dennison" a �crit dans le message news: jI_%6.4357$ >> I tried at one point to use gprof on WinNT, but was unable to get any useful >> results. If you have better luck, I'd love to hear how you did it. >> >I forgot to mention that I tried it also under Linux, with the same problem. >So I think it is a real issue with gprof, not something >specific to Win-whatever. Well, your problem sounds suspciously close to what I was getting. I've never tried gprof anywhere else, so its quite possible that my problems were "pilot error". But I have used several other profilers, so I *ought* to have been able to figure it out. --- T.E.D. homepage - home email -