"Yannick Duch�ne (Hibou57)" wrote in message news:op.vpivpijoule2fv@garhos... Le Tue, 18 Jan 2011 13:42:55 +0100, Peter C. Chapin a �crit: >> particular style we've agreed to just follow what gnatpp does. >> ... >> I agree with Adam that sometimes the results are less than optimal and >> certainly not as good as *I* would do on my own. :) >I've noticed sometime GNATPP formating is ugly, especially with renaming >declarations (automated pretty-printing is not as easy as it may looks to >be). I'll second that. We created a pretty-printer for Janus/Ada years ago with the idea of using it to put all of our code into a common style. The results were not very pleasing and we never ended up using it. We still provide it to customers, but I don't think many are using it, as I've not had much luck using it. Once (not that long ago) I found that it made a complete mess out of task type declarations - it turned out they'd never been implemented at all. You'd think someone would report such things if they cared... Randy. -- Si les chats miaulent et font autant de vocalises bizarres, c'est pas pour les chiens. "I am fluent in ASCII" [Warren 2010]