"Yannick Duch�ne (Hibou57)" wrote in message news:op.vw7rxjtgule2fv@douda-yannick... >Just out of curiosity as much as because this may be worth to discuss it >to some (at least because there are some reflex with that) : how many of >your typically compile releases with runtime check and how many of you >typically compile releases without runtime check ? Janus/Ada is released with checking off. That was because the compiler with checking on was too large for typical machines back in the day, and there are various reasons that it is best to keep this the same going forward. OTOH, all of the beta releases of Janus/Ada are with checking all. All of RRS's other programs and my other programs are released/used with checking on. Modern Ada compilers do a very good job of removing extra checks, and it is very rare that I have seen a case where it is worth the effort to suppress them. For things like the AdaIC search engine, it's many times better to have the protection of the checks in case there is some bug (out-of-range, null pointer deref, etc.) in the code -- with checking on, such bugs have no effect than causing a denial-of-service to the caller; with checking off, who knows what could happen? I personally believe in the seatbelt analogy: "turning off checks in released software is like using seatbelts in the driveway and then taking them off when you reach the highway". For me, this also applies to assertions and contracts as well -- I only turn these things off if they are tremendously expensive (in which case I usually remove them permanently). I know there are others (like Bob Duff) who think this analogy is silly. Randy.