"Yannick Duch�ne (Hibou57)" wrote in message news:op.vpodylunule2fv@garhos... Le Fri, 21 Jan 2011 20:55:22 +0100, Jeffrey Carter a �crit: >> 2. Protected functions can return indefinite types with actual values >> determined by the function; task entries are constrained to the size of >> objects provided by the caller. >Ah, I see. There is indeed nothing like a real function with tasks, and >will not allocate on the caller's stack. >But there is still room to return a reference to some dynamically >allocated memory, even indirectly, or no ? (I do not see anything which >would prohibit this, although I did not try it) Right, but remember that the storage pool from which allocated memory comes is a global object that requires synchronization. So if you use that sort of solution, you have done nothing to solve the synchronization problem (you may have moved it to the storage pool, but it is still there). Randy.